Tenacity Thursday

Good morning,

I can’t believe it is Thursday already! I hope that your week and learning are going well. I have used the word ‘tenacity’ in my title because it means being determined and is another word for persistence. I hope you continue to find ways to keep trying today and don’t give up. Will you be a tenacious person today?

Watch this clip of a very determined bear cub


What can we learn from this clip? Despite all the times it fell back down the snowy slope, it kept going and refused to give up.

Have another listen to the Growth Mindset song and keep going!


Dear God,
We all face challenges.
They may be difficult, tough and even overwhelming.
We pray for calmness and peace as we approach these challenges.
We pray that when we feel like we are caught in the middle of a storm,
Your words will comfort and support us.
Help us, today, to keep going when the going gets tough.
May we always be willing to ask for help.


Happy Wednesday – keep up with the perseverance!

Good morning

We are really looking forward to seeing you all again on the 8th March. In the meantime, keep going and trying to be the best you can be!

Listen to the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’


Did you enjoy the story?  Poor old Gerald – how do you think he felt when the other animals in the jungle laughed at him? …..sad, upset, hurt, embarrassed….  Have you ever felt like this?  I know I have at times – I think everybody has at times – and it isn’t nice is it?  It can cause you to lose confidence in yourself and make you feel like you don’t want to give things a go.

And that’s where having a positive attitude is so important – as we are going to come up with problems and difficulties all through our life, so we need to learn how to handle them.  Having a positive attitude will certainly help – it certainly helped Gerald the Giraffe – as he didn’t stop believing in himself, he listened to the wise little cricket, and he persevered!  He finally showed the jungle animals that giraffes certainly can dance!

So as we go through this week, when we might be finding things difficult – we might be missing our friends, or struggling with the remote learning – try and think like Gerald, and think positive thoughts.

I have added this picture by Charlie Mackesy as it seems very appropriate at the moment.

Listen to the Growth Mindset song – I Have A Go


Dear God,

We thank you that you have made us stronger than we think.

We thank you that we are able to do and achieve far more than we think,

because you have made us in your image.

Thank you that you have promised us your help and wisdom and strength,

whenever we need it.


Welcome back Red class!

Welcome back Red class!

I really hope you have all had a wonderful half term break and have enjoyed spending lots of quality time with your families. I have posted the work for this week on the homework page. We are starting new units of work for this half term so I hope you enjoy them. I am looking forward to seeing you all and catching up tomorrow at our class Teams meeting at 9.30am.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Monday 22nd February – Welcome back!

To our wonderful children and families,

I hope that you had a good half term break and have been able to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather!

Hopefully, we will hear the news today which will outline the return to school for all children. We are certainly looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you.

In the meantime, you are going to need to start this new half term with perseverance. This means keep going and keep trying hard with a positive attitude. What can you learn from watching this clip?


When you start your learning again today, just remember that you can do it and all of your teachers are here to help you. Don’t forget if you are in years 3, 4, 5 and 6, there is the OWS reporter competition and your clip must be submitted by Friday. Have a look at the page again if you need to remind yourselves.

Have a listen to Bruno Mars singing about not giving up – Don’t Give Up (Sesame Street)


Have a good day.

Dear God,
Thank you that you are with us in every circumstance or situation.
You know how different and unexpected the last few months have been.
As we look ahead to the coming weeks, help us to remember that you are with us, and you hold the future in your hands.

OWS Competition – Become a reporter (Blue, Red and Yellow Year 3)

Oldbury Wells School have created an exciting new project/competition which many of the local primaries are getting involved with. The challenge is to be a news reporter and report about something you have been learning this term.


Image result for cartoon news reporter for kids


Here is the introductory video to get you started. It explains very clearly what the project is all about.


Here is the first episode of “Oldbury Wells News” which sets the scene and gives an example of a student report. One of their year 9 helpers on the clip wasn’t given much time to learn his lines/plan the report, so when you watch it, you can gain ideas for what improvements to make for your own report. He was still brave in going on camera!


You might like to watch BBC Newsround to give you some more ideas on how to present a report.


In Blue class, you could report on something from your topic on the Mediterranean or your science topic on ‘Changing Materials’.

If you are in Red class, you could report on the science topic -sound or you could go back in time and interview Noah taken from our RE topic. You could do it on earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes or even the Portia spider!

Topics in Yellow class have been learning about volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes so you could do a report on one of those.

Here is some more helpful information for children including guidance on how to plan your report and there are more links to help you create a good report.

Primary Project Spring 1 – Student Help Sheet

Here is an information sheet for parents including guidance for uploading the finished report.

Primary Project Spring 1 – Parent Guid

We really hope that you enjoy doing the project and that it proves to be a valuable learning experience, as well as a bit of fun! 



Home learning w/c 8th February

Dear Red Class,

We hope you have had another good week! Thank you again for all of the wonderful work you have been sending to us. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading through your lovely persuasive letters from your neglected/mistreated characters. You really did put lots of thought into your writing and used the features taught in the videos really well. Well done to all of you! We have published the home learning tasks for this week and have put up some extra activities for Safer Internet Day which is on Tuesday. We hope you enjoy completing some of those.

We shall look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning for our Teams meeting at 9.30am.

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

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Take Care Tuesday (2nd February) – Mental Health Week Assembly

Here is the link for the live assembly for Mental Health week. You need to scroll down the page to click on it. It’s quite long so there are ideas for when to pause it and have a discussion.


Have some off-screen time this afternoon and do some baking/cooking? What will you do today?

Monday 1st February – Musical Monday

Today is the start of mental health week- wear something to reflect your personality! Come to the Teams meetings or school in something you like to wear!

Why not treat today as Musical Monday and dance together. Here is a song your parents will know too – so you can have fun dancing as a family!


A message from the Duchess of Cambridge


The mental health assembly

Express Yourself – Primary Assembly

Home learning – 1st February

Dear Red Class,

We hope you have all had a good week and have got on well with your home learning. Thank you to those of you who have sent us work to look at, we have really enjoyed seeing the work you have done at home. I have published the home learning tasks for this week and have posted extra activities for Children’s Mental Health week which is from 1st-7th February. I hope you enjoy completing some of those activities as they are something different to do.

We are looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow morning at 9.30am for our weekly Teams meeting!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer