English writing home learning

I hope you are taking advantage of the sunshine in your gardens.
The link below will take you to the Literacy Shed and a video called “Catch It”.
A group of meerkats lovingly tend to a beloved and unique fruit in the middle of the savannah.
One day, their peaceful existence is disrupted by a vulture intent on stealing their pride and joy.
Will the meerkats be able to get it back?

Writing ideas (please don’t feel you have to do all of these).

  • Write the story from a meerkat’s point of view.
  • Write the story from the vulture’s point of view.
  • Describe the beautiful setting of the African plains.
  • Create some dialogue between the meerkats at various points in the film.
  • Create some commentary for the ‘rugby’ scene at the end of the film – use iMovie to record this commentary over the top of the original film.

Home Learning

Hello Red Class

I hope you are all keeping well and active.

Yesterday, I posted spelling and some English activities to start you off on your home learning.

For maths this week please use the resources which I attach to revise and make secure what we have learnt about fractions so far. Lots of links I will be posting are activities to complete online, others may be better if printed but could be completed by writing in the green books which you took home whilst looking at the screen.

The White Rose links have videos to support learning and follow the mastery approach which we use in school. Where possible there will be also be links to videos on Espresso to support your learning.

https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/      This is useful for year 4 and well as Year 3 to secure understanding.

Horizontal Format – What Is a Fraction

Answers – What Is a Fractiont2-m-254672



https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/   – this series of lessons includes decimals.

Remember to keep practising your times-tables!

Joe Wicks will be doing an online PE activities each day which could be a fun way to start or break up your day.

“Starting Monday 23rd March I’m going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel.

With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it’s more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive.

Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.

The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.

You don’t need any equipment, just tune in to my YouTube channel at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout. ” https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html

Spellings and home learning

Spellings for W/C 23rd March

We are focusing on some of the statutory words for year 3 and 4 this week. I have listed the words below:












The children know lots of ways to practise their spellings including sentences, handwriting, pyramid words and “words without vowels”.

The green book which was sent home contains a list of these printed in our joined kinetic letters font. I have also attached some activity sheets which will help practise grammar, sentence writing and vocabulary skills.

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling Words Activity Mat Pack 1Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling Words Activity Mat Pack 21

I would suggest going handwriting practise each day, using 2 activity sheets each day and also picking one of the different ways to learn spellings each day.

Homework 12th March

Maths Homework this week focuses on equivalent fractions. This is in your green homework book.

English Homework – please continue to learn a poem ready for to recite to the class. We will be shortlisting performances early in the week beginning 23rd March.



This week we have been building up our understanding of multiplying 2  numbers by 1 digit numbers  (or 3  numbers by 1 digit numbers for year 4).  Our homework in our green books this week uses these skills.

Here is an example of how we have been doing our calculations this week:

Expanded multiplication


Last week we started to look at pronouns. We are continuing with this focus in grammar this week.  Our homework in our green books this week uses these skills.



Spring Term

You will usually have a piece of English homework and a piece of maths homework each week which will be stuck in the homework book. These will be given on a Thursday and need to be handed back in by Tuesday the following week. It is fine to hand it in sooner!

Homework will be based on something that we have been learning that week in school.

If you have any problems, please let me know on Friday or Monday so that you can be given help before the day in is due back.

Homework should be completed using a sharp pencil. Please do NOT use a pen or coloured pencil for homework. English homework may be completed using a blue pen if you have a pen licence.

In addition, spellings are given on a Monday and tested on a Friday.

Quick recall of multiplication and division facts is very important. By the end of year 4, we need to be able to recall facts for tables up to and including 12 x. Please practise your times tables at home as well as in school. Don’t forget our Times table rocks stars subscription.

Red Homework

Red homework goes here