Year 1 Spellings- W/B 3rd May

Here are year 1 spellings for the week. Children will be tested on Friday. Please practise them every day so that children can spell them easily and are then able to spell them correctly in their writing.

Spellings for home 3.5.22

Year 1 spellings week commencing 13th December

This week we are looking at spelling the days of the week. Children should be reminded that we need a capital letter for each day of the week.

Group A and B

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Year 1 spellings w/c 6.12.21

This week we are learning the nest set of common exception words.

Group A and Group B

we, me, be, he, she

Year 1 spellings w/c 29th November

This week we are learning to spell the numbers 6-10 as words.

Group A and Group B

six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Year 1 spellings w.c. 22.11.21

This week children will be spelling numbers 1 to 5 as words.

Group A and B

one, two, three, four, five