
Don’t forget Red and Yellow are off to the theatre in January. This is on the first Wednesday back.

Poster Competition Winners!

Claverley in Bloom organised a competition for the children to design a poster to encourage people to pick up after their dog. Well done to the winners of the poster competition: Isla, Jack, Ruby-Rose and Eliza. They each received a WHSmith’s voucher which was presented by Janet Ryan.  Let’s hope they are effective!

Lights, Camel, Action!

Red and Blue classes are looking forward to performing their Christmas production: Lights, Camel, Action!
The children have been working hard to learn their lines. Here is a sneak preview.

Welcome to Red Class

In Red Class, we are looking forward to sharing our learning with parents through our new website.

At the moment we are working hard (and having lots of fun) preparing for our Christmas performance of “Lights, Camel, Action!” on Tuesday 17th December.

Next term, we will be exploring the USA and our science (This Planet Rocks) will focus on Rocks and Fossils. PE will continue to be on a Friday afternoon.

After half term the Vikings will be arriving…

All the staff in Red Class wish you all a very merry and enjoyable Christmas and New Year.

Mrs Bernasconi, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Smillie

Choir visit Sunrise!

The choir along with Mrs Benson and Mrs Mottram were welcome by Geraldine and Sunrise Assisted Living for carols around the tree. The children sang a mixture of traditional and newer carols to the residents. The were treated to a drink and cookie too!