Home Learning 9.06.20


Online Letters and Sounds lessons.


Watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your chosen sound and then complete 5 spellings-  3 words that include today’s focus sound and 2 that contain the revision sound from your previous lesson.

I have also been using the Jolly Phonics songs to help with sound recognition, you can watch the video and join in with the actions.

Play Pick a Picture.

Year 1

Year 1 children should be working on filling any gaps in sound recognition by watching Mr Thorne does phonics and by joining in with this Phonics song.

Then complete 5 spellings- 3 words that include today’s focus sound and 2 that contain the revision sound from your previous lesson.

Have a go at Planetary Plurals.



This week’s Literacy work will based on the story Sidney Spider- A Tale of Friendship.

Sidney Spider- A tale of friendship

Read the story together and then for today’s activity use page 12 identifying hiding spots. Year 1 should also have a look at page 11 and add in the capital letters and full stops in the correct places.



We are continuing with weight today. A lot of the learning that takes place in reception is play based and exploratory and is about children using mathematical vocabulary naturally as they play. They should also be creating their own ideas to test out.

For today’s activity fill a bowl/bath/paddling pool with water and test out items that can sink or float. Encourage your child to predict what they think will float or sink and explain why. Can they use language related to weight such as lighter, heavier? A common misconception when learning about weight is that small objects are the lightest and large objects are the heaviest. Try and find items that are small but heavy and large but light to test out as well.

Why not have a go at this heavy and light activity afterwards:

Heavy and Light Cut and Paste Sorting Activity

Year 1

Watch Numberblocks to begin today’s learning.

Use this website to build a number between 20 and 100. Ask your child to write down either a number that is greater than or less than your number. To further challenge your child ask them to write a sentence using the inequality symbols to describe their comparison.

You can then have a look at the presentation for this week by going through day 2. This is optional.


Today’s activity is attached below:

★☆☆ – (Page 1 & 2) –  Children will compare numbers represented as counters in a place value grid using more than, less than and equal to. They will progress to comparing numbers in the abstract form.

★★☆- (Page 3 & 4) –up to 2 Children will compare numbers represented as counters in a place value grid using inequality signs. They will progress to comparing numbers in the abstract form and complete comparison statements to make them true.

★★★ – (Page 5 – 7) –  Children will compare numbers represented as counters in a place value grid using inequality signs and complete place value grids to make the comparison true. They will progress to comparing numbers in the abstract form and complete comparison statements to make them true.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Compare numbers (2)

I have also attached the White Rose learning for this week which is looking at counting in multiples. This is an optional activity to complete and can always be completed at a later time.

Lesson 2 Count in 5s 2019


Our RE focus this term is why we should care for the world around us.

We are going to begin this focus by looking at how we treat other people around us. Read The Good Samaritan and discuss it together. There are some optional activities attached as well.

You may also like to have a look at the Spirited Arts competition this year. There are three themes but theme 1 would tie in very well with our focus this term.

Home Learning 8.06.20


Online Letters and Sounds lessons.


From the feedback that I have received from the phonics assessments and from teaching in school this week I would recommend focusing on the digraphs (2 letters that make one sound) and trigraphs (three letters that make one sound). Particularly reading them in words and being able to identify them when segmenting for spelling.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your chosen sound and then complete 5 spellings- 3 3 words that include today’s focus sound and 2 that contain the revision sound from your previous lesson.

I have also been using the Jolly Phonics songs to help with sound recognition, you can watch the video and join in with the actions.

To help with the writing section of phonics you can adapt the Miss Pullinger sound river game. Get children to sing the song, ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can we cross your sound river?’ But then respond by saying ‘Only if you can spell…’ and give them a word containing phase three sounds. You can support them to segment the word and encourage them by asking what 2/3 letters make that sound if they are struggling.

Year 1

Year 1 children should be working on filling any gaps in sound recognition by watching Mr Thorne does phonics and by joining in with this Phonics song.

To help with the writing section of phonics you can adapt the Miss Pullinger sound river game. Get children to sing the song, ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can we cross your sound river?’ But then respond by saying ‘Only if you can spell…’ and give them a word containing the sounds they need to focus on. You can support them to segment the word and encourage them by asking what 2/3 letters make that sound if they are struggling.



This week’s Literacy work will based on the story Sidney Spider- A Tale of Friendship.

Sidney Spider- A tale of friendship

Read the story together and then for today’s activity use pages 5, 6 and 8 to develop your child’s comprehension skills.



We are continuing to learn about different forms of measurement this week but we are moving onto weight.

