Letters to Santa

Next week, Green class will be writing our letters to Santa, we will then walk to the postbox in Claverley to send our letters.

The walk will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2.15. In order for us to safely walk to the postbox we will require some parent helpers to walk with us.

If you are available and would like to join us, please either email me directly or catch me on Monday morning to let me know.

Sarah Edwards

Oxford Owl ebooks

Good Evening,

We have had a couple of queries regarding the Read Write Inc ebooks that are set each week so I just wanted to give a little reminder about what they are and where you can access them.

The ebooks that we set are different to the Read Write Inc books that we send home. The ebooks are the same book as the one we read in school with children with the intention that children can develop their fluency (ability to read without segmenting into sounds) and confidence with a text that they are familiar with.

The ebook can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website. Each child has been given a login and they can be accessed anytime. If you need a reminder of your child’s login details I am able to access them and can send them home either digitally or as a paper copy.

Ebooks will usually be set weekly although this can change depending on how we feel the children are coping. If it is a challenging book or we have been unable to read it in school everyday then we may read the same book for a couple of weeks. If the children are reading the book confidently and have a good understanding of the text then we may decide to move them on a little quicker.

The ebooks are designed to be read in conjunction with the physical books that are sent home each week. The recommendation is that a child in EYFS and KS1 reads for 10 minutes each day and we would advise reading each book on alternate days.

Reading at home is vital to a child’s development and can have a huge impact on their reading progress so we thank you for your continued support in this area.

If you have any queries regarding either home reading or the ebooks then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sarah Edwards

Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper day

Children can wear a Christmas jumper on Friday 8th December. They will need to wear school wear PE kit on the lower half ready for the Santa Dash. Green and Yellow can also wear joggers and trainers ready for the Santa Dash too! Children can also bring a Santa hat to wear if they wish!

Santa Dash Anyone? - Breathing Matters - UCL Respiratory

New toys can be donated on the day and left in the entrance area ready for Garry to collect.

Forest School Tuesday 5th December 2023

Our last Forest School session for the Autumn Term will be on Tuesday 5th December 2023. All children in Reception and Year 1 will be taking part in this fun filled, festive session.

Could all Reception and Year 1 children come to school in their school jumper with blue or black jogging bottoms on this day.

Please could children bring gloves, hats and an extra layer (if needed).

Thank you for your continued support.

Shropshire Star First Class Supplement

We wanted to share the latest correspondence from the Shropshire Star with a reminder of the deadline and details of how you can purchase a copy of the Shropshire Star featuring a photo of the children.

“Just a quick reminder for your parents who wish to order copies of the Shropshire Star ‘first day at school’ supplement which will be published on the 29th November 2023.

The deadline to pre-order copies online at shropshirestar.eventbrite.co.uk  is 11pm on Sunday 26th November. Alternatively, orders can be placed with one of our team on 0800 174 064, the deadline for telephone orders is Saturday 25th November when our call centre closes at 12 noon.

Copies can be purchased on the day at local retail outlets at full cover price.

Julie Levitt

Central Support Services Manager”
Thank you for your continued support.



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