Worship – Wednesday 5th January

Good morning everyone and welcome back. Hopefully you have all had a good Christmas break.

The value for this half term is ‘Courage’ and today we are thinking about stepping out of your comfort zone.

It can take great courage to do something new or challenging. We call it ‘stepping out of our comfort zone’. Sometimes just small steps are needed but they can take us to new and exciting places!

Today’s story tells of a time in the life of Moses when his courage was really tested.


Can you read this acrostic poem?

Courage is…

Carrying on when things are difficult

Overcoming fear

Understanding and facing a challenge

Risking being out of your comfort zone

Always believing in God’s promises

Going for a goal

Empowered by encouragement

Which line do you think is the best way of describing courage and why?

Do you have a challenge that lies ahead? It could be a hobby that you have away from school or a target you want to reach in school. Think about the small steps that you could take to start achieving your challenge.

Facing Challenges Prayer

Dear Lord,

Give us your strength to face challenges,

Help us to remember that sometimes we need to take small steps to begin with,

but it’s the starting the journey that matters,

Thank you that just as you promised to be with Moses,

You have also promised to be with us

wherever the journey leads us.


You might like this song too!




Red Class

Hi Red Class and Happy New Year!

We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

PE this term continues to be on Wednesdays (gym) and Fridays (games). Please wear your PE kit tomorrow – Wednesday.

We are also looking forward to some exciting music and IT lessons on Thursday afternoon with our new HLTA Mrs Stalmans.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes


Thank you for our wonderful gifts!

Dear Red Class

We want to say a huge thank you for your very kind and generous Christmas gifts. It really is so kind of you all. We  hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.

Best wishes,

Mrs Derrer, Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Colin-Stokes


Thank you for sending in an outfit for the children this week. The Christmas mini show has been filmed and will be put on the website next week.

No spellings for next week.

What is happening week beginning 13.12.21?

Monday 13th Dec – Christmas Shop.

Tuesday 14th Dec -The winning house can come in their own clothes- Oak (Yellow))

Wednesday 15th Dec – Children can wear a Christmas jumper. They still wear their school clothes/PE kit – just replace the sweatshirt with a Christmas jumper. Christmas dinner day!

Thursday 16th Dec – Class parties. All children can come to school in party clothes – sensible shoes please!

Friday 17th Dec – All classes are doing the Santa Dash. Children can wear Christmas jumpers and bring a Christmas hat. They still wear PE kit. Last day!


Clothes for Red Class performance

This week we will be filming our class performance of ‘A Cracking Christmas.’ The children will need the following clothing to wear for their scenes:

Opening scene/Manger scene 

Own clothes

School Scene 

School uniform with a Christmas jumper and head boppers etc for a Christmas party (if the children have any, it is not a requirement) and a Santa hat for Santa.

Christmas Shopping Scene 

Own clothes and a Santa hat and Christmas jumper for Santa

Christmas Eve Scene 

Pyjamas, dressing gown, onesie, slippers

Christmas Day Scene 

Party wear


We will be filming on Thursday morning so if clothes could come in on Thursday morning with the children that would be great.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Harper-Jones



This half term Year 5 and Year 6 are learning all about the circulatory system in humans. We have begun to find out about the heart and lungs. Today, we carried out some investigations and demonstrations about osmosis and diffusion.

Red Class news

We are continuing to work hard in Red class.

Remember PE kit on Wednesdays and Fridays!

There is some homework on Purple Mash. Don’t forget to learn your spellings too!

We had another great Friday wearing our own clothes for Children in Need.

As part of our RE topic on why festivals are important to Muslims, we were looking at the importance of prayer. Orlando shared his beautiful prayer mat and showed us some of the movements in the prayer ritual.

Red Class News

Well, I think we always knew today would bring great excitement with ‘Break the Rules’ day!
This lot looked happy to be doing just that!

We are enjoying the dance sessions on a Wednesday.

There was a very active science investigation going on too!

Homework- The homework is set on Purple Mash. Let us know if you have any issues.
Next week…

Monday- Odd socks day to start  anti-bullying week.

Friday- Children in Need. Come dressed as you want or wear something spotty.

Have a good weekend everyone!