Coming back to school

Hi All,

There is a lot of talk in the news and we have shared our plans for a return to school and in preparation, I thought some of these clips might help our children. It would be great if you could play them with your child and stop them when you want to discuss something. They might be usedful!

Back to School-Social-Story

While We Can’t Hug

Back to School

Happy Birthday Jayden

Happy Birthday to Jayden for yesterday! Everyone in Green hopes you had a wonderful day celebrating with your family.

Reception Activity Mats

I have found these activity mats on twinkl to help with your child’s understanding of phonics and maths. These are optional for you to complete but may help to identify areas that your child needs to work on and areas they are confident with.


These are the same mats but the first option has sound buttons underneath each phoneme to help your child identify digraphs.

Phonics Activity Mats with Sound Buttons

Phonics Activity Mats




Year 1 additional Literacy and Maths challenges

I have come across these mats on twinkl to help with your child’s understanding of spelling, grammar and punctuation and of maths concepts.

They begin in the Autumn term and move through to Summer. These are optional resources for you to use and you can select which ones would be most beneficial to your child.













Addition and Subtraction games now available on Rock Stars

We have added Numbots to our TimesTable Rock stars subscription for a trial.

This should be available when you log in to TTRockstars using your normal log in details. Numbots

This is designed to support fluency in mental addition and subtraction as well as numberbonds.

Don’t forget you can challenge your friends to tournaments in TTRockstars – allowing you to interact with your friends from school and maintain or improve your maths skills at the same time.


Claverley Children Video

Just a quick note to say thank you to all the children and parents who were involved in the ‘From the kids with love’ video that we received today. I have already watched it numerous times today and I’m sure I will be watching it many more times! It was wonderful to see your faces and to hear you voices.

Miss Pullinger


I have received some more photos throughout the day from Lily and India and Sabrina…

Times Tables

I know lots of you have been accessing the Times Tables Rock Stars website but some feedback I have been getting is that the format is proving tricky.

I have been sent an app by another parent that helps with times tables and also spellings. It seems to be a bit more user friendly for the year 1 children so may be worth having a look at.

It’s called Squeebles– I have attached a link to a website giving you more information.


Georgia, Eva and Finnlay have all been enjoying their home learning experiences…
