Ice hangings

We managed to turn out our ice hangings this morning and thought we would share some photos of our creations:

Ice hanging

Mrs Mottram has come up with a perfect activity for the very cold temperatures in Claverley today!


  • Boil water and allow to cool (this will result in a clearer finish when frozen).
  • Collect leaves, berries etc from outside and arrange in a shallow foil tray.
  • Cover the items with the cooled boiled water.
  • Sink a loop of string into the top of the tray.
  • Leave outside overnight to freeze.
  • When frozen, remove from the tray and hang from a branch.
  • Take a photo and show us your results!

The children in school have been exploring the natural patterns made with the ice outside today, Mrs Summerfield has taken from photographs for you all to see:

Using Teams – Remote Learning

We are planning to use Teams as part of our Remote learning. We will begin this on Monday 11th. Whilst this will also be other resources which we will use to support the children with their learning, we hope it will help the children to feel to connected  with each other and the whole school community.
Please could you log in to Office 365 before Monday with your children. Teams meetings are smoother if you download the Teams app but this is not essential. Office 365 will work on many different devices. Many of you will be familiar with Office 365 from your own work or may have other children which use it for school; however,  please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems.
If children have not logged in or changed their passwords since we sent them out, then Office 365 is likely to ask the children to change their passwords.
You just need to enter the current password and then create a new password. Office can be a bit awkward about the password you create. It prefers a mix of numbers and letters and preferably not complete words.
Please make a note of it somewhere secure as password resets are not as quick as when we forget the ones for shopping sites!
Mrs Bernasconi

Home Learning

Good Morning Green Class,

I know that many of you will be disappointed not to be back in school today but I have added some activities for you to have a go at at home.

I will check my emails regularly so please do get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss or share.

Take care,

Mrs Edwards



Year 1- I have uploaded a white rose maths sheet on addition for you to complete along with a video link. 



Reception- We will look at the number 5. I have attached the white rose links for you to access for today- Video link. 




Year 1- I have set a reading comprehension tutorial and activity on classroom secrets KIDS for you to look at.


Reception- I have assigned two segmenting activities for you to have a go at on classroom secrets KIDS.



Year 1- Our year 1s are split into two phonics groups. The first group are working to consolidate their knowledge of phase 3 sounds. Today we are focusing on the ‘ch’ sound. I have attached the links for the letters and sounds online lessons related to this sound:

Part 1

Part 2

Year 1- The second group are working within phase 4 looking at adjacent consonants. I have attached the letters and sounds link for you:

Adjacent consonants.


If you are unsure which group your child is in, please email me and I can advise which phonics lessons to follow. 

Reception- In school we follow the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. They have produced videos to teach your children phonics when at home. I have added the links for two sessions below, this is part 1 and 2:

Part 1

Part 2

Welcome to the Spring Term

Happy new year to all of you! I hope you have all had a wonderful break and I am looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.

I have attached an overview of our learning for this half term:

Spring 1 Green Class

PE this term is with Mrs Davies and will continue to be on a Tuesday morning.

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs Edwards

Welcome Back to the New Term 2021

I hope that you all had an enjoyable Christmas despite the last-minute change in guidance, and managed to make the most of the snowy weather whilst staying safe!

You will have heard the Minister of Education confirm that most primary schools will be opening as planned next week – which for Claverley children is on Tuesday 5th January as Monday is a PD for teachers.

We also know that Shropshire is now in Tier 3 (Very High Alert) of Covid19 restrictions, and the government has described the situation as ‘precarious’ and ‘pretty grim’.  I would like to urge everyone to follow the social distancing guidance, to ensure that we can keep our class ‘bubbles’ apart. This distancing and spacing is what is helping to minimise any risk of spreading the virus within the community and putting lives at risk, and also reduces the chance of needing to close a class, or even worse, the school.

Covid Symptoms/Self-Isolation

It is really important that parents keep school fully informed if anyone in their household has symptoms of Covid19.  If this happens, then the family needs to isolate and book a Covid19 test.  We kindly request that you let school know when the test is booked for, and also let us know the results as soon as you have them. Please send any information to

Out-of-hours/weekend information should be sent to   

This is so important, as if a test was to come back positive, we will need to follow Track and Trace procedures to ensure that we can minimise the risk of spread.  It is also important, as it allows teachers to know who requires remote-learning.

Ventilation/Warm Clothes

As you know, the advice is that we keep the school, especially classrooms well ventilated. As the weather is forecasted to be colder again next week, the classrooms are likely to become chilly. Children are therefore allowed to wear a skin layer under their school shirts and/or bring an extra fleece/cardigan to school to wear over their school jumper in the classrooms if they are cold. Please make sure jumpers and extra layers are named.

I would like to thank all parents and families for your support last term, as you played a vital part in ensuring that we could operate safely and ensure all our children could receive the high-quality educational experience that they deserve. With the news of the vaccines there is hope on the horizon that we can once again get back to normal, so with that in mind I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year, and am looking forwards to welcoming everyone back to school next Tuesday morning.

Merry Christmas

Well done to all of Green Class for a wonderful first term. You have all done incredibly well and should be very proud of yourselves!

Thank you to everyone for the lovely cards and gifts we have all received, we are very grateful.

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and look forward to seeing you all back in the new year!

Mrs Edwards, Mrs Mottram and Mrs Summerfield



Coming up this week…

We have a busy week ahead so here is a brief overview for you all:


Normal day, children to wear their uniform.


PE with Mrs Davies in the morning so children to come in PE kit.
Virtual panto in the afternoon courtesy of the PTA. A snack will also be provided by the PTA.


Christmas dinner day. Children can come to school in a Christmas jumper over their normal school uniform.


We will be having a Green class Christmas party in the afternoon so children can come to school in party clothes.


Last day of term. Oak house (yellow) can come to school in their own clothes today as they received the most house points this term. If you are unsure which house your child is in please email me or ask Mrs Mottram at the end of the day.

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Festive fun this week

Green class had a special visitor to forest school this week. Elfrina had lost her way and ended up in our shelter! The children helped her to collect all her lost treats and she even joined in with a few songs around the camp fire.





We also took part in the Santa dash this week running two laps of the field!