Go through this Post Office powerpoint which looks at identifying heavier objects. Then ask your child to be a human scale. Ask them to pick up an item in one hand and then another item in their other hand. Which is heavier? Which is lighter? Can they find items that they think would be heavier/lighter than their first object and test them?


For an additional challenge I have the year 1 White Rose home learning for weight. There is an accompanying video and worksheet.


Look at the video for Lesson 4- Introduce weight and mass.


Year 1

Year 1 are continuing with their learning of numbers to 100 this week.

Watch Numberblocks to begin today’s learning.

You can then have a look at the presentation for this week by going through day 1. This is optional.


I have attached today’s activity below. Select two number cards on page 3 and ask your child to compare them using the stem sentences on page 4. They can begin by saying more than and less than but should then progress to using the inequality signs, < and >. Children can build the numbers by drawing them using a stick to represent a ten and dots to represent the ones. Alternatively they could use straws/sticks for the tens and cubes/counters for the ones.

Year 1 – PRACTICAL – Compare numbers (2)

There is also an additional activity for them to have a go at if they are confident.

Year 1 – ACTIVITY – Compare numbers

I have also attached the White Rose learning for this week which is looking at counting in multiples. This is an optional activity to complete and can always be completed at a later time.

Lesson 1 Count in 2s 2019


Our Science topic this term is growing and changes. This week we are looking at what’s growing in our gardens. You could watch this episode of Mr Tumble to get you started.

Show children a selection of vegetables/fruit that could be grown locally and encourage questions such as: What sort of plant does this grow on? Would this be an easy thing to grow? How much water do you think it would need? How long do you think it would take to grow? Ask your child to feel and smell the fruit and veg. Ask them to guess what they look like inside.

Then cut the vegetables/fruit open and discuss what you can see. Encourage your child to look closely at the inside of their fruit/veg (you could use a magnifying glass) and ask them to describe what they can see.  Think about:

Does it have hairs? Or little droplets of juice? Or bumps?

Can they draw a close up image of a piece of their fruit/veg? You might want to have a look at these images first.


Home Learning 5.06.20


Revise all of the flashcards and then use the assessment from Monday to determine which sound you are going to focus on today.

You can then either go back and re-watch one of the online Letters and Sounds videos or use Mr Thorne does phonics.

Choose three words that contain the focus sound and say them one at a time to your child, get them to segment the word and record each sound. Go through the word together to check they got it right.

Year 1- Have a go at the Tell a T-Rex silly questions.

Reception- Have a go at Pick a Picture.


We are continuing with our Pippety Skycap story so re-read the story and then have a go at the activities below:

Page 26-27- Poem, If I had wings.

Pippety Skycap – A tale of mischief



Today’s activity is a little more challenging. You will need a ruler to  measure the chocolate bars on the attached sheet. There are 3 options available in the pack but I would recommend using either the 1 or 2 star sheet as these both work in cm. The 2 star sheet provides an additional challenge where children have to measure the width as well as the length.


Year 1

Today we are consolidating our knowledge from this week.

To begin with have a go at Fruit Splat. children have to identify the numbers and then select symbol to show more than, less than or equal to.

For today’s activity children will need to identify the number shown in base ten equipment, write the number and then identify how many tens and ones there are.

Year 1 – ACTIVITY- Make and partition

Then have a go at filling in the missing numbers on the grid below. There are 3 levels to this activity so select the most appropriate for your child. They may need help initially to understand the pattern.

Year 1 – ACTIVITY – Missing numbers


Today’s optional challenge is a PE challenge. Choose a favourite song or piece of music and invent a new dance. Move high, low, from side to side, twirl, jump and keep to the beat. Practice your moves and teach it to someone in your household.

Home Learning 4.06.20


Revise all of the flashcards and then use the assessment from Monday to determine which sound you are going to focus on today.

You can then either go back and re-watch one of the online Letters and Sounds videos or use Mr Thorne does phonics.

Choose three words that contain the focus sound and say them one at a time to your child, get them to segment the word and record each sound. Go through the word together to check they got it right.

Year 1- Have a go at Sentence Substitution 

Reception- Have a go at Sentence Substitution


We are continuing with our Pippety Skycap story so re-read the story and then have a go at the activities below:

Page 19-20- Pippety’s Treasure Hunt

Page 21-22- As an optional extra why not have a go at Pippety’s Playdough

Pippety Skycap – A tale of mischief



Use playdough to make snakes of different lengths and widths. As they are playing ask them, can you make a long snake? Can you make a short snake? Can you make a thin snake? Can you make a thick snake? Can they measure their snakes using blocks? If your child can confidently measure with blocks try introducing a ruler, explain that we measure in centimetres and model measuring one of the snakes. Make sure you tell them how long the snake is e.g. my snake is 10cm long. You could then further challenge them by asking them to make a snake to fit a specified length, e.g. can you make me a snake that is 5cm long?


