Worship 23.3.22

Good morning everyone,

On Monday, we thought about the importance of treating everyone with respect and that it is great that we are all different. Yesterday, we thought about being a good friend and thinking before we speak.

Have a look at this clip all about friendship from The Pace Trust and whilst watching think about what you can learn from it.


Let’s take a quiet moment to reflect on the importance of friendship…why isn’t it good for people to be alone?  Are you a good friend?  How do you know?……

Here is today’s song!


Dear God,
We thank you for your love.
We thank you for all the people who show love to us.
Please help us to spread more love in the world by behaving in loving ways.
Please help us to do something every day to show people that we care.

Red class – Year 4 parents

Times Tables check for all Year 4 children in June. Here is some information about the table check that the children take. We are working on the children learning their tables and this is something that you can keep doing at home. 

Many children say they are busy with after school clubs but we do say that car journeys are the ideal times to chant them and say them. Please do ask the children random tables questions. This is one area where parents can really support their children’s learning.

  • The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether year 4 pupils can fluently recall their multiplication tables.
  • All  year 4 pupils will be required to take the check.
  • The test will be fully digital and take place on screen.
  • The multiplication check will take less than 5 minutes per pupil.
  • Children will get 6 seconds from the time the question appears to input their answer. This means that children must be able to readrecall and enter their response within 6 seconds.
  • Children will be presented with 25 questions. There will be a 3 second pause in-between each question, before the next question appears on screen.
  • Each child will be randomly assigned a set of questions.
  • The check has been designed to focus on times tables that fit within the KS2 curriculum. The 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables are more likely to be asked than the 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11 multiplication tables.
  • There will always be questions from the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 multiplication tables in each test.
  • The following 11 multiplication questions are more likely to be asked: –
  1. 6 x 6
  2. 6 x 7
  3. 6 x 8
  4. 6 x 9
  5. 6 x 12
  6. 7 x 8
  7. 7 x 9
  8. 7 x 12
  9. 8 x 9
  10. 8 x 12
  11. 12 x 12


Below is information on the tables check from the government website.


Don’t forget they have Times Tables Rock Stars and Hit the Button.


Year 3/4 Multiplication and Times Tables Check

Worship 22.3.22

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday, we thought about the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect no matter what their skin colour, age, disability or beliefs. So many of you are good friends to each other but I want to continue the theme by reminding you to THINK before you speak or act particularly at playtimes and lunchtimes.

In the Bible there are lots of stories and recounts about good friends – today I am going to share the story from The New Testament Book of Luke, about 4 friends who ask Jesus for help.


Now that you have watched this clip, what choices could you make when you are outside to make sure that everyone has a happy break and lunchtime?

Here is a friendship song.


Dear God

We thank you for our friends and for the happy times we share with them. Help us to be a good friend to them. Teach us how to play fairly and to share. Help us to recognise loneliness in others and show friendliness towards them. We know that you are our friend and will be with us always.


Red class swimming

Dear Parents and Carers,

We know that World Book day is coinciding with swimming this week.


Please send your child in something that they can change out of easily. Alternatively, you can send them with some joggers and a T-Shirt and sweatshirt to change into after swimming.

Many thanks


Science – Year 5 and 6

Year 5 and 6 have been learning about Forces this half term.

On Tuesday, they investigated how gears, levers and pulleys  allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. It was a very “hands on” session which the children approached with great enthusiasm. They showed they could apply their maths when considering gear ratios too. The children took photographs and created their own Pic-collage records of their learning.

We clearly have many future engineers and scientists at Claverley!


Having the Courage to be a good friend

Good morning,

Today I want us to think about how it can be difficult to be a good friend. I am remembering our motto ‘To encourage one another and build each other up’ and sometimes that can be difficult. Think of a time when you have fallen out with your friend. You can share it with the class if you wish – sometimes it is better not to name them. How did you resolve it?

As part of our mission, we Take every opportunity to learn but we also Respect everyone. How can we be the best person we can and a good friend?

Enjoy watching this short video from Disney which shares some great friendship over the Disney years!  Have a think about what makes the characters such strong friends – what ingredients do they need to make their friendships work?


Did you spot some of your favourite Disney friendships?  And did you think about what made them such good friends?  If you could make your own character recipe – what ingredients would you put into the mix. Here are some ideas then have a chat in class and see what else you’d put into your Friendship mix…

  • A jar of kindness,
  • A spoonful of listening,
  • A can of honesty,
  • 1kg of forgiveness…..
  • …….over to you!

How many ingredients did you put into your friendship recipe? I’m sure there were loads as Friendship takes many forms – but I wonder what the one main ingredient is, that without, it might mean the friendship doesn’t last?…..Remember we might all have a different idea – but for me – I’d have to say ‘LOVE’ – as if we remember what God’s greatest commandment is – “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind” – I think God is telling us to simply love each other.

Let’s take a quiet moment of reflection – think about your friendship recipe – do you think you have all those ingredients?  Have you got any missing, and if so what can you do about it so that you can be the very best friend you can be?

Listen to this song about friendship and reflect on how we can be a better friend to others…


Dear God,

Thank you that we have our very special friends.

Help us always to follow your rules of friendship

and to think about our friends before we think about ourselves.

Help us to take care of each other just as you take care of us.


Worship – Monday 14th February

Good morning,


Today, I want us to think about how we are all different and how great that is! Your teachers will have a Power Point to show you.

This is the story of Elmer which I would like you to watch


Let’s see if we really can ‘encourage one another and build each other up’ this week as in the words of the song, ‘We are all Amazing’.


Dear God,

We thank you for the amazing, beautiful world you
created. Help us to care for it.
We thank you for the wonderful, unique people you have
made us to be. Help us to care for one another.


Research Homework

Hi Red Class,

Your homework for the next two weeks is to carry out research about Rome for a holiday brochure which we will start writing the week back after half term. We would like you to research about:

  • The weather
  • Landmarks/places of interest
  • The food
  • The culture
  • Interesting facts about Rome

We would like you to bring your research into school on Monday 28th February please so that we can use the information you have found in our writing.

We hope that you enjoy researching about Rome and look forward to hearing what you found out.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes