Learning to Spell- Year 1

Look Cover Write Check

Children to look at the first word to be learnt and copy it out. Children to then cover the word and have a go at writing the word independently. Children should then check their spelling to see if they got it right or of they need to have another go.

Colourful Words

Write each of the letters in your word with a different coloured pencil.

Pyramid Writing

Pyramid write each of your spelling words.

E.g. come






Silly Sentences

Try putting the spelling word into a silly sentence. Make sure you underline the spelling word in each sentence.

Friday Update

The weeks are flying by and I know there is a lot to think about even in these restricted times.

The Christmas Shop (Elfridges) is open on Monday morning and will be run by school staff. The gifts will come home on Monday night.

Next Thursday 10th December, the whole school is taking part in a Santa Dash! Mr Jew is going to mark out a track for each class and they will all go out in their bubbles to complete the run/walk.

Children can wear PE type clothes to school – school or red/black joggers and something red on top and a Santa hat if they have one. This is intended to be a bit of fun but please do not go out purchasing special clothes for it as something Christmassy on top will be fine if you don’t have anything red! You can send your child to school with a change of footwear too.

Green and Yellow Class are coming to school in their clothes for filming their part for the play so they can do the dash in those clothes.

Break the Rules day was a lot of fun last week- thanks to all who took part and supported the PTA. Thanks to Liz and her helpers for organising it too as it went well.

Check out this lot of rule breakers!

Have a good weekend everyone!


Learning to spell

Look Cover Write Check

Children to look at the first word to be learnt and copy it out. Children to then cover the word and have a go at writing the word independently. Children should then check their spelling to see if they got it right or of they need to have another go.

Colourful Words

Write each of the letters in your word with a different coloured pencil.

Pyramid Writing

Pyramid write each of your spelling words.

E.g. come






Silly Sentences

Try putting the spelling word into a silly sentence. Make sure you underline the spelling word in each sentence.