Homework 24.11.22

Hi Red Class,

Your homework has been set for you again this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at multiplying by 3 and year 4 are looking at multiplying 3 numbers. Thank you to all those children who have been logging on and completing each task, please could this week’s tasks be completed by Tuesday.


Homework 17.11.22

Hi Red Class,

Your homework has been set this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at equal groups and year 4 are looking at the 11 and 12 times tables. Please could all tasks be completed by next Tuesday. Please remember to keep practising your times tables as well!


Homework 10.11.22

For homework this week on Classroom Secrets Kids, year 3 are looking at inverse operations and year 4 are looking at the 7 times table. Please complete the tasks by Tuesday.

We have looked at the Multiplication Tables Check game on the Maths Frame website this week. Below is a link to the website if you would like to have a go at the game at home:


Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Red class homework

Homework for Red class

We have set homework on Classroom Secrets. It will be set on a Thursday and should be completed by the following Tuesday. The children have the login in the front of their reading diary.

Year 3 have been set addition of three and two digit numbers.

Year 4 have the nine times table.

Both year groups have been set the slides to watch as a recap as well as the activity.

As this is the first week, please let us know if you experience any issues.

Thank you

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Red Class Homework


Every child should read to an adult for at least 10 – 15 minutes a day. Children who are still on the ‘coloured reading bands’ need to read at home regularly. Talking about the books read is also important as is having the opportunity to be read to by an adult or older sibling. A lot of children are good at decoding words but don’t always know what they mean. It is important to ask your child questions about the text they have read as this helps with their comprehension skills. Many children enjoy sharing a book especially at bedtime.


Reading List for Year 3

Reading List Year 4


New words are given out and tested on a Friday. The children should come home with a list of words and they will be posted on the website. The words usually follow a certain pattern or spelling rule, and others are high frequency words – some with tricky spellings – that the children will need in their writing. Please can you support your child in learning their spellings each week.

Statutory Spelling Word List Y3-4



Each child has been given a login for Numbots/ Times Table Rockstars. This can be found on the inside cover of your child’s reading diary. Numbots is suitable for all and is designed to help children to become fluent in mental addition and subtraction. It can be played at any time on a range of devices. Information is available on the site.

Times Table Rockstars is a great way to encourage children to learn their tables.

Year 3 children need to learn: 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

Year 4 children need to learn: All times tables up to 12.


Other sites are available




After half-term, we will be using Classroom Secrets to set maths homework related to the topics we have been learning that week.

We really appreciate your support.


Red class

In our English, we have been looking at a non-chronological sports report. Next week, the children are going to write one on a sport of their choosing. It would be helpful if they could make some notes on a particular sport which they play or are interested in.

The notes can be about: the type of equipment needed, clothing/kit required, who can play it and any other facts they know.

These can be brought in on Monday.

Thank you


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Research Homework

Hi Red Class,

Your homework for the next two weeks is to carry out research about Rome for a holiday brochure which we will start writing the week back after half term. We would like you to research about:

  • The weather
  • Landmarks/places of interest
  • The food
  • The culture
  • Interesting facts about Rome

We would like you to bring your research into school on Monday 28th February please so that we can use the information you have found in our writing.

We hope that you enjoy researching about Rome and look forward to hearing what you found out.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Protected: Friday 4th February

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