Anti-Bullying Week – 16th – 20th November

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is: United Against Bullying. Anti-Bullying Week will happen from Monday 16th – Friday 20th November and it will be the focus in school.

Odd Socks Day

We are going to ask the children to come to school in odd socks on Wednesday 18th November this year. Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

This week’s learning in Green Class

Take a look at some of the things we have been up to in Green class this week:

Remembrance Service by Garry

Sadly, Garry has not been able to join us in person to deliver his Remembrance Service but we are pleased that he has provided us with his virtual worship.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Green Class Learning w/b 9.11.20

In English this week, year 1 will be planning and writing their information texts all about pumpkins. Reception children will be exploring a pumpkin using their senses.

In maths, year 1 are continuing with their work on subtraction by finding the difference. They will then move on to comparing addition and subtraction statements using the inequality symbols. Reception are exploring numbers 1, 2 and 3. They will be finding 1 more and 1 less as well as identifying 2D shapes with 1 and 3 sides.

In Science, year 1 will be recording the weather and putting together weather forecasts.

For our topic learning this week we will be looking at toys that our parents and grandparents used to play with. We will be using books to research toys from the past and linking this with our home learning where we will be asking our parents and grandparents about their favourite toys.


Our value for this half-term is Responsibility.

The Bible teaches that life is a gift from God and it is our responsibility to use our talents and abilities in the best way we can.


In school this may be shown as: making good decisions about our own behaviour, taking responsibility for our learning, being independent and caring for others. Responsibility also includes thinking about being a good citizen and caring for our environment.

We have started off by thinking about how we can take responsibility for what we say. A follower of Jesus, called James, wrote to some people who were members of the church. He said that the tongue was like a tiny spark that could spread. We reminded ourselves that it was good to use our words to help, encourage others, and to be kind.

You might like to watch this clip from Toy Story

I’m Going to Make this an Awesome Day

Dear God,
Thank you that we are all special to you.
Thank you that you made us all different.
Please help us to look for the good in those around us.
Please help us to look beyond our circle of friends
to see those who may be on their own, lonely and needing someone to talk to.



Half Termly update

Here is a brief overview of what’s coming up this half term:

English: Information Texts, Labels, lists and signs. Nursery and traditional rhytmes.

Maths: Year 1- subtraction within 10, shapes and place value within 20.

Reception- represent, compare and compose numbers to 5, shape, positional language, time.

Science: Seasonal changes, weather.

Art: Looking at the artist Yayoi Kusama.

Computing: understand simple algorithms.

R.E: Diwali. Why is Christmas special for Christians?

P.E: Dance on Tuesday. Outdoor Forest School on a Wednesday.

P.S.H.E: Say no to bullying.

Topic: Our topic this term is Toys. In history we will be looking at changes within living memory by comparing toys that we play with today with the toys that our parents/grandparents played with. We will also be looking at the different countries that make up the United Kingdom via postcards from our travelling bear.

Advance Warning: Children in Need Day is on Friday 13th November (details to follow)

We will be having a ‘Diwali Day’ on Thursday 19th November. For this, the children will be able to come to school in brightly coloured clothes as we learn about this festival by engaging in some exciting art and craft activities.