Spellings for week beginning 18th October

This week’s words and with the suffix -ation

Please can you recap the meaning and have a go at putting the words into sentences.

Group 1 – creation, demonstration, vibration, imagination, forest ( an extra  word which many have been spelling incorrectly)

Group 2 – creation, vibration, imagination, ventilation, relegation

Group 3- creation, vibration, imagination, ventilation, relegation, dedication, translation

You can always challenge yourself to find more -ation words! Can you spell multiplication?

Spellings for week beginning 11th October

The words for this week are from the statutory word list.

Group 1

library, material, medicine, mention, minute, often

Group 2 and 3

library, material, medicine, mention, minute, naughty, notice, often

Red class spellings for the week beginning 4.10.21

Our spellings for next week are more homophones! Words which sound similar but have different spellings and meanings.

Group 1 – cereal, serial, by, buy, flower, flour

Group 2 – cereal, serial, by, buy, flower, flour, great, grate, reign, rain

Group 3 – through, threw, court, caught, there, they’re, their

Red Class spellings for week beginning 27th September

Well done Red class, we can see that many of you are learning your spellings at home as well as in school.

This week we are learning about homophones – two or more words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings or spellings.  The children should know which group they are in and it will be on their spelling sheets which are given out on a Friday.

peace or piece?

Group 1- peace, piece, bear, bare, blew, blue

Group 2 -peace, piece, main, mane, fair, fare, bear, bare, blew, blue

Group 3 – aloud, allowed, heard, herd, weather, whether, past, passed

We have talked about the meaning of the words but it is great if the children can go over them again. They might not get them in this order in the test.


This week’s Red Class spellings

Year 4

actual, actually, accident, accidentally, business, disappear, different, complete, consider, continue

Year 3

actual, actually, accident, accidentally, business, disappear, different, complete,

Mrs Colin-Stokes’ group

actual, actually, accident, accidentally, business, disappear

Red class spellings for Friday 18th June

Dear all,

I will ty to get the spellings on the website every week as I know sometimes the children lose the paper copies. Here are the words we have been learning this week. There are 3 groups and your child should know which group they are in – I will show them this layout so they are clear for next week.

The spellings for this week are ‘ou’ words – /^/ sound spelt ou

Year 4

young, double, touch, trouble, country, rough, enough, encourage, cousin, couple

Year 3

young, double, touch, trouble, country, rough, enough, encourage

Mrs Colin-Stokes’ Group

young, double, touch, trouble, country, rough, enough, 



Spellings for week beginning 8th March

This week we will be learning more words off the statutory word list. Make sure you know what they mean.

Week 3 statutory words 1

Spellings week beginning 22.02.21

This week’s words are taken from the year 3/4 word list. Read all of the words and discuss them with an adult. Look for patterns in the words and ways to help you remember spelling them.

I have set an activity for you on Purple Mash to help you learn them too and you can leave me a message when you have done it!

Week 1 statutory words

Don’t forget to come to the spelling meeting on Friday at 9.15am!

You should also have a reading task set for each day on Purple Mash too.


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