Homework 18.4.24

I have set your homework for this week on EdShed. It is based on our work we have been doing on Fractions. For year 3 you will be looking at counting in fractions on a number line or placing fractions on a number line. Year 4 have been set adding fractions and mixed numbers. Remember to keep practising your times tables as well!

Please could all tasks on EdShed be completed by next Wednesday. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Homework 11.4.24

Well done for a great first week back Red class! I have set your Maths homework for this week on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at either understanding the whole or comparing and ordering non unit fractions. Year 4 are looking at converting mixed numbers into improper fractions. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Also, please remember to keep practising your times tables particularly the year 4s as you have your tables check this term. Have a lovely weekend!

Homework 14.3.24

We have enjoyed another busy week in Red. I have set your homework for this week on EdShed, this will be the last piece of homework for this half term before the Easter holidays. For year 3 I have set an activity about what perimeter is or an activity about subtracting lengths depending on which group you are in. Year 4 have been set an activity about understanding the whole. Have a great weekend!

Homework 29.2.24

Well done for a great week Red Class, you have all been trying really hard with your writing in English based on the mini film ‘Tadeo Jones’ and we have been working hard on perimeter and length in Maths. I have set you your homework on EdShed this week. Year 3 are looking at measuring length in centimetres and metres and year 4 are looking at calculating perimeter on a grid. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Have a lovely weekend!

Homework 1.2.24

Well done for another great week Red class! I have set your Maths homework on EdShed for this week. Year 3 are looking at linking multiplication and division and year 4 are looking at either dividing 2 digit by 1 digit numbers or dividing 3 digit by 1 digit numbers depending on the activity I have set for your group. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Have a good weekend!

Tables – 26.01.24

The children are all trying really hard with their tables and lots are clearly learning them at home. Please can you support your child as we do a tables quiz on a Friday and it does help if they have had plenty of practise.

Year 3 need to know x3 and x4

Year 4 need to know x6 and x8

These will be tested next week.

Thank you for your support with this.

Homework 25.1.24

You have all been working really hard on multiplication this week in Maths. I have set your homework on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and year 4 are looking at either multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers or multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers depending on which activity I have set for you. Remember to also keep practising your times tables as they will really help you in our Maths lessons!

Times Tables (19.01.24)

On Friday 26th Jan, we will be testing times tables.

Year 3: 4 times tables.

Year 4: 8 times tables.

Please make sure your child learns these in and out of order. Secure tables knowledge helps with multiplication, fractions and lots of other maths.

Top Marks is a great site for learning tables.


Homework 11.1.24

Well done for a great first full week back Red Class! We have enjoyed starting our new topics for this half term. We are studying our local area in Geography, in Science we are looking at Rocks and in English we have been looking at The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in preparation for our trip to the theatre next Thursday.

I have set your homework on EdShed. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Year 3 are looking at multiplying by 4 or multiplying by 2, 4 and 8 depending on the task you have been set. Year 4 are looking at multiplying by 10 and 100.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Homework 30.11.23

Hi Red Class,

Well done for another great week, you have all worked very hard. I have set your homework for this week on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at either sharing and grouping or multiplying by 3 depending on which activity I have set for your group. Year 4 are looking at either multiplying by 11 or multiplying by 12 depending on what I have set for your group. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!