Year 1 Fruit Tasting

For the next two weeks Year 1 children will be writing their own story based on ‘Handa’s Surprise’.

To support their learning of adjectives, on Wednesday morning, we will be tasting different fruits from around the world. We will have a range of fruit available for the children to taste including:



passion fruit



If you have any concerns about your child trying different fruits then please speak to myself or Mrs Mottram on Tuesday morning.

Mrs Edwards


Reception Fruit Tasting

For the next two weeks reception children will be looking at the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’.

To support their learning, on Tuesday afternoon, we will be tasting different fruits from around the world. We will have a range of fruit available for the children to taste including:



passion fruit



If you have any concerns about your child trying different fruits then please speak to myself or Mrs Mottram on Monday morning.

Mrs Edwards


PE and Forest School Sessions


After the Easter holidays the PE session for Green class will be returning to a Thursday afternoon. Children are welcome to come into school in their PE kit on this day.

Forest School

Reception and Year 1 children will continue to take part in their own Forest School sessions on alternate weeks.

Please see below when your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions:

Reception children

Tuesday 18th April

Tuesday 2nd May

Tuesday 16th May

Year 1 children

Tuesday 25th April

Tuesday 9th May

Tuesday 23rd May


Can all children please bring their puddle suits back to school on Monday 17th April ready for the new term.

Poetry Competition

We are so proud of all our children who have learnt a poem for their homework and recited them to their classes. It is wonderful hearing such a variety of poems and poets – some children have even written their own poem. Today the teachers and TAs had a very difficult job picking out the ten finalists from KS1 and KS2 to go forward for the poetry competition on Tuesday. All semi- finalists were fabulous and had clearly been practising their poem as they were so polished. Well done all and thank you for supporting your children

We are looking forward to the finals on Tuesday when we will hear the ten finalists from EYFS/KS1 and the ten finalists from KS2. The children who are involved have taken a letter home to invite their relatives to the recital.

Home Learning 10.03.23

Good morning everyone,

I have outlined some activities for your children to complete at home today. Please email me if you have any questions or would like to share your child’s work.

Reception Maths

Reception have been looking at time this week. To continue their learning children could complete one or all of the following activities:

  1. Use a timer to see how many activities you can complete in 30 seconds. It could be star jumps, throwing balls into a target, name writing.
  2. Create an obstacle course and use a stop watch to time how long it take you to complete.
  3. Look at this days of the week song and see if you can remember the order.

Year 1 Maths

Year 1 have just started looking at measuring length and height. We have compared the length/height if items around school using the language of taller/shorter and longer/shorter. To progress children’s learning they could use non-standard units to measure different items around the house. You could use pasta shapes, cubes, bricks, anything you can find as long as they are the same size. Compare the items using the appropriate language.


Reception English

Reception have been creating their own fact files about dinosaurs this week. They learnt how to use a contents page to find the information they needed before using their phonic knowledge to record facts.

Children could choose a dinosaur to research and create a new fact file to share with their friends next week.

Year 1 English

Year 1 are building up to writing a diary entry next week. For today’s learning they could write a diary entry all about their time at home over the past 2 days. We have looked at using the words and, but and so to join sentences together. We have also looked at using a time adverbial (later that day, in the morning) to give more information about when the activities happened.


Children should be reading their Read Write Inc phonics book and discussing the questions at the back of the book to develop their understanding of the story.


Stay safe and I hope you all have a lovely day.

Snow Day Home Learning

I understand that children are going to be extremely excited by the snow today, however, as school is closed I am setting some activities for you to try at home.

  • Write about your snow day. Use your phonics knowledge to write a few sentences about how you have spent your day.
  • Do some research and find out where snow comes from and what it is made of?
  • Use a camera or i-Pad to take photos of the snow or your snow activities.
  • Login to numbots online to complete the activities targeted for your child.
  • Use the White Rose 1 minute maths app to complete subitising, addition and subtraction problems.
  • Read your Read Write Inc phonics book and complete the comprehension questions that are at the back of the book.