Year 1

Today we are continuing to look at comparing numbers.

To begin with have a go at this Place Value Chart game in topmarks. Begin with tens and ones in number form but you can have a go at words later if your child is confident.

You can go through day 4 of the presentation but again this is optional and the activity will still work without doing this.

Year-1-PRESENTATION-Place-Value-within-100-Week-7 (1)

Have a go at the comparing amounts activity using the < less than and > more than signs.

Year 1 – ACTIVITY – Compare amounts


Today’s optional challenge is a PHSE challenge. Cut out five paper hearts and write something you are grateful for on each heart. Share your hearts with an adult or relative. Display them and add to them every time you think of something else you are
grateful for.

Home Learning 3.06.20


Revise all of the flashcards and then use the assessment from Monday to determine which sound you are going to focus on today.

You can then either go back and re-watch one of the online Letters and Sounds videos or use Mr Thorne does phonics.

Choose three words that contain the focus sound and say them one at a time to your child, get them to segment the word and record each sound. Go through the word together to check they got it right.

Year 1- Have a go at Cheeky Chimps

Reception- Have a go at Space Race


We are continuing with our Pippety Skycap story so re-read the story and then have a go at the activities below:

Page 15-18- In the Pixie’s pocket poem.

Pippety Skycap – A tale of mischief



Today we are going to be building a bridge for toy cars to drive over. The bridge could be built out of blocks, lego, junk modelling or anything you fancy. Children will need to think about the length, height and width they want their bridge to be. You could then have a race and see who’s car will travel the furthest when pushed from the bridge. Can they think of a way to measure who’s car went the furthest?

I have attached a further optional challenge from the Year 1 White Rose materials if your child is confident. Use the video link for lesson 3.

Video Links Length

Lesson 3 – Measure length (2) 2019

Year 1

Today we are continuing to look at partitioning.

Start by having a go at Base Ten Bingo. Select tens and ones and then begin with the 3×3 grid.

You can go through day 3 of the presentation but again this is optional and the activity will still work without doing this.

Year-1-PRESENTATION-Place-Value-within-100-Week-7 (1)

Then select the appropriate level of challenge from the 3 worksheets. You could also have a go at the challenges at the end.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Partition numbers


Whilst out and about see if you can find the different plants on this scavenger hunt. Can you identify any plants that aren’t on the list?


Home Learning 2.06.20


Revise all of the flashcards and then use the assessment from yesterday to determine which sound you are going to focus on today.

You can then either go back and re-watch one of the online Letters and Sounds videos or use Mr Thorne does phonics.

It is important that your child uses their phonics knowledge in their writing. Choose three words that contain the focus sound and say them one at a time to your child, get them to segment the word and record each sound. Go through the word together to check they got it right. If they are struggling to hear all of the sounds help them to segment the word by saying each sound, e.g. tray, t-r-ay. Ask them to identify what two letters make the ay sound.

Year 1- have a go at the Pond Life Plurals game.

Reception- Have a go at the Make A Match game.


We are continuing with our Pippety Skycap story so re-read the story and then have a go at the activities below:

Page 11- Warning poster

Page 14- Pixie fact file, use the example on page 12 to help you.

Pippety Skycap – A tale of mischief



Today we are going to use our footprints to measure and compare items. You could draw around your child’s foot onto a piece of paper or use paint to create the footprint. Cut it out so that they can more accurately measure length and width. Can they find things that are longer, shorter and the same size as their foot print? Can they find items that are wider or narrower than their footprint? You could have footprints of the whole family and see if your child can order them in different ways using the mathematical vocabulary to compare them.

I have attached a further optional challenge from the Year 1 White Rose materials if your child is confident. Use the video link for lesson 2.

Video Links Length

Lesson 2 – Measure length (1) 2019

Year 1

Today we are looking at partitioning numbers to 100.

Begin by using the base ten blocks online resource to build a number between 10 and 100. The sticks represent a 10 and the small squares a 1. The large grid represents 100 but I would use ten sticks to encourage your child to count in tens. Once you have built your number ask your child to write down what the number is. You could then swap over and tell them a number and ask them to build it using the online resource.

Again I have uploaded the presentation that gives some examples to work through for day 2 however this is optional and the activity will still work without using this first.

