
Hi Green Class!

Frankie has sent me some wonderful pictures of the caterpillars that he is nurturing at home. He was able to watch one of them turn into a chrysalid today!

We look forward to seeing how they develop over the next few weeks.


Mrs Summerfield has been busy creating a phonics video for you all to watch, you can join in with her or you could choose your own sounds to add in!

Home Learning 31.03.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘zz’.

Start by watching alphablocks.

Revise all of the phase 3 phonemes and see if children can remember where ‘zz’ is normally found in a word (at the end). For today’s activity write the graphemes ‘z’ ‘zz’ and ‘y’ on separate pieces of paper in large letters and place them in 3 different parts of the room or garden. Say a word to your child that contains 1 of the phonemes initially, they need to walk to the sound they hear. To increase the challenge you can give your child a word containing 2 of the phonemes and ask them to walk to both sounds in the order they hear them. To further increase the challenge they can write the word on the grapheme card.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ue’.

Start by watching alphablocks.

Revise all of the phase 5 phonemes. For today’s activity write the graphemes ‘ir’ ‘oy’ and ‘ue’ on separate piece of paper in large letters and place them in 3 different parts of the room or garden. Say a word to your child that contains 1 of the phonemes initially, they need to walk to the sound they hear. Challenge them by asking them to write the word on the grapheme card.


Reception and Year 1

Watch caterpillar shoes again. Talk about the different characters in the story and how they must have felt when they received the shoes before completing the point of view activity on page 8 of the booklet.



Have a go at singing one of our number songs to get you started.

We are carrying on with positional language today. Children can complete one of the activities set yesterday or they can have a go at drawing a map for the caterpillar from our Literacy activity to get through the forest. Write these positional words for them to use and make sure to include 1 of each action for your caterpillar:





Children could write their instructions for the caterpillar or you can scribe it onto the map for them.

Year 1

Begin by watching numberblocks. How many arrays can children make to make the number 12? Record your answers as an array using columns and rows.

Go to the White Rose website and watch the tutorial video and complete the task for week 1 lesson 3. Then use your Year 1 maths workbook and complete page 19.


As an additional activity today why not make an Easter card and write a message inside for a relative or friend.


Mrs Mottram’s Calves

Good Morning Green!

Mrs Mottram has sent me some lovely photos of 6 new calves that have been born on her farm.

Mrs Mottram needs to name the new calves and asked for your help! Send me your name ideas via email and Mrs Mottram will make the final decision.

Why not have a go at these activities to send along with your name ideas:

Draw a picture of one or all of the calves.

Have a look at where milk comes from.

Write a poem about the cows or life on a farm.


We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Home Learning 30.03.20



The grapheme for today is ‘z’.

Revise all of the phase 3 phonemes using the flashcards then watch Mr Thorne does Phonics.

For today’s activity play grab a giggling grapheme on top marks.

Year 1

The grapheme for today is ‘ir’.

Revise all of the phase 5 phonemes using the flashcards then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity play sentence substitution. 


Reception and Year 1

For this week’s Literacy activities we will be watching Caterpillar Shoes via the Literacy Shed website. Each day I will guide you to a different activity within the activity booklet- for some reason I can’t upload the document but here is the link for you to download it.

For today’s activity you will be using page 7 to design your own comic strip of the story. You can draw a different picture in each box to show the key events throughout the story.



For today’s starter practice your number formation, this could be in your workbook, with chalk or with water and a paintbrush onto outside pavement. Match the number you have written with the same quantity of items e.g 5 shoes, 4 flowers. See if you can get to 10 and for an extra challenge have a go at writing numbers to 20.

For today’s activity we will be looking at positional language. The challenges in the sheet below are for today and tomorrow. You could also set up an obstacle course in your garden and guide a member of your family through it using your positional language.


Year 1

For today’s starter have a look at Times Table Rock Stars. I have set the tables to be practiced each week for you.

Then go to the White Rose website, watch the videos and complete the activities for week 1 lessons 1 and 2 on weight and mass.



