Spellings – for 7.02.22

This week’s spellings are homophones. Remember it is important to know the meaning of them.

Group 1 – scene, seen, plane, plain, wear, where

Group 2 – scene, seen, mail, male, plane, plain, wear, where

Group 2 – scene, seen, mail, male, plane, plain, wear, where, some, sum

This clip doesn’t include all of the spellings but you could still have a look!




Spellings for 31st January – Red class

This week’s words are from the the statutory word list..

Group 1 – certain, circle, extreme, fruit, forwards, heart

Group 2 – certain, circle, extreme, fruit, forwards, heart, increase, popular, question

Group 3 – certain, circle, extreme, fruit, forwards, heart, increase, popular, question, various


Red Class spellings – 24.01.22

This week’s words have the pattern -ture in them although the title of the sheets says ure.

Spellings ure Group 1

Spellings ure Group 2.docx

Spellings ure Group 3

Here is a link to a game involving some of the -ture words. It does mention -sure words which we haven’t done yet but it will still be good to go through and have a go at it.



Red class spellings 10.01.21

This week we are looking at the apostrophe for possession. The children have been given a sheet to show that they understand the meaning and how to use the apostrophe for possession. Here is a quick reminder and it has a few quizzes for the children to do too.


Here is the sheet they were sent home with.


Some children have a few extra words to put into sentences.

gardener’s, gardeners’, farmer’s and farmers’

They can bring the sheet back next Friday. I will be asking them to demonstrate their understanding by using the words in new sentences.


Red Class spellings for week beginning 6.12.21

This week’s words are the statutory words. As you learn them, have a go at putting them into a sentence to check that you remember the meaning.

Group 1 – opposite, ordinary, position, probably, sentence, special

Group 2 – opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably, sentence, special

Group 3 -opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably, purpose, sentence, special

Red Class spellings for week beginning 29th November

This week’s words have the ‘ay’ sound. All of the words have either ey, eigh or ei in them.

Group 1 – prey, obey, weigh, neighbour, beige, sleigh

Group 2- obey, weigh, neighbour, eighth, neigh, beige, sleigh

Group 3 – prey, obey, eighth, weigh, neighbour, vein, beige, sleigh

Red Class spellings for 22.11.21

Our spelling this week have the prefix ir- and il-

Group 1 – irregular, irresponsible, irrational, illegal, illegible

Group 2 – irregular, irresponsible, irrational, illegal, illegible, illogical

Group 3 – irregular, irresponsible, irrational, irresistible, illegal, illegible, illogical, illuminate

Red Class spellings week beginning 15th November

The spellings this week add the prefixes in- and im-

Please ask your child to tell you which is the prefix (im- or in-) and which is the root word (e.g. correct)

Group 1 – incorrect, incredible, impossible, impatient, impolite

Group 2 -incorrect, incredible, indirect, impossible, impatient, impolite, imperfect

Group 3 -incorrect, incredible, indirect, independent, impossible, impatient, impolite, imperfect

Red class spellings for week beginning 8.11.21

This week we are learning more words from the statutory word list

Group 1 – address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, build

Group 2 -address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, build, busy, calendar

Group 3 -address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, breathe, build, busy, calendar, complete

Here are a few different ideas for ways to learn spellings
