5 Minute Fillers

I have found some useful PowerPoints on the twinkl website relating to different areas of maths. They are starter activities and so should only take between 5 and 10 minutes to go through. I will upload below all of the presentations, you can then select any one of them to go through.



All of the reception powerpoints are aimed at hitting the Early Learning Goal for Maths. If your child is finding any of them difficult there are also powerpoints available that are aimed at children working within the 30-50 and 40-60 bracket of their development. If you would like these resources then please email me and I will send over the appropriate resources.

Number Bonds to 10



Comparing numbers and quantities

Ordering numbers

Year 1

Number recognition and place value

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and division


Properties of shape


Position and Direction

Home Learning 20.04.20

Welcome back to the Summer Term Green Class. Hopefully you have all had a nice break and are ready for some new home learning challenges!




The grapheme we are learning today is ‘th’.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics and then go through all of your phase 3 cards.

Play Buried Treasure by selecting the +th option.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ew’.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics and then revise all of your phase 5 cards.

Play Buried Treasure by selecting the +ew option.



We are beginning a new topic for maths this term and we will be looking at addition and subtraction by counting on and back.

Begin by practicing counting on with your child by playing I count, you count.

You say- “1,2”

Your child says- “3,4”

And so on all the way to 20.

For the main activity today we will be using a White Rose method known as maths stories:

First 2 people were on a bus. Then 2 more people got onto the bus. Now there are 4 people on the bus altogether.

The number sentence would be 2+2=4.

You could draw your own bus and use lego people/pasta/counters or whatever you have available. Alternatively you can download this version to use:


Begin by working with numbers to 10 but feel free to move on to numbers to 20 if your child is confident. Think of an addition number sentence to give your child e.g. 3 + 2 = Then using your physical resources place 3 people onto the bus and say “First there were 3 people on the bus”. Then add 2 more people and say “Then 2 more people joined”. Ask your child how many there are now. See if your child can count on by putting the number 3 in their head and saying 4, 5 to represent the 2 additional people. It is OK if they aren’t able to do this yet, they can count from 1. Try different addition calculations using this method.

Year 1

We are also moving on with our maths learning for the Summer term and we will be looking at making halves/doubles and equal groups.

Go to the White Rose website and follow the tutorial and activities for Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 1. The activities are all about doubles. There are images for children to use on the question sheet however your child may need physical objects in front of them to help when working out the answers. You could use counters, pasta, lego pieces, anything you have available.

Don’t forget that you can use the Times Table Rock Stars website at any time to help with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.


This week’s book will be The Snail and The Whale by Julia Donalson. There is a lovely animated version on the BBC website or you might prefer to read the book to your child, if you haven’t got the book at home there is a version on youtube that they can listen to.

Once you have listened to/watched the whole story explain to your child that the story is all about a snail who wants to go on a journey. For today’s activity I would like children to think about where in the world they would like to go, it could be somewhere they’ve never been or somewhere they love going. Draw a picture to show me the place and then using full sentences tell me where it is and why you want to go there using the word because. Year 1 this is a great opportunity to use some wonderful adjectives!


As an extra activity for you to try today I would like you to fill up a bowl of tray with water and try placing different objects into it. Which float and which sink? Do you know why? Can you predict which will float or sink and say why?

You could record your results in a table.


Mrs Mottram’s challenge

Mrs Mottram has heard a cuckoo whilst out and about around Claverley. Throughout the week could you research what a cuckoo looks like, where it lives, what it likes to eat etc. If you hear the cuckoo maybe you could record the sound it makes and where you heard it. Don’t forget to send us your work!



Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday James and Harrison, we hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with your family!

Message from the Head

Hello to everyone and especially all the children!

Today we would have been breaking up for the Easter holiday with our Church service and PTA organised Easter egg hunt. Sadly, we are not spending this last day together and I have been searching but can’t find any eggs! So you are not missing out!

Your teachers and I have loved hearing from you all and finding out what you have been doing. We are very pleased that you are continuing to work hard from your new classrooms! I wonder if you have all shared a ‘Super Silver’ or even ‘Great to be Gold’ lunch together, if not, you could plan one next week. I would love to know if any of your parents have earned one!

I am adding some ideas for the holidays to this post. You don’t have to do them but you might like to choose a couple to try. I have seen lots of children going onto the site with an artist called Rob Biddulph and he shows you how to draw some amazing characters – it doesn’t matter if you are a fantastic artist or a beginner, you can have a go!

I hope you enjoy have some fun and enjoy the lovely weather.