In addition to your phonics, literacy and maths I have created a list of activities based on the caterpillar shoes for you to have a go at across the week:

  • Research and either draw or write about the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Research what camouflage is and see what animals use it and why.
  • Design your own pair of insect shoes.
  • Go on a mini-beast hunt and see what bugs you can find. How many shoes would they each need?
  • Complete the word search on page 10 of the activity booklet.
  • Complete the shape reflection on page 12 of the activity booklet.
  • Draw your own butterfly- can you match the pattern on either side?
  • Make your own stick insect.
  • Pages 4, 5 and 6 of the activity booklet have some comprehension questions for the video. Watch the video again and see if you can answer them.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for week 2 of home learning!

As always please message me with any questions or updates.


Miss Pullinger

Well Done Green Class

I just wanted to say a massive well done to Green Class for completing your first week of home learning!

I am enjoying reading all about what you have been up to and looking at the photos you have been sending.


Home Learning 27.03.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘y’.

Begin by revising all of the phase 3 flashcards- repetition is key! Then Watch the Mr Thorne does phonics video.

For today’s activity you will need to write some words on individual pieces of paper- start with y words but you can choose other words to add in- the focus is segmenting and blending. Use whatever you have available to make a river and scatter your words into it. Stand on one side of the river and sing my song ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can I cross your sound river’. Choose one of the words from the river, segment the word and blend back together. If you get it right, hop across the river!

Some y words to get you started are:

yap, yes, yell, yam, yum, yuck, yet.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘oy’.

Begin by revising all of the phase 5 sounds- same as reception, repetition is key! Then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity you will need to write some words on individual pieces of paper- start with oy words but you can choose other words to add in- the focus is segmenting and blending. Use whatever you have available to make a river and scatter your words into it. Stand on one side of the river and sing my song ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can I cross your sound river’. Choose one of the words from the river, segment the word and blend back together. If you get it right, hop across the river!

Some oy words words to get you started:

toy, boy, annoy, enjoy, oyster, employ, ahoy, destroy



Reception and Year 1

Complete the Spring senses poetry. Year 1s really focus on your vocabulary before writing your final poem, maybe create a list of describing words for each section first and then choose the best words.



For today’s starter play the add machine game on topmarks.

Carry on using the number formation and Easter booklets. If you have completed all of the activities in these booklets have a look at the White Rose website for Reception home learning. They have 5 activities to choose from based on an egg hunt.

Year 1

We are looking at subtracting today so have a go at the funky mummy game on top marks as your starter.

Then complete pages 13, 14 and 15 of your Year 1 maths booklet.


Why not have a go at some of these Lego challenges:

It sounds like everyone is doing really well with their home learning which is wonderful to hear; some of you have even sent me photos of you doing your work. It would be lovely if we could post some photos of everyone on our website so it feels like we’re all still together. If you’d rather not send any then you don’t have to but, if you would like to then just e-mail them to me and I’ll upload them.

I am missing you all and hope you have had a fantastic first week of home learning!


Home Learning 26.03.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘x’.

Revise all of the phase 3 phonemes using the flashcards. Then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For our activity today we will be practicing our segmenting and blending by playing Buried Treasure Word Sort.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ea’.

Revise all of the phase 5 phonemes using the flashcards. Then either go through the Sneaky Seals powerpoint or watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity complete the sentences in the Sneaky Seals work sheet. Can you come up with your own sentences? Afterwards why not make your own Seal Mask.


Reception and Year 1

Complete your diary entry for today, try and include as much detail as you can.

Listen to the story A Monster Surprise. Have a go at drawing your own monster or use the Roll and draw monster sheet to help you. Once you have drawn your monster, tell me about him. Why have you given him those features? What does he like to do? Is he a scary or nice monster? Year 1 to write in full sentences. Reception either words or sentences.



For today’s Maths starter watch Numberblocks Whole of Me.

Have a go at the Easter maths booklet or the Spring I Spy and Add to 20. You will need the Spring I Spy and Add to 20 Checklist. These activities can be spread over today and tomorrow along with the number formation and shape colouring booklets.

Year 1

For today’s starter count in 2s to fill in your number square. What do you notice about the numbers that you are filling in today?

For the main activity you will need your Year 1 maths booklet. We are moving onto the addition and subtraction section today using pages 10, 11 and 12.


Please feel free to share your home learning with me via email, I would love to see how you are all getting on.

Miss Pullinger


Home Learning 25.03.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘w’.

