Wider opening of the school on Monday 1st June

The staff and governors have worked hard to ensure the preparations for the wider reopening of the school can begin in a phased approach on Monday. There is a lot of information on this page which I am hoping you will find useful.
Monday 1st June and Tuesday 2nd June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Year 1 at 9.00am.
Wednesday 3rd June and Thursday 4th June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Reception children at 9.15am.

Please note that as there is strict guidance on the number of the bubbles, you must inform the school by 3pm on the Wednesday of the previous week if you are planning on sending your child back to school.

Please don’t forget to put sun cream on your child before they come to school and provide a hat – thank you.

I hope you have had a chance to look at some of the information sent out yesterday too!

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Information letter for parents

CLAVERLEY risk assessment June 1st

Letter from LA

Letter from the Catering Company

Government publication for the wider opening of schools



Online safety information for parents




Coming back to school

Hi All,

There is a lot of talk in the news and we have shared our plans for a return to school and in preparation, I thought some of these clips might help our children. It would be great if you could play them with your child and stop them when you want to discuss something. They might be usedful!

Back to School-Social-Story

While We Can’t Hug


Back to School


Half term message

Well Red class, it is the half term holiday next week – a full half term of home learning completed. Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Smillie and I all miss you. School really is not the same without all of you.

We will be welcoming Mrs Harper-Jones back after half term from her maternity leave. We have already spent time working together ( socially distanced of course) and she is really looking forward to meeting the delightful Red class of 2019-2020. We have Iots of home learning planned for you for after half term.

I will miss having you all to myself, but will still be involved with Red class as well as Blue, so you haven’t got rid of me yet! I have been delighted with the way you have all matured and worked hard together this year. You really support each other; you should be very proud of yourselves.

Keep learning and don’t forget that we are here to help and support you. We love receiving pictures of your writing and all your varied learning experiences outside and inside. Keep sending them to us.

Enjoy your half -term and keep safe.

Mrs Bernasconi

Addition and Subtraction games now available on Rock Stars

We have added Numbots to our TimesTable Rock stars subscription for a trial.

This should be available when you log in to TTRockstars using your normal log in details. Numbots

This is designed to support fluency in mental addition and subtraction as well as numberbonds.

Don’t forget you can challenge your friends to tournaments in TTRockstars – allowing you to interact with your friends from school and maintain or improve your maths skills at the same time.



What a lovely video message from you all! Thank you for your messages – it really made me smile. Watching it was a great way to start the week. It looks like you have been making the most if the sunshine in your gardens.

Looking for to seeing you all in person soon,

Mrs Bernasconi

Claverley Book Fest

Thank you for all the lovely pictures and examples of your learning which your families have emailed this week. It  seems such a long time since we have all been together – it great to hear from you.

You were all so enthusiastic about reading the book which we had chosen. Blue class had their vote in the Shropshire Book Fest, but we haven’t yet voted for ours.

Please could you decide which was your favourite book and ask one of your grown ups to send your vote by email?

This is the list of books:

Final Voting form



Well done everyone for getting back to your home learning and keeping in touch. You are combining the work which has been set along with a good variety of extra activities. I know that teachers have been looking at and uploading pictures and here are some which have been sent to me too – who do you recognise? The art work was produced by Oliver A. Keep going everyone!


Welcome back to our home learning

Hello Red class! I hope you have enjoyed Easter with your families, have had plenty of Easter eggs and have been able to enjoy the sunshine.

I have been thinking lots about your home learning whilst I have been munching on chocolate over Easter.

Unfortunately, my walks with my dog will have to be longer and faster to use up all those extra calories. He is quite happy about that.

As well as Maths and English, we will be finding out about Plants for science and some history of life in the UK long, long ago (Stone Age to Iron Age ) for our topic. Hopefully, some of you will have some seeds and plants you can grow and observe at home. Perhaps you could share some photographs to support each other in your learning.