Multiplication Tables Check

Dear Parents of Year 4 children (Parents of Year 3 children – for your information),

You might be aware that there is a Times Tables Check for all children in Year 4 which is to be administered in June. Last year, it was not statutory but school did administer it and it gave staff an opportunity to see what it looked like. In June 2022, it is statutory for all Year 4 children to take the Tables Check.

Here is a link to the parents information which gives you some information on it. Year 3 parents might be interested to look at it ready for next year!–2


Red Class updates

Monday 8th Nov- Extra keyboard lesson in the afternoon with Mrs Hand (this is to make up for the lesson cancelled previously).

Wednesday – Come in PE kit for dance

Thursday – Remembrance assembly

Friday – Break the Rules Day! As it is a PE day, please wear something that you can do PE in (or bring something to change into) and wear or bring some trainers.


Red class – end of the half term

Bonjour Red class – you have been amazing this half term! You are a supportive class, full of hardworking and cheerful people. We hope that you have enjoyed all the learning this term.

Try to keep reading over the holiday and practise your tables. For lots of you, the Tops Marks Daily Ten might be worth using as you can set the time for each question. You can also do addition and subtraction on this game.

Some of the things we are learning about next half term:

History – British History

Science – Animals including humans –Food and nutrition, skeleton, muscles.

DT – Make insect homes/bird feeders

RE – How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?

French – Classroom objects, On the way to school, Months of the year, Christmas

PSHE – What keeps us safe?

On Friday PE, they will be doing football so children can bring boots and shin pads if they have them.

This group were so inspired by the rainforest topic and made up a little song and dance!

We hope you all have a lovely holiday!

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-stokes


Extra resource for maths

Dear Parents/carers,

We looked at  the Top Marks website today and many of the children liked the look of it. It is a free site and some children might prefer this to Times Tables Rock Stars.

You just need to google – Top Marks

You can choose the games on ‘Hit the Button’  or there is another game called Daily Ten which is also really good for speed and mental recall. Here are the links.

Year 4 on the climbing wall

Here are the pictures of wonderful Year 4 who enjoyed their turn on the climbing wall on Friday afternoon. Well done Mrs Colin-Stokes too who got to the top! Everyone had a go and they all achieved more each time they had a go.

Year 5

It has been great to spend time with Year 5 this week -thank you all for joining in everything so enthusiastically and sensibly. In addition to our maths and English lessons we have been able to get out and about – working on all those important practical, problem solving and team building skills – as broadening our knowledge of space. What a lovely week!

Forest School

National Space Centre

Climbing Wall

The children supported each other brilliantly and all challenged themselves.
They should be very proud of the way they have worked as a team this week.




Year 5 National Space Centre

Year 5 have had a very enjoyable trip to Leicester today. I wonder if we have some budding engineers or astrophysicists – they were all certainly in keen to investigate everything at the centre.

We began our visit with the Rocket Tower.

After lunch, we explored more of the interactive displays. Then watched Astronaut in the Planetarium.

This was followed by further interaction with the exhibits. We rounded off the day with a demonstration of the science behind rockets.

Climbing Wall- it’s back!

There was great excitement around the school when the climbing wall arrived! A few nerves kicked in as the tower got higher. Year 3 have been the first to have a go and they had a great time.
A few pictures as they got ready to take on the challenge. We will post more!

Year 5 -next week (4.10.21)

We have lots of exciting plans for next week -beginning 4th October.

Year 6 are off to Arthog from Monday to Friday. No doubt they will have a wonderful time. Mrs Benson and Mrs Richardson are accompanying them for the week.

Year 5 – The plan is for them to have the first hour of the day in their classes and then Mrs Bernasconi will have all of Year 5 together for the rest of the day.

Monday – Forest school in the afternoon so come in the appropriate clothes.

Tuesday – Netball tournament for selected team.

Wednesday – Year 5 come in PE kit

Thursday – Year 5 off to the Space Centre in Leicester with Mrs Bernasconi, Mrs Wade and Mrs Colin-Stokes. Leave school at 8.00am promptly and return at 5.00pm approx. Children are to wear school uniform for this trip please.

Friday – Year 5 on the Arthog climbing wall.

We hope they will have a brilliant week.