Homework 18.5.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Year 3 are looking at time to the nearest 5 minutes and year 4 are looking at analogue and digital 12 hour clock times. This will be your last piece of homework before half term. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Homework 11.5.23

Hi Red Class,

Your homework this week is on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at adding money and year 4 are looking at comparing money. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Homework 4.5.23

Hi Red Class,

Your homework has been set on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Year 3 are looking at comparing capacity and year 4 are looking at dividing 2 digit numbers by 10. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend celebrating the Coronation and enjoy the extra bank holiday!


Homework 27.4.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your homework for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at measuring capacity and year 4 are looking at tenths as decimals. Please could the tasks be completed by next Tuesday.

Hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Homework 20.4.23

Hi Red Class,

It is good to be back and get started on our learning again! It was lovely to hear all about your Easter holidays and it sounds like you all had a great time. I have set some homework for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at comparing mass and year 4 are looking at subtracting 2 fractions. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday. A reminder as well to all the year 4 children, you should be continuing to practise all of your times tables in preparation for the tables check this term!

Homework 23.3.23

Hi Red Class,

Your homework this week has been set on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 and year 4 have been set tasks on equivalent fractions which is what we have been learning about this week in class. Please could the tasks be completed by Tuesday. This will be your last piece of homework for this term before we break up for Easter.

Homework 16.3.23

Your homework has been set on Purple Mash this week. Year 3 are looking at identifying fractions on fraction bars and year 4 are looking at pairing mixed numbers with improper fractions. Please keep practising your poems for the poetry competition as well over the weekend as we will be performing these on Monday in class.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Red class snow day learning and homework

Good morning Red class,

As we are closed today for the snow I have set you some activities to have a go at.

As we have been enjoying looking at volcanoes in Topic I thought you could do some research about volcanoes and present your information as either a poster or a leaflet.

For Maths there are some nice activity mats from Twinkl you could have a go at.

Year 3 Spring Activity Mat 1

Year 3 Spring Activity Mat 2

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – one star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – two star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – three star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – one star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – two star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – three star

Your homework this week has been set on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at making a whole and year 4 are looking at fractions greater than 1.

Maths Homework 2.3.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your Maths homework for this week on Purple Mash. Year 3 are looking at unit fractions and year 4 are looking at ordering fractions. The tasks should be completed by next Tuesday. Please remember to keep practising your times tables and learn a poem off by heart ready for the poetry competition (see letter for further information about this)

No homework half term

Hi Red Class,

Another half term has come to an end! It has been very busy but thank you for all your hard work. We are not setting Maths homework for half term however, keep practising your times tables and keep up with your reading. We hope you all have a lovely half term break and enjoy a good rest. We look forward to seeing you all again when we return on Monday 27th February.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning.