Year 1 Science

This week, the children created a Bug Hotel and some mini-ponds. We are looking forward to finding out which guests have moved in!

Rocket Making

This term the Year 1s have been applying their computing knowledge to designing a rocket. To end our unit we are each going to build the rocket that we have designed.

In order to do this each child will need to bring a plastic bottle into school by Wednesday 12th July. The bottle can be of any size and shape but must be made of plastic.

Thank you for your continued support.

Dental Hygiene Talk

Today, Green class welcomed a Healthy Child Practitioner to talk to us about dental hygiene.

We learnt a lot about why it’s important to look after our teeth, how to brush our teeth correctly and what types of food and drink were good and bad for our teeth.

Each child has been sent home with a change 4 life leaflet with top tips for keeping your teeth healthy. The leaflet also includes a toothbrushing chart so children can make sure that they are brushing their teeth twice a day everyday.

To continue our learning on dental hygiene we would like children to bring the chart back in to school on Thursday 13th July.

Severn Valley Railway

We are very excited about our visit to the Severn Valley Railway on Friday 7th July!

Below is information about our visit and what children will need to bring.

Please could children wear their school uniform as normal on Friday for our visit and arrive at school at their usual time.

It looks as though the sun will be shining for us, so please could children have suncream applied before they come to school and bring a sun hat.

Please could children bring their water bottles to school, as usual. We will be bringing them with us on the visit and children will be encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day to stay hydrated, especially if the weather is hot.

Children can bring their morning break snack to school as usual, as they will have their break at the normal time before getting on the coach. We also have fruit available as normal if they don’t usually bring in their own snack from home. 

The coach will arrive at school at 10.30am and will drop us off at Bridgnorth Railway Station (we have been asked to arrive in plenty of time before the train departs).

We will then board the steam train ready to depart at 11.55am.

We will arrive at The Engine House, Highley at approximately 12.30pm where we will head straight to the outside picnic and play area to eat lunch and play on the playground equipment. We have a list of the children who have ordered a school packed lunch. If the children are bringing a packed lunch from home, they can either bring their lunch in a disposable bag which can be put in the bin afterwards or they are welcome to bring it in their usual lunchbox. 

We will then see Steam locamotives up close as we walk through ‘The Engine House’ museum. We will be on the look out for one famous engine in particular…Gordon! We hear that Gordon can be a stubborn engine that gets into mischief. We will share a story about Gordon before heading back to school by coach.

The coach will pick us up from The Engine House at 2pm for arrival back at school at approximately 2.40pm.

The children can be picked up from school at their usual time of 3.10pm. Should there be any delay, we will keep you updated.

If you have any further questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to make contact.

Many thanks for your continued support

Own clothes for Green tomorrow!

Don’t forget, it is own clothes day for Green class tomorrow – Thursday. Please bring a filled jar!

Thank you!


We just wanted to say a huge thank-you to all who have offered to help on the day of the Green Class trip to Severn Valley Railway on Friday 7th July 2023. The response has been overwhelming and we are incredibly grateful to you.

We are pleased to say, that we have organised support for the day of the visit and are safely within ratio with a combination of staff and parent volunteers. We have made contact directly with the parents who will be attending on the day of the visit.

Thank you again for all of your support, as always.

The Green Class Team



Green Class- Fill a Jar

As Green Class will be on their trip to Severn Valley Railway on Friday 7th July, children in Green Class are invited to come to school in their own clothes and, if they can, bring a filled jar for the PTA Summer Fair on Thursday 6th July. This involves bringing a jam jar (or similar) filled with sweets, pencils or small suitable toys etc. These are always very popular at the summer fair. Please could children in Green Class wear their school uniform on Friday 7th July.

Many thanks for your continued support. 

Year 1/2 Science

As part of our Science lessons, our children in Year 1 and Year 2 will be making bug hotels. We would be very grateful if anyone is able to donate any of the following materials: pine cones, hollow bamboo canes,  an old terracotta pot, a brick with holes in, an old roofing tile, corrugated cardboard.

Forest School Sessions-July

We look forward to continuing with Forest School sessions in July.

Reception and Year 1 children will continue to take part in their own Forest School sessions on alternate weeks.

Please see below when your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions:

Reception children

Tuesday 4th July

Year 1 children

Tuesday 11th July

Children are welcome to come to school in their school jumper with blue or black jogging bottoms on the days they are taking part in Forest School sessions.

Thank you for your continued support.