Green class homework- week commencing 10th January

We had a great week last week learning about London, the Queen and the landmarks of London. We looked at maps of London, the UK and the world. Your challenge at home is to make a map of where you live. This might be just your street,  it could be around our school or even a map of your bedroom or garden. Label it, use symbols like we saw on the maps and you could even add a key. I look forward to seeing your maps!

Year 1- This week we have been using ‘teen’ numbers in maths to ensure that children understand that teen numbers are ‘ten and some ones’. Here are some activities that you can do at home to reinforce this.

Reception- This week I would like you to practise ways of making 5. The children have practised this in school and it would be super if you could reinforce this practically at home by trying out some of these activities.

Homework 10.12.21


This week I have added a new challenge for Reception. We are now moving onto subitising to 10. I have attached the home learning activities for this below but any opportunity for children to recognise groups of objects up to 10 work well. This could be when you are out on a walk or around the house.

Subitising to 10

Year 1

This week year 1 are looking at making and breaking the number 6. Again, they should be looking at all the possible ways of making the number 6 with instant recall. The activities are attached below.

Make and Break 6

Homework 3.12.21

For our home learning this week children from reception and year 1 should continue to practice singing our three songs for the Christmas performance next week.

The first song is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

The second song is Away in a Manger.

The final song is We Wish you a Merry Christmas.

Children have also been sent home with their line to rehearse in a loud, clear voice.


In addition to the play practice, children should be reading at least 5 times a week. Year 1 should be practicing their spellings 5 times a week and reception should be going over their camera words.

Homework 19.11.21


For homework this week Reception children should be continuing with their subitising of numbers to 5. They should be able to recognise different formations of groups of objects up to 5 without the need to count them. I have uploaded the home activities again for your reference.

Subitising to 5

I have also uploaded a link to a game on the website TopMarks. It is called Helicopter Rescue and there are two options for playing. The first is to find a number between 1 and 10 when verbally told. To add an extra challenge children could find a number between two given numbers.

Helicopter Rescue

Year 1

This week year 1 will be continuing with their understanding of number facts by making and breaking the number 10. They should be able to instantly recall these facts. I have uploaded the home learning activities below, choose a couple of activities to have a go at.

Make and break 10

Homework 12.11.21


For homework this week Reception children should be continuing with their subitising of numbers to 5. They should be able to recognise different formations of groups of objects up to 5 without the need to count them. I have uploaded the home activities again for your reference.

Subitising to 5

I have also uploaded a link to a game on the BBC bitesize website. The game looks at ordering, counting and identifying more and less than. This is an optional extra for children to have a go at.

Bud’s Number Garden

Year 1

This week year 1 will be continuing with their understanding of number facts by making and breaking numbers 2, 3, and 4. They should be able to instantly recall these facts. I have uploaded the home learning activities below, choose a couple of activities to have a go at.

Make and Break 2, 3, 4

Homework 5.11.21

This half term I will begin to set homework activities for Reception and Year 1 children. The activities will be looking at number and are designed to develop children’s recall of number facts.


Reception should be reading 5 times a week for 10 minutes a day. They should also be practising their tricky words 5 times a week for 5 minutes a day.

In addition to this, I have uploaded some activities you can do at home to develop children’s ability to subitise with numbers up to 5. Subitising is where children can instantly recognise a collection of objects without needing to count them.

There are 4 different activities on the sheet but I am only expecting one activity to be done per week. This set of activities will be the maths homework for the next 4 weeks.

Any activities you do with your child can be uploaded to tapestry.

Subitising to 5


Year 1

Year 1 should be reading 5 times a week for 10 minutes a day. They should also be practising their spellings 5 times a week for 5 minutes a day.

In addition to this, I have uploaded some activities you can do at home to develop children’s ability to quickly recall number facts when making the number 5. This is a skill that will benefit children throughout their school journey.

There are 4 activities on the sheet and some guidance for how to introduce finding 5 throughout everyday life. You can select which activities you would like to have a go at.

Make and break 5


Tomorrow (14.10.21) your child will be sent home with login details for the website Numbots. Numbots is an online maths tool that will help your child with their understanding of number.

You can access the website anytime and work through the challenges.

Some learning ideas for the holidays

I know some of you will be eager to continue some form of learning over the holidays. If this is the case, I have outlined some ideas for you below:

Keep a holiday diary- you could include pictures, photos and writing of the different things you do in the holidays.

You may like to have a look at the numbots website to practise basic maths skills.

Year 1 children should also be looking at the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The BBC supermovers videos are a great way to learn them!

White Rose Maths have some free booklets to print out for all year groups.

Remember that you still have access to Purple Mash and Classroom Secrets Kids.


We have also sent reading books home for children over the holidays. Reception have also got the camera words that they are still learning to practise as well.

Euros 2021 Project

With the Euros staring this weekend we thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the different countries involved.

On Monday children in Green will each draw out the name of a country that are playing in the Euro competition. They will then have until the 9th July to complete a home learning project based on their country. The following week we will have a celebration in school where each child will get to share their work with their friends.

I have outlined a few possible project ideas below to get you stared but children can also come up with their own:

  • Make a model of a famous landmark
  • Make the flag
  • Create a poster or leaflet
  • Paint or draw a famous place

If you need any further information or help to complete a project please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Mrs Edwards