Mrs Derrer

Activities for Half-Term (1)

Calf Names

Mrs Mottram has really enjoyed hearing all of your name ideas for her new calves and seeing the beautiful pictures you created.

She has picked the final names:







Home Learning 3.04.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘sh’.

Revise all of your phase 3 phonemes using the flashcards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity we will play Miss Pullinger’s sound river.  Stand on one side of the river and sing my song ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can I cross your sound river’. Choose one of the words from the river, segment the word and blend back together. If you get it right, hop across the river!

Begin with:

flash, splash, sash, shin, ship, fish.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ph’.

Revise all of your phase 5 phonemes using the flashcards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity we will play Miss Pullinger’s sound river.  Stand on one side of the river and sing my song ‘Miss Pullinger, Miss Pullinger, can I cross your sound river’. Choose one of the words from the river, segment the word and blend back together. If you get it right, hop across the river!

Begin with the words:

alpphabet, elephant, dolphin, phone, graph.


Reception and Year 1

We are using the caterpillar shoes story again for our final writing challenge this week. I would like you to add your own section to the story. Think about:

What bug does the caterpillar meet?

How many shoes does the bug need?

What shoes does the caterpillar give?

Why does the bug need the shoes?

Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Year 1 try and use adjectives in your sentences.



For today’s starter have a go at the Shape Patterns game on top marks selecting level 3.

Today we are looking at symmetrical patterns. Have a go at the Complete the Symmetrical Pattern and Symmetrical Pattern Butterfly worksheets.

You could also have a go at the Monster symmetry.

Why not try folding a piece of paper in half, paint a pattern on one side of your paper. Then fold the clean side over and press down, open it up and see what’s happened.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at Times Table rock stars.

Then go to the White Rose website and complete Week 2 lesson 1- compare capacity.

You could also have a go at page 22 of your Year 1 maths workbook.

Story Time

Today’s story is After The Storm.

Mrs Wilkes has also recorded a couple of stories for you all to enjoy, Hairy Maclary’s Bone and Slinky Malinki.


Have a go at playing Kim’s Game. You will need a tray, several items and a tea towel.

Place all of the items onto the tray so that you can see them all. Have a good look at what’s on the tray. Cover the tray with a tea towel and try to remember all of the items, you could write a list draw them or tell a member of your family.

You can also play with somebody else. Place the items on the tray, the first person needs to close their eyes whilst the second person removes one of the items. The first person then has to look at the tray and work out which item was removed.


This game is a great way to develop memory skills which helps with the retention of knowledge.

Home Learning 2.04.20



The grapheme for today is ‘ch’.

Revise all of your phase 3 phonemes and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Have a go at writing a list of words that begin with the phoneme ‘ch’. Have a go at the Picnic on Pluto game on phonics play selecting the +ch.

Year 1

The grapheme for today is ‘wh’.

Revise all of your phase 5 phonemes and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Have a go at the game Picnic on Pluto on phonics play selecting ‘wh’. Have a go at writing some of the ‘wh’ words- children may need help to identify words beginning with the ‘wh’ grapheme, that’s fine as long as you encourage them to spell the word independently.


Reception and Year 1

We are using the caterpillars shoes again today and will be using The Unfortunate Fly activity on page 14. You may want to watch the video a couple of times to spot him! Reception, a simple sentence to tell me where the fly was is fine but Year 1 I’m expecting some exciting vocabulary!



For today’s starter practice counting forwards and backwards to 20, start by crouching down low on the ground and slowly move up as you count. You can also have a go at Teddy Numbers selecting either numbers to 10 or 15 depending on your child’s confidence.

We are carrying on with pattern today but we will be making patterns with sound. You can use your body by clapping/tapping your knees or you could use an instrument. Create a pattern of sounds by changing the sound, the volume or the speed e.g 1 clap, 2 quick claps, 1 clap, 2 quick claps. You can increase the number of different sounds to increase the challenge.

Try teaching your pattern to a member of your family and try to copy a pattern that they create.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at the Teddy Numbers game on top marks and select words up to 15. This will help to consolidate knowledge of written numbers.

We are carrying on with capacity and mass today by using the white rose website, week 1 lesson 5. You can then have a go at page 21 of your Year 1 maths workbook.

Story Time

Today’s story is The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

Calf Naming

We have had some great name suggestions so far for Mrs Mottram’s calves along with some fantastic drawings:

Keep sending me your suggestions and Mrs Mottram will choose the final names on Friday.