Home learning w/c 1st March

Dear Red Class,

This is our last week for home learning and we are really looking forward to welcoming you all back next week. I hope you have had a good week with your home learning and thank you for sending in the work you have been doing. I have posted the learning tasks for this week and hope you get on well with these. I have also posted some extra activities for World Book Day which is on Thursday and I am really looking forward to it as it is one of my favourite days in the school year! We have an extra Teams meeting on Thursday which is at 9am.

I shall look forward to seeing you all at 9.30am in the morning for our usual Monday Teams meeting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the beautiful sunshine!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Protected: Home learning – w/c 1st March – Maths year 4

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Protected: Home learning – w/c 1st March – Maths year 3

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Home learning – w/c 1st March – English

This week we are continuing our work on the film ‘Whale Rider.’

Monday 1st March  

Today you are looking at punctuating speech and writing a narrative build up




Tuesday 2nd March

Today you are looking at planning a climax to a narrative



Wednesday 3rd March 

Today you are looking at writing a climax to a narrative



Thursday 4th March

Today you are looking at planning a resolution to a narrative



Friday 5th March

Today is our last lesson on ‘Whale Rider’ and you will be looking at writing the resolution to your narrative




Protected: Home learning – w/c 1st March – reading comprehension

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Protected: Home learning – w/c 1st March – World Book Day activities

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Mrs Colin-Stokes’s groups – w/b 1st March

Hello everyone – welcome to the last week of home learning! Well done to all of you for persevering and trying so hard for the last 8 weeks. I really cannot wait to see red classroom buzzing again and full of your smiling faces next Monday. Here’s the work for this week but as ever, only do what you feel you can.


Our focus sounds this week are: tw pt xt

  1. For the ‘big write’ this week use a torch, light sabre or anything you have at home to write the sounds in the air.
  2. Log onto Purple Mash, English, Phonics, Phase 4, Cloze and look for the blue box to complete the activity on ‘pt’ and the pink box for ‘tw’.
  3. Cut up a piece of paper to make 10 pieces. On three write the sounds for this week (one on each piece of paper) and on the other pieces write these 7 – o, ne, sle, cre, ke, in, ist. Try to match up any of the 7 to one of the key sound cards to make words 7 words. Sometimes the key sound will go at the beginning of the word but sometimes it will be at the end.
  4. Write out these key words in your best handwriting: kept, twin, twist, two, crept, next, slept.
  5. For a little bit of fun in our game this week I wonder how many words you can make out of the letters in the words HOME LEARNING? Try to remember how many you made and we will share next week. There may even be a prize for the most words created!

Numeracy – our focus this week is re-capping halving and adding 9. Last week we looked at halving (dividing by 2). The activity today is to play a game we’ve played in school before. You’ll need a plain piece of paper and a pen to play. You start off by picking any number (except 9) between 10 and 20. Then if you’ve written an even number you halve it, if it’s an odd number you add 9 to the number. The aim is to get to 1 as a final number.

eg) if I pick 17 (odd number) so add 9 = 26 (even so halve it) =13 (odd so add 9) = 22 (even so halve it) = 11 (odd so add 9) =20 (even so halve it) =10 (even so halve it) =5 (odd so add 9) = 14 (even so halve it) = 7 (odd so add 9) = 16 (even so halve it) =8 (even so halve it) = 4 (even so halve it) = 2 (even so halve it) = 1. Wow – that took a while! I wonder how many goes it will take you? You could challenge yourself with bigger numbers if you wish to. Have fun! Mrs Colin-Stokes


Friday 26th February – RE and French

Hello Friday learners,


Here is the introduction


Watch these clips all about Palm Sunday.



Complete this sheet

Palm Sunday

You could also make a decorated leaf or tree like they would have waved or a palm cross.


Palm Tree

Palm Cross


(Picture: Flickr)

French Friday

Today, you are going to learn the months of the year. There is a really nice lesson here on Oak Academy so watch it and learn all about them. There is a quick recap on numbers at the start too so I hope you remember them!


It would be great to see if you can write the months out in French.