Thank you!

I thought I would share a few pictures sent in from one of our key workers, Gracie and Drew’s mum. She works for the NHS and I know she has been on some very long shifts over the Easter holiday. These pictures show her along with some of her colleagues holding pictures which Gracie and Drew produced and sent in.

If your family is taking part in the clap for the NHS on Thursday nights, maybe we could all do an extra clap tonight for an amazing mum who is part of our Claverley community.

Well done to any of our other key workers too!


Message from the Head

Hello to everyone and especially all the children!

Today we would have been breaking up for the Easter holiday with our Church service and PTA organised Easter egg hunt. Sadly, we are not spending this last day together and I have been searching but can’t find any eggs! So you are not missing out!

Your teachers and I have loved hearing from you all and finding out what you have been doing. We are very pleased that you are continuing to work hard from your new classrooms! I wonder if you have all shared a ‘Super Silver’ or even ‘Great to be Gold’ lunch together, if not, you could plan one next week. I would love to know if any of your parents have earned one!

I am adding some ideas for the holidays to this post. You don’t have to do them but you might like to choose a couple to try. I have seen lots of children going onto the site with an artist called Rob Biddulph and he shows you how to draw some amazing characters – it doesn’t matter if you are a fantastic artist or a beginner, you can have a go!

I hope you enjoy have some fun and enjoy the lovely weather.

Mrs Derrer

Activities for Half-Term (1)

More lovely Easter crafts

Look how well these Easter crafts turned out!

Easter Crafting

Look at these lovely bunnies!

I have been sent this picture of Martha’s amazing Easter art.

It’s great to see pictures of, and hear about, the great things you have been doing at home.

Spring Themed Activities

Now that the hours of day light we are experiencing are increasing, I thought you might like to turn your thoughts towards Spring.

I have attached some Spring themed activities. Hopefully, they will give some ideas for using a range of skills whilst having fun.

  1. Create a Spring Box    For this you could use any media you like. You could use soil and seeds; card and paper; play-dough or clay; Lego or any other materials you have to hand.
  2. Easter-Chick-Paper-Model-Instructions
  3. Simple-Origami-Easter-Bunny-Rabbit-Paper-Craft Simple-Origami-Easter-Carrot-Paper-Craft
  4. Spring Activity Booklet        Spring Activity Booklet Answers
  5. lks2-easter bunny-mystery-maths-game
  6. lks2-easter-spag-mystery-problem solving-game-english
  7. Easter Measurement Prompt Cards    Easter Measurement Prompt Cards – Answers
  8. Easter Baking Maths Challenge Cards      Easter Baking Maths Challenge Cards-Answers
  9. Easter-themed-basket-craft
  10. Easter-egg-mindfulness-colouring-pages

Please don’t feel pressure to do all of these. We normally have visits to the sea and from grand-parents and cousins during Easter. This year we having to plan how to spend some time together as a family within the boundaries of our own home and garden, so thought you might appreciate some Spring and Easter things to keep your brains and hands busy. I can think of a few members of Red who are probably already filling their home with Origami and other crafts.

Cake baking and gardening seem to be high on the list for me. My boys like the idea of the cake baking, but seem less excited about helping me in the garden – it must be their age…We might try the games we normally play over the dark Christmas holiday such as Charades, Stop the bus, Go Fish, Knock out Wist, Snap, Call my Bluff, Count down etc.

Mrs B

Telling the Time

I have had some requests for resources for learning to tell the time.

This is a really good opportunity to learn this important life skill.

As a parent, I know it is something in which our children can surprise us: one of mine could tell the time without any direct teaching – he seemed to absorb the skill from the chat around him; the other one needed hours and hours of support and specific teaching. Having good mathematical skills doesn’t always mean that they will find it easy to read analogue clocks.

These are just a few to start you off:




To give you a guide on what children are expected to be able to do at different ages I have listed the objectives below:

Year 4

  • read, write and convert time between analogue and
  • digital 12- and 24-hour clocks
  • solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months; weeks to days.

Year 3

  • tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour  clocks
  • estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight
  • know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year
  • compare durations of events [for example to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]

For those of you who prefer games, videos and interactive materials and have sufficient broadband connections here are a couple of links:

Time on Espresso

Time on Top Marks

Mrs B

Science and Computing

Well done for keeping up with your Maths and English learning at home. Of course school usually includes lots of other learning too.


I know lots of you have really enjoyed programming your own times table games in Scratch so I have attached two links to help you continue to develop your Scratch skills, develop other computing skills and keep yourselves safe on-line.

Stem Computing



There is a real buzz of enjoyment in class when we do practical science – you seem to really enjoy finding out about how the world around you works through science investigations.

We would have been learning about Magnets and Forces for the last two weeks of this term. The two links below give lots of ideas for science at home including learning about Magnets and Forces. There are also two ideas for home activities attached

Espresso Magnets and Forces

You have your username and password in your reading diary)

STEM science

Pushes and Pulls Home Learning Task

Magnetic Materials Game Home Learning Task

In KS2 we follow a rolling programme so that the Year 3 and 4 science and computing topics are covered over two years, so don’t worry if any resources you find don’t appear to be for your year group. The same happens in Blue.

After Easter, we are due to start learning about Plants – I will upload more details of that topic soon.

Happy Science and technology learning! I look forward to hearing what the scientist and programmers of the future have been up to..


Maths , English and Spelling home learning.

Home Learning to get you started next week is loaded and ready to go for Monday morning…

I will be available to answer questions if your parents wish to email. In the meantime, enjoy time with your families.

Mrs B

Maths Home Learning w/c 30/3/20

In school, we are using the mastery approach and are teaching in the order used by White Rose. In the same way as last week, there are two links – one for Year 3 and one for Year 4. As the children are taught in a mixed Year 3 and 4 many of the Year 3 children will be able to tackle the Year 4 maths in this week’s link.

Year 3 White Rose Week 2



  Year 4 WhiteRose Week 2



Don’t forget to practise your times tables daily. As well as Time table Rock Stars you could use Hit the Button. Hit the Button  These games are also useful for improving your speed of mental addition and subtraction. These are important skills to be able to complete without having to think too hard when completing more complex calculations.

You could also teach your family to play “add 19 or half” or “times table shoot out”.
