Mini Compost Bins

The children in Red Class had a great afternoon making mini compost bins in Science. They were looking at the structure and formation of soil. They particularly liked looking for worms to add to our mini compost bins!

Materials needed for Science

In Science this half term we are looking at Rocks. As part of this topic, we will also be looking at soil formation. Next Tuesday, we will be making mini compost bins in small groups. We would be very grateful if anyone has any spare empty 2 litre pop bottles, shredded paper and any fruit and vegetable scraps (please no nuts or anything that has come into contact with nuts). If you can help with any of these things please could they be brought into school by next Tuesday. The fruit and vegetable scraps can be brought in on Tuesday. Thank you so much for your help!

Bookfest 2024

Today we introduced the books for the Bookfest to Red Class and all of the children were so excited to get started! We have chosen a mixture of different books for the children to read, some are shorter than others and some of the books may require an adult to help the children to read them. The children have chosen their first book and should have taken it home with them. As soon as they have finished reading their book, they can bring it back into school and choose another. It would be lovely for them to try and read as many of the books as possible. We hope that they will enjoy taking part in the Bookfest this year!

The Danger Gang by Tom Fletcher, Shane Devries | Waterstones                Mr Birdsnest and the House Next Door (Little Gems) : Julia Donaldson: Books                       

Red class food tasting

Hi Red Class,

In line with the work we are doing on ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’, we will be tasting some Turkish delight tomorrow (Thursday). It is up to the children if they wish to taste it! Haribos will available as an alternative!

Many thanks

Mrs Harper-Jones


Happy Christmas Red Class!

Well done for a great autumn term Red Class, you have all worked so hard and deserve a good rest now. Thank you to you all for our lovely Christmas gifts, it is so kind of you. We hope you all have a great Christmas and a very happy new year! See you in January.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes  Download Holly Berries Plant Royalty-Free Stock Illustration ...

Fire Safety talk

On Friday, the children will be having a fire safety lesson delivered by a fire officer on behalf of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. It is part of their educational programme and is aimed at lower key stage 2. A letter will come home on Friday with more information about it and a task you might wish to do with your child.

What’s happening week beginning- 11.12.23?

Monday- Mrs Edwards is in Green class all this week.

Christmas shop- organised and run by the PTA.

Tuesday- Red class performances at 1:30 (doors will not be open until 1:20pm) and 6:00pm (the doors will be open at 5:45pm). The performances last about 30 mins and you can take children home after the afternoon one (including siblings) or leave them in school until the end of the day.
Wednesday- Whole school Christmas dinner. Christmas jumpers can be worn today over usual school uniform on the lower half.

Thursday- KS1 performances at 1:30pm (doors open at 1:20pm). You can take children and siblings home after the performance if you wish.
Evening performance- doors open at 5:15pm and not before. Performance starts at 5:30pm.

Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper day

Children can wear a Christmas jumper on Friday 8th December. They will need to wear school wear PE kit on the lower half ready for the Santa Dash. Green and Yellow can also wear joggers and trainers ready for the Santa Dash too! Children can also bring a Santa hat to wear if they wish!

Santa Dash Anyone? - Breathing Matters - UCL Respiratory

New toys can be donated on the day and left in the entrance area ready for Garry to collect.

Choir notice for Sunday -3.12.23

On Sunday, the choir can join Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer at 5:50pm on the lychgate steps ready to sing a couple of carols before the lights go on. We will then sing about fours carols after the lights go on. Please be on hand to collect your child once we have finished but do let us know when you take your child – thank you.

We are really looking forward to getting in the festive spirit!

Play Costumes

This is just a reminder, please could you hand all play costumes in by next Tuesday 5th December as we would like to rehearse in them on Wednesday. If you have already handed in your costume, thank you. We are really excited to share our Christmas performance with you!