
Well done everyone for getting back to your home learning and keeping in touch. You are combining the work which has been set along with a good variety of extra activities. I know that teachers have been looking at and uploading pictures and here are some which have been sent to me too – who do you recognise? The art work was produced by Oliver A. Keep going everyone!


A Thousand Years

Mrs Summerfield thought it would be nice for all of Green class to learn a new skill together so she has recorded herself using sign language to the song A Thousand Years. You can watch the video and learn the actions before performing for your family. You could even record yourselves signing to the song and email them to me to share with your friends.

Get In Touch

Lots of families have been in touch with me to ask for advice or to share updates and photos of their home learning journey. It’s wonderful to see how you are coping and to know that you are OK.

If you haven’t been in contact with me yet could you send me a quick email to let me know that you are OK and, how you are getting on with home learning so far.

Many thanks,

Miss Pullinger

Home Learning 22.04.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘ai’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics. For today’s activity have a go at segmenting these words for spelling (parents say the word to your child and ask them to write it):

rain, Spain, pain, vain, train, cain

For an extra challenge, can you put any of the words into a sentence?

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘au’.

Revise all of your phase 5 flash cards an then watch Mr Thorne does phonics. Then have a go at segmenting these words for spelling parents say the word to your child and ask them to write it):

Autumn, cause, August, pause, Paul, sauce, autograph.

Can you put any of the words into a sentence?


We are continuing with our Snail and the Whale story today so you may want to begin by looking at the story again.

For today’s activity we are going to be we sequencing pictures from the story. If you’re child is finding it tricky to sequence all of the images, take some away and leave them with no more than 5 pictures. You can then talk about the other images and discuss where they might fit into the story.

Year 1 and as an additional challenge for Reception, I would like you to describe what is happening in each of the pictures.

Story sequencing images.



To begin with have a look at the BBC Super Movers- Counting.

Then have a go the game Roll and Colour. Roll a dice two times and add the numbers together, then colour in the picture with the total. See if your child can count on from the first number they rolled rather than starting at 1 again.

Year 1

To begin with have a look at BBC Super Movers- 2 Times Tables.

Then go to the White Rose website and follow the tutorial and activity from Summer term week 1 lesson 3.


For today’s challenge have a look at BBC Bitesize and learn all about the 4 countries that make up the UK.

You could also use a map of the UK to locate the 4 countries or use google earth. What’s different about the 4 countries that make up the UK? What’s the same?



The energize Shropshire website is a great place for daily physical challenges. It is updated with new challenges and resources each week and also has links to other websites offering ideas for exercising and playing.


Newest Member of Green Class

Meet Robbie the Robot, he’s ready to help all of Green Class with their segmenting and blending skills when we are back in school. He eats real words and hides nonsense words in his tummy!

Why not have a go at making your own phonics robot. Write real and nonsense words on pieces of paper and practice segmenting and blending them.

Enjoying the Easter holiday!

Logan who had only just started with us prior to the lockdown. Pictured enjoying his egg and spoon race after counting some colored eggs and doing some planting with his dad. Making the most of the weather!

Life Skills

I have received some wonderful pictures from Willow and her family showing me everything that she has been up at home over the past few weeks:


I have also received a video from Sabrina showing me her impressive bike riding skills. Her mum has told me that she learnt to rider her bike in 2 days!


Home Learning 21.04.20



The grapheme for today is ‘ng’.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics and revise all of your phase 3 cards.

Then have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s phonics game. The video is in two halves to allow you time to set up the activity.

Fun Time Phonics- Lesson 3 part 1

Fun Time Phonics- Lesson 3 part 2

Year 1

The grapheme for today is ‘oe’.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics and then revise all of your phase 5 flashcards.

The have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s game posted above. You could use the same graphemes as Mrs Summerfield for revision or choose some from your phase 5 flashcards and make your own words!


Re-read The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.


Julia Donaldson uses lots of rhyming words throughout the story. Can you identify which words rhyme?

Could you make a list of your own rhyming words?

Year 1

In the story Julia Donaldson describes the rock as being ‘as black as soot’. This is called a simile. Can you write down some more similes? You could choose to use things you see on the book or things from around your house.



We are continuing to add by counting on today.

Begin by watching this numberblocks episode.

For today’s activity you will need the numbers 1, 2 and 3 written on separate pieces of paper and building blocks. Turn the numbers upside down and ask you child to pick one- get them to tell you the number and then collect the corresponding number of bricks to begin building a tower. Then choose another piece of paper- again tell you the number and collect that many bricks to add to the tower. Whilst adding the new bricks see if your child can count on from where they left off at e.g if they have 3 bricks in their tower and then select the number two, can they say 4, 5?

Repeat the steps and see how tall you can make your tower!

Year 1

Begin by watching this numberblocks episode.

Go to the White Rose website and go to Summer term week 1 lesson 2- Make equal groups. Watch the tutorial video and complete the work book.


Design Technology

Using your knowledge from yesterday’s floating and sinking Science activity, can you design and make a raft for the Snail from our Snail and the Whale story to use?

What material do you think will be best?