Year-1-PRESENTATION-Place-Value-within-100-Week-7 (1)

For the main activity you will need the Practical – Partitioning numbers sheet. You could draw them onto paper or use a whiteboard to complete instead.
Children will partition numbers and represent them using Base 10 or place value counters on the place value grid (you could use straws, sticks, coloured paper or ask your child to draw a line to represent the tens and a dot to represent the ones). Give your child a number, you could use the number cards provided or use your own. Ask them to build the number on the place value grid, then describe the partition in their books as e.g. 67 = 0 hundred, 6 tens and 7 ones. There are three levels to the task:

★☆☆ :  Number cards will contain numeric values only.
Children will write their answers in numeric form only.

★★☆ : Number cards will contain both numeric and written values.
Children will write their answers in numeric and written form.

★★★ : Number cards will contain both numeric and written values.
Children will write their answers in numeric and written form.
They may progress to the extension task working backwards using the partitioned form to identify the number.


Look at the work of the abstract artist Piet Mondrian, using the Tate Kids website. What colours, lines and shapes did he use to create his paintings? Create a Mondrian inspired artwork as a collage using paper or recycled materials, or as a painting or drawing using black lines and primary colours.

Home Learning 1.06.20

Welcome back Green Class! I am looking forward to seeing many of you in School this week and for those of you who are continuing with home learning please do continue to email me with any queries. If you would prefer to speak over the phone I will be available from Monday after 2.30pm.


At this time of year we would be focusing on embedding the children’s understanding of the phonemes and graphemes within the phases they have covered along with their ability to recognise them in written words.

For today’s phonics lesson I have attached an assessment document that will identify the areas of phonics that your child needs to focus on. This could be recognising a particular grapheme or being able to use their phonics knowledge for reading and spelling.

I will continue to post links to videos or games that I think will be useful, however, these will be generic for the class and I will be more than happy to provide further, more specific guidance for you via email.

Reception assessment: T-L-1972-Phase-3-Phonics-Letters-and-Sounds-Assessment-Sheets_ver_6

Year 1 assessment: t-l-1974-phase-5-phonics-letters-and-sounds-assessment-sheets_ver_2


For this week’s home learning we are going to be using the story and resource pack ‘Pippety Skycap- A tale of mischief’. The story is at the beginning of the pack and can either be read to your child or your child could have a go at reading it to you depending on their reading confidence.

Pippety Skycap – A tale of mischief

For today’s activity complete the following activities:

Page 5- talk about the story.

Page 8- Quiz

Page 9 and 10- Exploring words together.



This week we are looking at length, height and distance. Children have already explored height by comparing two objects and saying which is bigger but we are now looking to develop their use of more specific mathematical vocabulary:

Length- longer/shorter

Height- taller/shorter

Breadth- wider/narrower

Distance- further/nearer

Opportunities for comparing length and height will arise naturally through play so for today’s activity follow your child’s interests and encourage the use of mathematically vocabulary by using it yourself when talking/playing with them. Here are a few examples to get you started:

When on a walk or exploring the garden point to a tree or flower and comment on the height of it, ask your child if they can find a taller/shorter tree or flower.

When playing with building blocks see if they can measure items around the house, get them to count how many bricks tall their item was and compare it to another item. You could also introduce breadth using building equipment by asking them to make a wider/narrower house.

Can they draw the members of their family, who is tallest? who is shortest?

If your child is confident with the mathematical language you could have a look at the White Rose challenges for Year 1. You can use the video link for lesson 1 and complete the worksheet.

Lesson 1 – Compare lengths and heights 2019

Video Links Length

Year 1

This week we are looking at place value within 100. We will begin by counting to 100 and looking at easier ways of counting higher numbers by counting in multiples.

Start by having a go at this BBC Supermovers song about counting.

We have already looked at numbers to 50 together and children should be able to build and describe numbers by looking at the tens and ones. When looking at numbers to 100 it is important that children understand the importance of the place value columns, for example, they should be able to describe the difference between 67 and 76 in terms of tens and ones.

I have attached a presentation for this week that is broken down into each day. You don’t have to use it but it may help to go through some of the examples together first before having a go at the worksheet. There are three levels of worksheet for you to choose from, the difficulty level is indicated at the top of the page with either 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are also some optional challenge cards for you to have a go at.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Counting to 100

Year-1-PRESENTATION-Place-Value-within-100-Week-7 (1)


Have a look at the BBC Bitesize Geography lesson on Australia.

Home Learning 22.05.20


Online Letters and Sounds Lesson.


Revise all of the phase 3 flash cards and then watch the Mr Thorne does phonics video for your focus sound for today.