Begin by revising all of the phase 3 flashcards. Then watch Mr Thorne does Phonics.

Complete the activity Shells in the Waves.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ie’.

Begin by revising all of the phase 5 flashcards. Then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Complete the activities below:

ie colour by phoneme

Roll and Read ie


Reception and Year 1

Fill in your diary entry for today.

Have a look at these Spring images. What can you see in the pictures? Year 1, I really want to see some fantastic vocabulary to describe what you can see and please don’t forget- capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! Reception, you can write key words next to each image or have a go at writing a sentence, remember to segment each word slowly so you hear all of the sounds.



Start your Maths learning by watching the Numberblocks episode Ten again.

Use your tens frame to build number bonds to 10. You could use two different colours to show each part e.g. 4 red counters and 6 yellow counters. Can you record your number bonds in a number sentences?

I have also attached a Number formation booklet and a Shape colouring activity for you to complete at your own pace.

Year 1

Start your maths lesson by counting in 5s to fill in part of your 100 square. What do you notice?

Then watch the Numberblocks episode Ten again.

Can you record all of the number facts for each number bond to 10?


6 + 4 = 10

4 + 6 = 10

10 – 4 = 6

10 – 6 = 4


Hope you are all enjoying the wonderful sunshine!

I have seen a fun activity that you may like to try, take some of your toy animals/dinosaurs outside and position them in front of a piece of paper so that the shadow made from the animal leaves an outline on your paper. Trace around the outline with a pencil or pen and colour in!

Miss Pullinger

Forest School

Hi all,

Mrs Mottram has put together a list of Forest School activities that you can do with your children over the coming weeks:

  • Go bird watching in your garden and see if you can identify any of the birds.
  • Listen to the different bird songs in your garden, can you identify which birds are making the noise?
  • Have a wander around your garden and look at the different plants and trees that you can see. Can you name any of them? You could use a computer or a non-fiction book to help you.
  • If you have a stethoscope, put it in a tree trunk and listen to the sap rising.

Take photos and let us know how you get on!

Home Learning 24.03.20

I hope you all enjoyed today’s home learning activities. I have detailed tomorrow’s Phonics, Literacy and Maths activities below.




Receptions grapheme of the day is ‘v’. Watch the Mr Thorne video.

Again rehearse all of the phase 3 sounds but focus on ‘v’. See if you can come up with a list of words with the ‘v’ sound in. Then play the Buried Treasure game selecting the +v grapheme as the focus.

Year 1

Year 1’s grapheme of the day is ‘ou’. Watch the Mr Thorne video.

Again rehearse all of the phase 5 sounds but focus on ‘ou’. See if you can come up with a list of words with the ‘ou’ sound in. Then play the Buried Treasure game selecting the +ou grapheme as the focus.




Write today’s diary entry letting me know what you have been up to.

Have a look at some of the pictures attached below. Can you write a caption to match? Remember to segment every word for spelling and use finger spaces between your words. There are a lot of images to choose some but I am only expecting 3-5 to be completed.

Pictures and Captions

Year 1

Write today’s diary entry letting me know what you have been up to. Don’t forget to sequence your sentences and to make them interesting!

Have a look at the sentences on the sheet below. Can you figure out which are fact and which are fiction? Rewrite the sentences in the correct column underneath.

Can you come up with your own fact or fiction sentences? You may want to choose a topic e.g. elephants, and write 2 facts and 1 fiction sentence. Read them to a member of your family and see if they can guess which is fiction.

Fact or fiction sentences




As a starter practice counting forwards and backwards to 20. Start low on the ground and slowly stand up as you count from 0 to 20. When counting backwards, start really tall and slowly crouch down as you count from 20 to 0.

For the main activity you will need a deck of cards.

Year 1

For today’s starter either print off a blank 100 square or draw your own. Count in 10s to fill in the last column of your square. Keep your square as we will fill in the other spaces on another day.

For the main activity you will still be working with numbers to 50 using your workbook (I have attached another copy below). Complete pages 4, 6 and 8.

Year 1 maths

Year 1 children were also sent home with an abacus Maths workbook. This can be completed at your own pace. We have not covered all of the topics in School as yet but children can feel free to attempt any activity.


As always please contact me with any queries.

Miss Pullinger