Home Learning 24.03.20

I hope you all enjoyed today’s home learning activities. I have detailed tomorrow’s Phonics, Literacy and Maths activities below.




Receptions grapheme of the day is ‘v’. Watch the Mr Thorne video.

Again rehearse all of the phase 3 sounds but focus on ‘v’. See if you can come up with a list of words with the ‘v’ sound in. Then play the Buried Treasure game selecting the +v grapheme as the focus.

Year 1

Year 1’s grapheme of the day is ‘ou’. Watch the Mr Thorne video.

Again rehearse all of the phase 5 sounds but focus on ‘ou’. See if you can come up with a list of words with the ‘ou’ sound in. Then play the Buried Treasure game selecting the +ou grapheme as the focus.




Write today’s diary entry letting me know what you have been up to.

Have a look at some of the pictures attached below. Can you write a caption to match? Remember to segment every word for spelling and use finger spaces between your words. There are a lot of images to choose some but I am only expecting 3-5 to be completed.

Pictures and Captions

Year 1

Write today’s diary entry letting me know what you have been up to. Don’t forget to sequence your sentences and to make them interesting!

Have a look at the sentences on the sheet below. Can you figure out which are fact and which are fiction? Rewrite the sentences in the correct column underneath.

Can you come up with your own fact or fiction sentences? You may want to choose a topic e.g. elephants, and write 2 facts and 1 fiction sentence. Read them to a member of your family and see if they can guess which is fiction.

Fact or fiction sentences




As a starter practice counting forwards and backwards to 20. Start low on the ground and slowly stand up as you count from 0 to 20. When counting backwards, start really tall and slowly crouch down as you count from 20 to 0.

For the main activity you will need a deck of cards.

Year 1

For today’s starter either print off a blank 100 square or draw your own. Count in 10s to fill in the last column of your square. Keep your square as we will fill in the other spaces on another day.

For the main activity you will still be working with numbers to 50 using your workbook (I have attached another copy below). Complete pages 4, 6 and 8.

Year 1 maths

Year 1 children were also sent home with an abacus Maths workbook. This can be completed at your own pace. We have not covered all of the topics in School as yet but children can feel free to attempt any activity.


As always please contact me with any queries.

Miss Pullinger

Green Class Homework

Children will be set one piece of homework each week. The homework will relate to an aspect of the children’s learning from that week in order to consolidate their knowledge. This will be sent home with children on a Thursday and should be brought back into School by the following Tuesday.