Year 1 Spellings w/c 15th November

This week we are looking at the phoneme ‘v’ spelt as ‘ve’ at the end of words.

Group A

have, live, give, love

Group B

have, live, give, love, above, nerve

Year 1 spellings week commencing 8th November

This week we are spelling common words. If children have grasped the spelling quickly, they can have a go at putting the words into a sentence.

Group A

to, no, do, go, so

Group B

to, do, no, go, so

Year 1 spellings week commencing 1st November 2021

This week we are focusing on the sound ‘ch’ spelt as ‘tch’

Group A

catch, fetch, notch, hutch

Group B

catch, fetch, notch, hutch, kitchen

Year 1 spellings w/c 18th October 2021

This week we are focusing on writing the ch grapeheme within words.

Group A

chip, chick, much, such

Group B

chip, chick, much, such, rich, chess

Year 1 spellings w/c 11th October

This week our focus is the -ng grapheme at the end of words.

Group A

sing, hang, long, king

Group B

sing, hang, long, king, string, thing

Year 1 spellings w/c 4th October 2021

This week we are looking at writing the grapheme -nk at the end of words.

Group A

bank, honk, sunk, wink

Group B

bank, honk, sunk, wink, think, bunk

Group C

bank, honk, sunk, wink, think, bunk

Year 1 Spellings w/c 27.09.21

This week we are continuing to look at adding the endings -ing, -ed and -er to root words that do not need to be changed.

Group A

mixing, mixed, mixer, buzzing, buzzed, buzzer

Group B

mixing, mixed, mixer, buzzing, buzzed, buzzer

Year 1 Spellings w/c 20.09.21

This week’s spellings focus on adding the endings ing, ed and er to root words.

Group A:

hunting, hunted, hunter, jumping, jumped, jumper

Group B:

hunting, hunted, hunter, jumping, jumped, jumper

Year 1 spellings w/c 13.09.21

Group A:

well, pull, back, buzz

Group B:

well, pull, back, stick, buzz, fizz


Year 1 spellings w/c 6.09.21

Each week children will be given a new set of spellings to practice and learn. The focus will change each week between spelling patterns and rules, common exception words and words linked to our phonics learning.

Your child will receive between 4 and 6 words per week to learn. We will send home new spellings on a Friday for children to practise throughout the week. We will then have a spelling test the following Friday.

For this week only children will receive their spellings on Monday 6th September.

Group A:

off, miss, if, us

Group B:

off, miss, if, us, bus, puff