Safer Internet

Good morning all,

We are really thinking about looking after our mental health this week and we have been doing activities through the week to find ways to help ourselves.

Talking about internet safety is another way of making sure you have respectful relationships online.  Here are the Safer Internet assemblies – the link will take you to two options and your class teachers can choose the one for their class.


Tuesday 8th February – School Council assembly

Good morning everyone.

We want to improve the outside area and to do this we need your help! We need a school Council!

What is a school council?

A school council is a formal group of children who have been elected by other children in their school to represent them. They use their pupil voice to represent the views of the children within the school and to raise issues with their teachers at school council meetings.

A school council plays an important role within the school because they provide a way in which they can express your opinions and make a difference by suggesting a change or improvement.

Have a look a the Power Point which explains more.

If you wish to be on the school council, take one of the application forms at the end of the day and fill it in. The closing date for entries is Monday 14th February. Voting will take place by Wednesday 16th Feb. New school council will be announced on Thursday 17th February.

Here is a School Council song!



What’s happening next week?

Week beginning – Monday 7th February

Monday – Children’s Mental Health week – Dress to Express! Wear something that you like to wear/that reflects your personality.

Tuesday – Mrs Derrer in Red in the morning. Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Colin-Stokes at Number Sense training.

Wednesday – PE kit

Friday – PE kit

Don’t forget to have a go on this if you have a few spare minutes.

Hopefully to received the email about the White Rose maths app last week. It is free to download and looks great!

Have a lovely weekend!


Red Class update

Hi Red class,
Here are a few more pictures from our Italian day!


Assembly – Thursday 3rd Feb

Good morning everyone, the assembly today is all bout the Winter Olympics.

The first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Tomorrow is the first day of the Winter Olympic Games which are being held in Beijing, China.

What events do you think are in the Winter Olympics? Find out more here and see how many events you can remember at the end.

What did you find out? Can you remember some of the events?

The Olympics are a time when athletes come together and compete to win events. They try to be the best they can and more importantly, they are participating. Think about some of the activities you do and how some take more effort and hard work if you want to succeed. Can you share these with the class?

The 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony is scheduled for Friday, February 4 and will start at 11:30am UK time. Some events will be held here at the Bird’s Nest stadium.

Bird's Nest, China

Have a think about how you can try to be your BEST. What will you work on to be better at over the coming weeks?

Dear God,

Thank you for giving us the opportunities to learn in school and at home.

Thank you for giving us the strength to be our best and not give up.

Help us to play well with others and in the spirit of good sportsmanship.

Help us to encourage one another and build each other up as we go through the day.


Here is a song to finish!


Red Class Italian Experience

Ciao everyone!

We have had a great day in Red class and the children participated with such enthusiasm. Even some of the snacks were in the colours of the Italian flag!

The children decorated masks and learnt about the annual carnival held in Venice- Carnevale di Venezia.

We learnt some Italian greetings and numbers.

We will publish pictures from the food tasting later in the week.

Don’t forget it’s PE kit day tomorrow!

Buona Notte (Good Night!)




Worship 1st Feb – Lunar New Year/Chinese New Year

Good morning,

Today you will be finding out about the Lunar New Year/Chinese New Year. What do you know about it?

Have you ever been to a celebration? What did it involve? Watch the following video clip and think about the differences between the Chinese New Year and New Year celebrations held on 31st December.

Can you remember any of the traditions that you saw in the video?

Here is the story of how each of the animals got a year named after them.

You could find out which animal you are.

Chinese New Year is all about starting afresh and hoping for good things in the future for you, your family and friends. Think of anything that brings you good luck, happiness and hope for the future.

Dear God,

Thank you for the lessons we can learn from Chinese New Year, about the importance of family, friends, community and happiness.

Help us to be hopeful for the future and to share happiness and hope all around us.


Worship Monday 31st January

Good Morning Everyone and I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Today, I started thinking about being our Claverley BEST and particularly about E – REspect our environment and each other. Yesterday was such a lovely day with the sun shining and it gave us chance to go into our garden and enjoy being outside. This made me think about how beautiful the world is and how thankful we should be for it.

We all live very busy lives and it is very easy to take things for granted – as we are either going  too fast to notice what a beautiful world we live in, or we simply just forget to appreciate this beautiful planet.

So today I would like us all just to stop and think about our planet Earth – including Claverley and our local area, but also the wider UK and world – and all its’ wonders.

Christians and many other religions believe that God created the world. Let’s enjoy watching this video that shows us what a wonderful world it is – as you watch try and think of something that you are thankful for – maybe the animals, mountains or oceans – what is it that makes this world so special and why?

Have a moment now to share in class – what is it that makes the world so special – what do you want to say thank you for?

It could be the amazing physical world – the oceans and mountains, rivers and valleys, the glaciers and volcanos, the waterfalls and deserts – because it is the diversity and differences in all the many countries that this makes the world a never ending feast of learning, and gives a sense of awe and wonder.  It’s also the seasons that bring the changes in colour – something that is very obvious now with the trees around us.

It is very easy to take our world for granted – but it is so important that we appreciate it and are thankful – because then we can learn to look after and care for our world that the Lord gave us.

Christians believe that although the whole of creation and nature are wonderful, God considers people to be the best part of his creation. He considers us all to be very special. Christians believe that God loves us to enjoy all that he has given us. He wants us to make the most of the fresh air and the outdoors, to use our bodies and to look after each other.

Let’s remember today to ‘REspect our environment and each other.

Dear God,
Thank you for all that you give us;
For all of nature and creation,
And for the food that we grow, eat and enjoy.
Help us to know our place as part of creation,
And to look after each other
And all that you have entrusted to our care.