Red Class spellings for week beginning 23.09.24

This week’s words have ‘ou’ which make  a /u/ sound.

Group 1: young, touch, double

Group 2: double, enough, trouble, couple, touch, young

Group 3: double, enough, trouble, couple, touch, young, cousin, flourish, encourage

The children have been given their logins for Ed Shed which should be stuck inside their reading diaries. There are spelling games set which will support the learning of the weekly words.

EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed

Please type the following in the browser to log in.

On the sign in page, select school username and select Claverley CE Primary. It should then work with your child’s login details.


Red Class spellings 13.09.24

We will be posting spellings every week.

This week, the children might have a lot to learn so please encourage them to learn as many as possible but don’t worry if they can’t learn them all. They will be grouped for future weeks.

This week we are learning about words with ‘ou’ in them.

Year 3: mouth, around, ouch, sound, proud, hound, found

Year 4: mouth, around, ouch, sound, proud, hound, found, trout, spout, sprout

We have had some technical issues with Ed Shed this week so there is a link below to the words on spellzone. We will hopefully have Ed Shed up and running next week.


Welcome back Red Class!

It was lovely to welcome you all back into Red Class today and hear all about your summer holidays. I just wanted to remind you about PE days for this year which are on a Wednesday and Friday, please can you ensure you come into school in your PE kit. Also, so that we can continue to go down onto the field at lunchtimes during the autumn/winter please can you bring in an old pair of trainers or wellies to keep in school to change into.

Many thanks and well done for a great first day back!

Welcome Back!

Free Vector | Welcome back to school, autumn theme

Welcome back, we hope that you have had a lovely summer break. We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd September). All children should come in school uniform.

A few reminders:

School is open from 8:40am and lessons/registration starts at 8:45am. It is really important that children are here for the start of the school day.

Please make sure that you have put your child’s name in their clothes, particularly jumpers and cardigans – a biro name is sufficient. Children might also need a coat this week as we still go outside if it is drizzling!

We are a nut free school so please make sure that lunch boxes and snacks are nut free. Morning snacks should be fruit or a healthy snack but no sweets, chocolate bars and nuts. Lunch boxes should be healthy too where possible.

No Nuts Sticker, Allergy Sticker, Nut Allergy Sticker, Allergy Alert  Sticker, Personalized Allergy Sticker, Egg Allergy SHEET OF 12 805 - Etsy UK

All children should bring a water bottle which they have access to during the day. If your child does not drink water, please speak to their class teacher as we do not encourage alternatives unless there is a valid reason.  Please make sure that your child’s name is on the bottle.

The best water bottles in 2024 including insulated, gym and sustainable  options

We can’t wait to see you all back!


Flipper the Dolphin!


It is estimated that over
8 billion packets of crisps are consumed each year in the UK, the majority of which are not recyclable and up in landfill or incinerators thats a lot of waste and a huge environmental problem! At Claverley CE Primary School, we encourage our children to be courageous advocates and would like to be a part of changing things for the better!

We are delighted to announce that we are in contact with ‘The British Ironwork Centre’ and will be welcoming ‘Flipper’ the dolphin sculpture, which we aim to fill with empty crisp packets that would potentially end up in land fill -our target is 1000 crisp packets! 

Please can you help us?

Picnic season is upon us! Please could you start saving empty crisp packets from home to bring into school in September so that we can reach our target of filling ‘Flipper’ the dolphin sculpture. We would love for family members to get involved too. The more crisp packets we can collect, the better!

Flipper the Dolphin will arrive at school on Monday 9th September and will remain with us until Friday 4th October.

Each class will be provided with a recycling bin to place crisp packets from home in-they will need to be counted before they go into the sculpture so that we can ensure we reach our target.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for supporting us in being advocates for positive change.

If you have any queries or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Laura Aguayo

Thank you Red class!

Dear Red Class,

Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness. Whilst we do not expect end of term gifts, we do appreciate the ones we have been given. A BIG ‘Thank you’ from all of us.

Wishing you a wonderful summer.

happy summer holidays by Maria Hernandez - Issuu

From Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Miss Cook.

12.07.24 – Red class spellings – statutory words

Here are the last group of spellings for this current academic year. They are from the statutory word list.

-important, interest, island, imagine, history knowledge

Homework 11.7.24

Well done for a great week Red class and for a great year, you have all worked so hard!I have set your last piece of homework for this year on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at bar charts and year 4 are looking at drawing 2D shapes on a grid. Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Homework 4.7.24

I have set your homework for this week Red class on Edshed. Year 3 are looking at pictograms and year 4 are looking at line graphs. Please complete all tasks by next Wednesday. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!