Red Class spellings for Monday 13th June

This week’s words have the suffix -ous

Group 1: envious, furious, various, dangerous, famous

Group 2: envious, furious, various, dangerous, famous, mountainous, poisonous

Group 3: envious, furious, various, dangerous, famous, mountainous, poisonous, courageous

You might want to have a go at the ones on this link.,It%20means%20’full%20of’.


Red class spellings for 23.05.22

The spellings this week are homophones – words which sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

Group 1: weather, whether, which, witch, who’s, whose

Group 2: weather, whether, which, witch, who’s, whose, mist, missed

Group 3: weather, whether, which, witch, who’s, whose, mist, missed, medal, meddle

Please can you go over the meanings with the children and ask them to orally put the word into a sentence.

Red class spellings – week beginning 16th May

This week’s words are from the statutory word list. Can you find ways of remembering them?

Group 1: enough, length, strength, potatoes, separate, suppose

Group 2: enough, length, strength, potatoes, separate, suppose, particular, peculiar

Group 3: enough, length, strength, potatoes, separate, suppose, particular, peculiar, pressure, grammar

Red class spellings

This week we are looking at words ending with the suffix -ssion.

–ssion is used if the root word ends in ss or –mit.
When words end in -ss just add – ion.
For example:- discuss – discussion & transmit becomes transmission

Group 1: expression, discussion, confession, permission, admission

Group 2: expression, discussion, confession, permission, admission, transmission, possession

Group 3:expression, discussion, confession, permission, admission, transmission, possession, profession

For those who want to do some extra work on these words. There are some games on this site.

Red class spellings for week beginning Monday 2nd May

This week’s words have the -cian suffix

Group 1- musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician

Group 2- musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician, technician

Group 3 -musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician, dietician, statistician, technician,

If the root word ends with ‘c’ or ‘cs’ use the -cian suffix: magic – magician

There are some activities to have a go at on this link

Spellings for 4.04.22

This week’s spellings start with the prefix ‘anti‘ meaning “against,” “in opposition to,” or “opposite of.”

Group 1 – antidote, antibiotic, antisocial, antiseptic, anticlockwise

Group 2 and 3 – antidote, antibiotic, antisocial, antiseptic, anticlockwise, antifreeze, antigravity, antiperspirant, anti-ageing

There are some activities on this link!

Spellings for week beginning 21.03.22

This week’s words are from the statutory word list.

Group 1: weight, women, woman, through, although, thought

Group 2 and 3: weight, women, woman, through, although, thought, though, thorough, thoughtless

The words will be tested in a random order on Friday!


Spellings week beginning 14.03.22

This week’s words have the pattern ‘sion’ which makes the ‘shun’ sound.

Group 1- decision, television, confusion, collision, revision

Group 2- decision, television, confusion, collision, revision, inclusion, invasion, explosion

Group 3- decision, television, confusion, collision, revision, inclusion, invasion, explosion, erosion

You might want to have a quick look at this clip.

Red Class spellings

The spellings this week are words with the /s/ sound spelt with sc.

Group 1- scent, science, scientist, scissors, fascinate

Group 2 – scent, science, scientist, scissors, fascinate, ascent, descent, discipline

Group 3 – scent, science, scientist, scissors, fascinate, ascent, descent, discipline, scenery

Red Spellings 14.2.22

This week’s spellings end with the suffix -ation. The words that the children are learning are all nouns.

Group 1 – creation, indication, ventilation, demonstration, translation and if they want to learn an extra word – vibration

Group 2- creation, indication, ventilation, demonstration, translation, vibration, dedication

Group 3- creation, indication, ventilation, demonstration, translation, vibration, dedication, radiation

Here is a clip and activity if you want to have a go!