Spellings for week beginning 20.03.23

This week’s words have a /k/ sound spelt with ch.

Group 1 – ache, echo, school, choir

Group 2 – ache, echo, school, choir, chorus, character, stomach

Group 3 – ache, echo, school, choir, chorus, character, stomach, chemistry, scheme

You can listen to some of the words on this site and there are some games to try too.


Homework 16.3.23

Your homework has been set on Purple Mash this week. Year 3 are looking at identifying fractions on fraction bars and year 4 are looking at pairing mixed numbers with improper fractions. Please keep practising your poems for the poetry competition as well over the weekend as we will be performing these on Monday in class.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Year 4 parents in Red – Residential information

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 4,

We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 5.30pm (apologies over any confusion with the timings). You can bring your Year 4 child (and siblings if childcare is an issue). You will be provided with information on the planned activities and a kit list. We will be available to answer any questions that you or your child may have.

The children will be informed about their sleeping arrangements and groups tomorrow prior to the meeting and we know this will cause great excitement.

Kind regards

Mrs Derrer, Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Colin-Stokes


Home Learning for 10.03.23

Good morning Red class,

Well, it is another snowy day and I hope you are able to enjoy getting out in it. If you get a chance/ wish to do some school work, there are some ideas here.

flashback-friday - Norfolk Public Library

It is our ‘Flashback Friday’ where we know more and remember more, so you could get someone to test you the spellings from last week. I have put the new ones on the spelling page with a couple of video clips to look at. This week’s words start with the prefixes super- and auto-. Have a go at finding out what the words mean and putting them into a sentence.

Tables – please continue to revise these. We are really impressed with the way you are learning these. Use Times Tables Rock Stars or the other programmes which work for you.


Year 3: x3, x4, x8

Year 4: x3, x4, x6, x8.

English – next week we are writing a diary in RE. You could try to write a diary entry about your snow days.

Writing a Snow Diary

Start your diary like this
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was _____________________________!

Or start with

This morning, we__________________________

Diary Checklist – Work through this step by step
-What did you see?
-What did you do next?
-How did it feel?
-What did you do in the snow?
-What was the best part of you Snow Day?

Use these past tense verbs to help you:

ran walked rolled squashed pulled dug
shaped shivered wrapped patted
jumped shouted called squished scraped
pushed placed stuck

Here is an arithmetic is you wish to have a go at one.



In RE we are looking at the Easter story. You can watch this clip all about Palm Sunday.


Don’t forget to work on your poem for the poetry competition.

See you next week!


Red class spellings for 13.03.23

This week’s words are using the prefixes super- and auto-

Group 1: superstar, superman, automatic, autopilot

Group 2: superstar, superman, supermarket, automatic, autopilot, autobiography

Group 3: superstar, superman, supermarket,  superficial, automatic, autopilot, autobiography, autograph

You could watch this clip on auto-  words. There are a couple of really hard ones in this clip but most are words you might know!


This has some ideas about the prefix super-. The video clip has some tricky words to look at but it will show you how to use the prefix.



Red class snow day learning and homework

Good morning Red class,

As we are closed today for the snow I have set you some activities to have a go at.

As we have been enjoying looking at volcanoes in Topic I thought you could do some research about volcanoes and present your information as either a poster or a leaflet.

For Maths there are some nice activity mats from Twinkl you could have a go at.

Year 3 Spring Activity Mat 1

Year 3 Spring Activity Mat 2

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – one star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – two star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – three star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – one star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – two star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – three star

Your homework this week has been set on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at making a whole and year 4 are looking at fractions greater than 1.

Spellings for 6.03.23

This week’s words are from the statutory word list. Look at patterns in the letters and words within the words to help you spell this group.

Group 1: build, busy, extreme, forward

Group 2: build, busy, extreme, forward, important, increase

Group 3: build, busy, extreme, forward, heart, history, important, increase

Maths Homework 2.3.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your Maths homework for this week on Purple Mash. Year 3 are looking at unit fractions and year 4 are looking at ordering fractions. The tasks should be completed by next Tuesday. Please remember to keep practising your times tables and learn a poem off by heart ready for the poetry competition (see letter for further information about this)


Hi Red Class,

We are looking forward to seeing you all back tomorrow. As it is swimming, children can come to school in either PE kit or school uniform – whichever is easiest for your child to change back into after swimming.
Many thanks

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Swimming after half term

Red Class will be going swimming every Monday afternoon starting on Monday 27th February when we return from the half term break and our last session will be on Monday 27th March. Please ensure that the children bring their swimming kits with them to school. Thank you.