Junk Modelling

Over the next couple of weeks, as part of our learning based around the story “The Train Ride”, the children will be invited to make trains using junk modelling as one of our enhanced provision activities. We would be very grateful of any recycling you may have that the children could use to build their creations.
Thank you!

Animals in Hands 13.06.2023

Today, the children in Reception had the pleasure of meeting Mo from ‘Animals in Hands’. The children took part in a workshop all about animals that live in the rainforest. The children had the opportunity to meet and handle a variety of animals  including, a tree frog, a python, a tenrec, a chameleon, a millipede, a giant African land snail and a black beauty stick insect. The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience. We were very proud of the children for their bravery in interacting and engaging with unfamiliar animals. We had a fantastic morning as you can see from the photos below!

‘Animals In Hands’

Our Year 1 and Year 2 children enjoyed an exciting and informative workshop today from ‘Animals In Hands’. The children shared their knowledge of animal groups and were able to see and touch some of the animals that we have been learning about in Science. We saw a stick insect, a tarantula, a tree frog, a baby barn owl, a skunk and a python.

Our Learning w.c 22nd May 2023

The children had a very busy week before their half term holiday! Here are some of the wonderful activities that the children in Green Class took part in.

Green Class Visit from P.C Mottram and P.C Nagington 

On Tuesday 23rd May, the children were very fortunate to welcome P.C Mottram and P.C Nagington to Green Class, to talk about their roles as Police Officers. The children had the opportunity to ask questions that they had prepared. The children also had the opportunity to try on some of the protective equipment and uniform worn by P.C Mottram and P.C Nagington. They showed us their batons, protective vests, handcuffs and riot helmets. The children were very interested in the contents of P.C Mottram’s protective vest and asked loads of questions about the equipment that she carries. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and learnt lots of information about Police Officers. P.C Mottram and P.C Nagington gave the children a book about Police Officers to continue their learning.

June Forest School Sessions

We look forward to continuing with Forest School sessions in the Summer term.

Reception and Year 1 children will continue to take part in their own Forest School sessions on alternate weeks.

Please see below when your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions:

Reception children

Tuesday 6th June

Tuesday 20th June

Year 1 children

Tuesday 13th June

Tuesday 27th June

Children are welcome to come to school in their school jumper with blue or black jogging bottoms on the days they are taking part in Forest School sessions.

Thank you for your continued support.

Visitor to Green Class

To support our PSHE learning this half term on people who help us, PC Grace Mottram will be visiting Green Class on Tuesday morning. She will be talking to the children about her job and the children will have the opportunity to ask her questions.