Red class spellings for 22.05.23

This week’s spellings are words with a short /u/ sound spelled with an ‘o’

Group 1: woman, wonder, mother, brother

Group 2: woman, wonder, mother, brother, another, month, above

Group 3: wonder, mother, brother, another, month, above, govern, discover, above

Spellings for 15.05.23

This week’s spellings are from the Year 3/4 statutory word list.

Group 1: eight, eighty, bike, believe

Group 2: regular, regularly, natural, eight, eighty, bike, believe

Group 3: regular, regularly, natural, eight, eighty, bicycle, cyclist, believe

Have a go at putting them into sentences.


Spellings for 8.05.23

This week’s spellings are using apostrophe for contraction.

Group 1: you’ll, you’re, hasn’t, he’ll

Group 2: you’ll, you’re, you’ve, hasn’t, he’ll, hadn’t, haven’t

Group 3: you’ll, you’re, you’ve, hasn’t, he’ll, hadn’t, haven’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t

Have a go at expanding them e.g. you will = you’ll and putting them in sentences.

apostrophe for contraction


Red Class spellings for 1.05.23

This week, we are using the suffix -ly to create adverbs.

Group 1: lately, closely, gently, luckily

Group 2: lately, closely, gently, luckily, basically, frantically, accidentally

Group 3: lately, closely, gently, luckily, basically, frantically, dramatically, accidentally

Spellings for week beginning 24.04.23

This week we are doubling the consonant before adding a suffix.

Group 1: patting, patted, dropping, dropped

Group 2: patting, patted, dropping, dropped, runner, runny, saddest

Group 3: patting, patted, dropping, dropped, runner, runny, saddest, humming, hummed

Watch the video which will explain the rule to you!

Spelling help

Red spellings for 27.03.23

This week, we are learning about homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Please remember that children need to use these in sentences so that they know when to use them.

Group 1: meet, meat, hear, here

Group 2: meet, meat, hear, here, hour, our, there, their

Group 3: meet, meat, hear, here, hour, our, there, their, groan, grown


Spellings for week beginning 20.03.23

This week’s words have a /k/ sound spelt with ch.

Group 1 – ache, echo, school, choir

Group 2 – ache, echo, school, choir, chorus, character, stomach

Group 3 – ache, echo, school, choir, chorus, character, stomach, chemistry, scheme

You can listen to some of the words on this site and there are some games to try too.

Red class spellings for 13.03.23

This week’s words are using the prefixes super- and auto-

Group 1: superstar, superman, automatic, autopilot

Group 2: superstar, superman, supermarket, automatic, autopilot, autobiography

Group 3: superstar, superman, supermarket,  superficial, automatic, autopilot, autobiography, autograph

You could watch this clip on auto-  words. There are a couple of really hard ones in this clip but most are words you might know!

This has some ideas about the prefix super-. The video clip has some tricky words to look at but it will show you how to use the prefix.


Spellings for 6.03.23

This week’s words are from the statutory word list. Look at patterns in the letters and words within the words to help you spell this group.

Group 1: build, busy, extreme, forward

Group 2: build, busy, extreme, forward, important, increase

Group 3: build, busy, extreme, forward, heart, history, important, increase

Red class spellings for 13.02.23

This week’s spellings are using the suffix ‘ly’ to create adverbs. Adverbs tell us ‘how’ something is being done.

Group 1: slowly, quickly, sadly, happily, describe, playful

Group 2: slowly, quickly, happily, rapidly, describe, successful, mysterious

Group 3: slowly, quickly, happily, rapidly, hungrily, describe, successful, mysterious, accidentally

You will also notice some other words on the sheet for each group. We are recapping words from previous spellings to make sure the children have embedded them. The research shows that children learn their spellings for a test but can find it hard to remember them a few weeks later. These words should not be new learning for the children but a recap of previous words.

Suffix -ly