Tuesday 4th May -Worship

Good morning everyone,

Have a to this song and remind yourselves of the value for this half-term.


Hopefully you remembered that it is ‘Peace‘ meaning a time of harmony, calmness and not being disturbed by anything. It also refers to times without fighting or wars. Shalom is the Hebrew word meaning peace and is used in the Bible . Today we are thinking about making peace.

Who might these be? I imagine that they could be brother and sister and sometimes it is hard to always get on with other family members. What could have been the cause of their argument? What might they have been feeling inside? How could the argument have been resolved?

When Children Fight, This is the Opportunity You Won't Want to Miss

There is a story from the Old Testament and Abraham and Lot.


Why did the quarrel break out?

How did Abraham suggest they could settle the quarrel? What qualities did Abraham show through his behaviour to Lot? This story comes from a time long before Jesus was born. However, when Jesus was alive and teaching his disciples, he also taught them to be generous and live peacefully together.

Can you think of times when you have fallen out with someone from your family or friends? How did you sort it out?

Let’s hope we have a great time in school this week and any conflicts are resolved peacefully.

Dear God,
We thank you for giving us your peace.
Help us to spread peace at home and at school by loving and caring for one
Help us to spread peace by listening to one another, even when we don’t agree.
Help us to spread peace by thinking and praying for children who have no food
or who are frightened and live in fear.
Let us pray every day for peace for our families, for our friends and for


Song- Peace like a River



Monday Worship – Finding Peace

Good morning everyone,

I hope you have enjoyed the good weather this weekend and are ready for another week of learning and fun. Our Christian value for this half-term is Peace. Have a look at the following objects and think about what they all have in common.

Here is the sound of one of them  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNpXCzaWW1s

Can you imagine what it would be like if all of these objects were played or turned on at the same time? What would it feel like?

Sometimes, we like to make a lot of noise. Can you think of those situations e.g. a football match. Can you think of other times?

When do you like to be quiet?

Sometimes we call quiet and calm ‘being peaceful’. Can you think of a place you like to go to be peaceful?

We can’t always get to our peaceful place so what kind of things help you to feel peaceful? e.g listening to music?

Keeping peace is not just about being quiet – what else do we mean when we talk about being peaceful? (feeling calm, not being anxious, having confidence, not fighting and disagreeing). The video clip is taken from the Psalm of David 23.


When he feels peaceful, the psalmist is able to be strengthened and guided by God. It is important for us all to have times of quiet when we can think and reflect on things.

If you need some peaceful times this week, have a listen to the music below.


Dear God,
We thank you for giving us your peace.
Help us to spread peace at home and at school by loving and caring for one
Help us to spread peace by listening to one another, even when we don’t agree.
Help us to spread peace by thinking and praying for children who have no food
or who are frightened and live in fear.
Let us pray every day for peace for our families, for our friends and for


Happy Easter!

Well done Green class for making it to the end of the Spring Term.
We have had a lovely few weeks back together; take a look at some of our photos.

I hope you all get a well deserved break but try and go through your camera words or spellings and read a book everyday. Don’t forget you also have access to the following websites and can access any materials they offer:

Phonics Bloom

Purple Mash


Classroom Secrets Kids

After the break we will be starting our topic on space. You may want to find out some interesting facts or create a piece of artwork to share when we start the Summer term.

Our PE session will continue to be on a Tuesday morning and will be with Mrs Aguayo. Our forest school session will also continue on a Wednesday afternoon.


Happy Easter – Good News

As we come to the end of the spring term, we are not able to hold our usual church service for the second year running. With the gradual easing of lockdown, there is hope that we will be able to come together as a whole school community in the not too far off future. In the meantime, here is an Easter message from Garry.


We are very proud of all our children who have had to adapt to some extraordinary situations.

Well done to Eden who was awarded a prize from the Oldbury Wells reporter competition. She produced an interesting report on the Amazon rainforest.

Well done to everyone who took part in Claverley in Bloom’s spring painting competition. Congratulations to the winners: Vince, Willow, Nancy, Lily, Emma, Maisie and Freya.

A snapshot of some of the things going on in school.

Wednesday Worship – The Courage to Stand Firm

Good morning,

Sometimes bad things happen to people because they refuse to change their minds about what they believe to be good and true. The story today is about someone who continued to believe in God and pray to Him every day even though the King made a law against it. Watch the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den.


Here is a retelling of the story too!


There are some people today who are put into prison simply because they believe in God and want to worship Him.

On the 9th October 2012, Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai was shot by the Taliban. Her crime? Being a girl and wanting an education. Happily she survived and her birthday has been named ‘Malala Day’ to campaign for the rights of all children to have an education.

Shinzō Abe and Malala Yousafzai (1) Cropped.jpg

Think about what it might be like for some people to be separated from their family just for what they believe.

Dear God,

Today we remember those who are not free to worship you openly. We pray for organisations that work to keep the light of hope burning for those who need it. Give us the courage to stand up for what is right.


Have a listen to Daniel’s song.




Tuesday worship – Facing bullies with courage

Good morning,

Today, we are thinking about how you, as individuals and collectively as a school community, we can respond to instances of bullying.

Have a look at the picture. We have something very large and impressive and something small and insignificant. Which do you think is the most powerful, and why?

I expect you said the pin was more powerful because it can pop the balloon. We will be watching a story about David who was an important King of Israel.

David was the youngest of eight sons and was a shepherd like his father. While taking care of the sheep, he would use a sling to keep wild animals from hurting them. He would also play his harp. He wrote many of the songs found in the book of Psalms in the Bible. Watch the story to see how David’s life changed.


Goliath was a bully and enjoyed making fun of those he didn’t like. Has anyone made fun of you or spread untrue rumours? The things people say can make us feel upset or frightened. Even if we know the rumours are lies, we can be too worried to stand up to bullies.

This story shows how someone small and unimportant was able to be very courageous when he was faced with a big, boastful bully. If someone is telling lies about you or being nasty in another way, how might you stand up to them?

Today’s prayer is written by a man (Archbishop Desmond Tutu) who used powerful but non-violent ways to fight prejudice and discrimination against people in South Africa.

Goodness is stronger than evil,

Love is stronger than hate.

Light is stronger than darkness,

Life is stronger than death,

Victory is ours through Jesus who loves us.


Have a listen to the song- Only a Boy Named David


Worship- Tuesday 23rd March

Facing our Fears with Courage

Yesterday we watched the story of George and the Dragon and talked about how some people think the dragon represents our fears and worries. We reminded ourselves of the people we could tell if we had worries.

Today, we are going to listen to the story ‘The Huge Bag of Worries’


Can you remember some of the things Jenny worried about?

Do you ever worry about things like Jenny did?

How does worrying make us feel?

How do you cope with your worries?

It is important that we never make fun of someone else’s worries but listen to their concerns and try to help.

Has anyone ever had a worry that they no longer have? How did you deal with it?

Reflection– If you are worried or scared about anything today, have a think about who you can share it with.


Dear God,

Thank you for  the people who are there to help us.

Please help us never to feel like we have to manage all alone.

Please help us to find the courage to share our worries and to listen when others want to share their worries with us.


Here is a song based on ‘The Bag of Worries’



Claverley in Bloom Spring Competition

Claverley in Bloom are running a ‘Spring competition’

Welcome Spring Equinox

It is a painting competition but you children can submit a picture they have drawn and coloured in too. They are kindly donating a prize for each year group.

Look at the flyer for details

School Painting Comp Flyer

Closing date: Friday 26thMarch

Winners announced: Thursday 1st April