Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year falls on Sunday 22nd January. Green Class will be learning all about Lunar New Year in school this Friday. As part of our celebrations we will be tasting some Chinese foods. If you would like any additional information on what food we will be consuming please contact me via email.

Mrs Edwards

Forest School Sessions

We look forward to continuing with Forest School sessions in Spring term. The Reception and Year 1 children have had a wonderful time exploring the Forest School area together during the Autumn term.

From Spring term, Reception and Year 1 children will take part in their own Forest School sessions on alternate weeks.

Please see below when your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions:

Reception children

Tuesday 10th January

Tuesday 24th January

Tuesday 7th February


Year 1 children

Tuesday 17th January

Tuesday 31st January

Tuesday 14th February


Children are welcome to come to school in their school jumper with blue or black jogging bottoms on the days they are taking part in Forest School sessions.

Please could children bring gloves, hats and an extra layer (if needed). They are welcome to keep these in school with their puddle suits and wellies in a labelled carrier bag.

Thank you for your continued support.

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a ‘Happy New Year!’ A huge thank you for your very generous Christmas gifts. We were absolutely overwhelmed by your kindness and want to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

We look forward to welcoming the children back to school.

Mrs Aguayo, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Mottram and Mrs Summerfield

Merry Christmas!

Thank you all for the very kind and generous gifts you have given us for Christmas.

We hope you have a well earned rest over the holidays and enjoy plenty of quality time with your families.

Merry Christmas!

Mrs Edwards, Mrs Aguayo, Mrs Mottram and Mrs Summerfield


Read Write Inc Handwriting Phrases and Practise Sheets

The children in Reception and Year 1 practise handwriting as part of our daily Read Write Inc phonics sessions. We hope that you find this copy of the ‘Read Write Inc Letter Formation Phrases’ helpful if your child wishes to practise their handwriting at home. If you notice your child finding it tricky to recall how to form some of their letters or are, for example, forming letters back to front, remind them of these phrases to help them with the correct formation.

Read Write Inc Handwritring Phrases

Below are links to a practise sheet for each sound for more guidance and practise:

m  rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_m.pdf (

a rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_a.pdf (

s rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_s.pdf (

d rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_d.pdf (

t rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_t.pdf (

i rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_i.pdf (

n rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_n.pdf (

p rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_p.pdf (

g rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_g.pdf (

o rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_o.pdf (

c rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_c.pdf (

k rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_k.pdf (

u rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_u.pdf (

b rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_b.pdf (

f rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_f.pdf (

e rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_e.pdf (

l rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_l.pdf (

h rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_h.pdf (

r rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_r.pdf (

j rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_j.pdf (

v rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_v.pdf (

y rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_y.pdf (

w rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_w.pdf (

z rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_z.pdf (

x rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_x.pdf (

Special Friends (sounds written with two letters)

sh rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_sh.pdf (

th rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_th.pdf (

ch rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_ch.pdf (

qu rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_qu.pdf (

ng rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_ng.pdf (

nk rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_nk.pdf (

ck (see above for phrases for ‘c’ and ‘k’)

Posting Letters to Santa

Next week the children in Green class will be writing letters to Santa as part of our English learning.

At the moment we are planning on walking children to the post box in Claverley to post their letters. This will be weather dependent and we will make the final decision on the day.

Reception children will be posting their letters on  Tuesday afternoon and Year 1 children will be posting theirs on Thursday morning. We will walk the children to the post box in small groups whilst the remaining children complete other activities in the classroom.

If you have any concerns or queries about our walk please don’t hesitate to email me.

Sarah Edwards