We are going to practice writing words today. Select items from around the house that contain some of the phase 3 sounds. Ask your child to say the word and then segment it for each sound. Get them to write the word down, if they miss a letter (e.g. just write the letter ‘r’ for the ‘ar’ sound) then prompt them by saying the sound ‘ar’ and asking them what two letters make that sound.

Year 1

Revise all of the phase 5 flash cards and then watch the Mr Thorne does phonics video for your focus sound for today.

We are going to practice writing sentences today using words with the phase 5 and 6 sounds. Select items from around the house that contain some of the phase 5 and 6 sounds. Together come up with a sentence about the object e.g. The car is blue and has four round wheels. Say the sentence out loud and prompt your child to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. They could have a go at using question marks or exclamation marks where appropriate. If the select the incorrect sound e.g. oo instead of ue in blue, then ask them what other graphemes do you know that make the oo sound.


For today’s activity we are going to be thinking about the author Julia Donaldson. Watch this video and think of questions that you would like to ask her. Year 1 have learnt about question marks and should use these in their work. Reception haven’t learnt about them but with modelling they can have a go.



Today we are going to be looking at patterns with odd and even numbers. Have a go at this workbook and see what your child notices about which numbers are odd and which are even.


Year 1

Begin by looking at page 3 of the flashback 4.


Then have a go at the second describing positions White Rose activity sheet.

Y1 Summer Block 3 WO3 Describe position (2) 2020

You may also like to have a go at these challenges:

Activity Cards – Describe Position (1)


Today’s optional challenge is a PE challenge. Think about the different animals that were in ‘The Highway Rat’, how would each of them move?

Home Learning 21.05.20


Online Letters and Sounds Lesson.


Revise all of the phase 3 flash cards and then watch the Mr Thorne does phonics video for your focus sound for today.

Have a go at reading these yes/no questions. Make sure your child is correctly identifying the digraphs (e.g. ar) and trigraphs (e.g igh) when reading.


Year 1

Revise all of the phase 5 flash cards and then watch the Mr Thorne does phonics video for your focus sound for today.

Have a go at reading these yes/no questions. Make sure your child is correctly identifying the digraphs (e.g aw) and trigraphs (e.g igh) when reading.



Here are the links for the online version of the story and video if you don’t have the book at home:  video of the story being read. The BBC adaptation.

For today’s activity we are going to be adding another page to the book. Can you think of another animal that the Highway Rat could meet on his journey? What could he take from them? Remember to include the Rat’s rhyme when he meets your animal.

To increase the challenge why not have a go at making your sentences rhyme like the author, Julia Donaldson, does.



Today are looking at odd and even numbers. Children will explore odd and even numbers using a tens frame. Give your child a number and ask them to build it on the tens frame.

Give them a few numbers to build and then ask them to separate their numbers into odd and even groups. You can link this back to our learning on doubles and halves by asking your child which group show us a double and a half?

Start with numbers to 10. Then work up to 20. Can your child guess whether a number will be odd or even before they build it on the tens frame? Can they explain their answer?

You could draw your own tens frames or download the template:


Year 1

Begin by looking at page 2 of the flashback 4.


Then have a go at the describing positions White Rose activity sheet.

Y1 Summer Block 3 WO2 Describe position (1) 2020


The Highway Rat’s manners were ‘rough and rude’. For today’s optional challenge can you make a list of good manners to help the Highway Rat be nicer to others?

Home Learning 20.05.20


Online Letters and Sounds Lesson.


Revise all of the phase 3 flash cards and then watch the Mr Thorne does phonics video for your focus sound for today.

Play Picnic on Pluto by selecting your chosen sound.

Year 1

Revise all of the phase 5 flash cards and then watch the Mr Thorne does phonics video for your focus sound for today.

Play Picnic on Pluto by selecting your chosen sound.


Here are the links for the online version of the story and video if you don’t have the book at home:  video of the story being read. The BBC adaptation.

For today’s activity we are going to be writing a diary entry from the point of view of the Highway Rat. What does he do each day? How does he feel about it?



Today we are looking at pictorial representations of halving. Children will need to share a given number between the two wings of a ladybird, they will need to be able to match number to quantity by drawing the dots whilst still sharing them equally between the two sides:


Then have a go at these problem solving challenges:


Year 1

Today we are moving onto position and direction.

Start by looking at page 1 of the flashback 4:


Then have a go at this White Rose activity sheet.

Y1 Summer Block 3 WO1 Describe turns 2020

For a further challenge have a go at these:

Activity Cards – Describe Turns


Today’s optional challenge is to create a picture of the Highway Rat using a computer program. You could use the program paint or purple mash.