Protected: Home learning – w/c 11th January – Maths

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Home learning – w/c 11th January – English

This week in English we are starting a new unit of work looking at non chronological reports. This unit of work will be for the next two weeks.

Monday 11th January 

Please watch the videos and complete the tasks for lessons 1 and 2 which I have attached below:

Lesson 1

Lesson 2


Tuesday 12th January

Please watch and complete lessons 3 and 4 today

Lesson 3

Lesson 4


Wednesday 13th January 

Please watch and complete lessons 5 and 6 today

Lesson 5

Lesson 6


Thursday 14th January

Please watch and complete lessons 7 and 8

Lesson 7

Lesson 8


Friday 15th January 

Please watch and complete lessons 9 and 10

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

 Please do not complete any of the other lessons in this unit of work as we will be looking at those next week. 

Home learning – w/c 11th January – Reading Comprehension

For reading comprehension this week I would like you to look at BBC Bitesize. There are some nice videos and questions to answer about different short story extracts.

I have attached the link to the BBC Bitesize website for the activities below:


Home learning – w/c 11th January – Topic

This week for Topic I would like you to have a look at ‘What are fold mountains?’ and ‘How are volcanoes made?’

I have attached the links to the lesson videos below:

You don’t have to watch both videos in one go if you don’t want to, you can split them up and watch them on different days.

Protected: Friday 8th January – update

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Mrs Colin-Stokes’s Morning Maths Group

This is really for the group who come out with me on Monday mornings during guided reading when we go into the library. Hopefully you can remember who is in the group!

If we were in school, we’d have carried on with our group this term too. I’m sure you will all carry on with your TT rock stars and Numbots whilst you are home learning, but it would be great if you could also find sometime in your week to focus on a key maths activity. I will put a new activity up on here each week.

Focus for week beginning 4th January: adding 9 to a given number.

You will need someone in your house to help you with some of the games.

  1. Cut up 9 pieces of paper and write the numbers 1-9 on each one. Turn them over and then pick one, look at the number and add 10 to it as fast as you can. For example, if you pick 4 you add 10 and say 14.
  2. Next, see if you can find a dice. Roll it and add 10 to whichever number you roll. Now move onto adding 9. The most efficient way of adding 9 is to add 10 in your head then subtract one – if you roll 3 you will add 10 in your head which makes 13 then take away one which gives an answer of 12. Keep rolling until you can do the numbers very quickly and feel really confident with this method.
  3. Now use your pieces of paper again and ask someone in your family to shuffle them and then show you a number. See if you can add 9 to the number as fast as you can.

Although this is for the group who come out with me when we’re in school, all of red class can have a go too if you’d like to.

Have fun!

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Mrs Colin-Stokes’s morning group

This is for the group who usually come out with me in the mornings. If we were in school we would have looked at another set of sounds  each week again this half term. We’ve been used to introducing the key ‘sounds’ on a Monday, using the purple mash activities on Tuesdays, creating words using the ‘sounds’ on Wednesdays and practising our handwriting by writing key words containing the ‘sounds’ on Thursdays. We’ve also played lots of different games to help us spot sounds in words when we’re reading and when we use them in our writing.

It would be fabulous if we could carry on with these activities whilst you are home learning. Each week I will put on the daily activities following the same format we use at school. You can choose whether you do one activity each day or whether you want to do them all in one go but please do them in the same order.

Sounds for this week beginning 4th January: tr dr gr cr br pr fr

  1. Say the sounds. Can you think of any words that start with these sounds? Ask someone in your house if they can help you with this next activity. Use your finger to write one of the sounds on their back and see if they can guess which of the key sounds it was. Then swap over and see if you can guess which one they’ve ‘written’ on your back.
  2. Log onto purple mash and go onto English then click onto Phonics and then phase 4 words then ‘cloze’ activity. Look for the boxes with this week’s sounds in and click on them. You should be used to doing these from our sessions in school.
  3. Get a piece of paper and cut it up into 7 pieces. On each piece of paper write one of the key sounds for the week. Turn them over and spread them out. See if someone at home will play a game with you. Take it in turns to turn over a ‘card’ and see who is the first person to say a word that has that ‘sound’ in it. You could score a point for each time you win by guessing first. If you want to challenge yourself, you could write the words instead of saying them and the winner is still the first person to think of a word.
  4. Focus on your handwriting and write out the key spellings which include the sounds for this week: trend, from, drench, crunch, bring, ground, print. Remember to join and keep your letter sizes consistent.
  5. Search around your house and see if you can find an object which contains one of the key sounds for the week eg) tray for tr.

I hope you have fun with these activities!

From Mrs. Colin-Stokes

Happy New Year Red Class!

Hello there Red Class!

Well, when I said goodbye to you all on the last day before our Christmas holidays I didn’t think I would be having to write a message to you all to say happy new year. This all feels very strange for me to be in our classroom and not seeing all of your smiling faces. I bet it feels very strange for you all too and I’m sure you are missing being able to see all of your friends again after the holidays.

However, hopefully we will all be together again as soon as it is possible and in the meantime I know you’ll all be trying very hard with your home learning. As none of us knew this was happening, most of you only went home for the holidays with one or two reading books, so please try to do some reading at home if you can.

I will be posting some more ideas for reading at home and home learning for some of my morning groups so please look out for them on the website under the red homework section.

Take good care of yourselves, keep smiling!

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Protected: Home Learning – Maths – Multiplication and Division

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