Assembly by Garry 11.02.21

Garry’s assembly

As we come to the end of half-term, we should certainly give thanks for Garry who has taken so much time to support our school and produce wonderful and thought provoking assemblies. We all look forward to hearing the message so a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ Garry from all of us!

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Protected: Home Learning 9.02.21

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Protected: Home Learning 8.02.21

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Friday 5th February

This week our focus has been all about looking after your mental health. You have been doing some fantastic things to keep yourselves in a positive mindset. Here is just a reminder of one man who had an incredibly positive attitude and inspired many people.

This week saw the sad news that Captain Tom Moore sadly passed away at the grand age of 100 years old.  Captain Tom became an inspiration to the country back at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, with his positive ‘can-do’ attitude which led to him to creating the phrase “Tomorrow will be a good day!”

Back in April 2020, he started his 100th Birthday Walk, where he challenged himself to walk 100 lengths of his garden (which was 25m long) and complete the walk on his 100th Birthday, with a view to raising £1000 for the NHS.  Not only did he complete the walk on his 100th birthday, but he inspired the world with his perseverance and positivity, and raised an amazing £30 million by the morning of his 100th birthday!

Following this awesome achievement, Captain Tom wrote a picture book called “One Hundred Steps” that tells the incredible story of the man who walked 100 laps of his garden and captured the heart of a nation. Here he is with his grandson Benjie – enjoy and listen as he reads his own story to you…

I hope you take all of the messages from this week into the coming weeks and you can always go back to any of the posts if you need a little help.

Dear God,
We thank you for the people who have worked so hard on the front line through incredibly difficult times.
We pray that, as young people, we will be able to work successfully to shape a society in which we are fully represented, and for which we are fully prepared to take on our responsibilities.
We pray for better times ahead and look forward with hope for the future.

Kinetic Letters- Numbers

I have uploaded the Kinetic Letters number formation sheets below. They are split into two families, pushing and, pulling. I would work through a family at a time, focusing on one number at a time. This will also help children to recognise numbers out of order.

Kinetic Numbers

Thoughtful Thursday – Garry’s assembly

Good morning everyone and today we have an assembly by Garry all about Candlemas.

Lots of you are doing some great things this week – maybe you could write a list of all the things you are grateful for. While these are difficult times, there are many things we are thankful for. Here is also another short mental health clip to watch too!

If you have been sitting for a while and want to get yourself moving try this warm up with Marcus Rashford!