Pancake Day

Green Class celebrated Pancake Day by decorating and tasting pancakes. Children chose between strawberries, bananas and blueberries for their toppings before wrapping them up and tucking in!



Children all had a go at tossing a pancake using a frying pan with only a few ending up on the floor!


Phonics Workshop

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend one of our Phonics workshops. The presentation is attached below and has links to all of the websites for games and videos to support your children’s understanding.

Phonics and Reading Information

Phonics Workshop

As part of our ‘read around the planets’ reading launch we are holding a second session of our phonics workshop for parents who were unable to attend the original meeting.

The workshop will be held on Monday 10th February at 5.45 pm and will roughly last for 30 minutes.

Please let us know if you would like to attend.

Forest School 29.01.20

Bug Hotel

Children enjoyed re-building our bug hotel down at Forest School. They worked together to carefully place the equipment so that bugs of all sizes could have a cosy place to stay!

Thank you to Mrs Burr and Mrs Summerfield for providing the resources needed and for supporting the children with the build.









Book Fair

Reading in Unusual Places Competition

Our children have been so inspired by the reading day and so many were reading outside during their lunch breaks that it gave us an idea. We would love photos of your child reading in an usual place! It could be taken anywhere that they have an opportunity to read. Send them in and there will be a prize for the most unusual place. Pictures to be in by Tuesday 11th February.

Following the success of the reading day, we have arranged for a book fair during the week beginning Monday 30th March. It is being delivered by ‘Travelling Books’ and you can see a lot of information on their website.

The World Book Day vouchers will be given out on World Book Day which is on Thursday 5th March. You can choose to purchase a free book from bookshops or save your token until the bookfair and use it for £1 off a book.

World Book Day – Thursday 5th March. We will be encouraging children to come as a favourite character and we might see some different ones from the Bookfest books!

Reading Day

We have had an exciting day to launch our Bookfest and Reading Miles journey. We set out to inspire all our children with a pyjama day and lots of reading activities. Each class are taking part in their own ‘Bookfest’ and we have purchased new books, thanks to the PTA, to support this project. Children were so keen to read through their lunchtimes too! What a wonderful day! 

See below for the link to the PowerPoint shared at the reading workshop.

Reading Workshop spring 2020

Reading List year 5 and 6



year 3 book list

year 2 book list

Dear Santa

Green Class enjoyed a trip to Theatre Severn to watch a production of Dear Santa. The play was wonderful and the children even got to meet Santa and his elf at the end of the performance!

Thank you to all of the parent helpers who came along to support us and to the PTA for providing us with drinks and snacks for all of the children.


Poster Competition Winners!

Claverley in Bloom organised a competition for the children to design a poster to encourage people to pick up after their dog. Well done to the winners of the poster competition: Isla, Jack, Ruby-Rose and Eliza. They each received a WHSmith’s voucher which was presented by Janet Ryan.  Let’s hope they are effective!

Christmas is Coming

Green Class have been busy making our Christmas decorations.

Children took it in turns to roll out their salt dough before choosing what shapes they wanted for their design. They then carefully placed their choice of gems into the dough and left them to air dry.