10.05.24 – Red class spellings

This week’s spellings contain ‘phon’ and ‘sign’.

Group 1- telephone, microphone, phonics, design, signal, sign

Group 2 – telephone, phonics, microphone, signal, design, sign, signature

Group 3- telephone, phonics, microphone, homophone, signal, design, sign, signature

As always, the words are on Ed Shed and we do reward children for their place in the leagues.

Homework 9.5.24

I have set your homework for this week on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at capacity and year 4 are looking at hundredths. Please can year 4 also continue to practise their times tables. Please can all homework tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Red class and school photos – Wed 8th May

Please can children come to school in their school uniform on Wed 8th May ready for class photos. Bring PE kit ready to change into.


Red class spellings – 3.05.24

This week we are spelling words with ‘sol’ and ‘real’.

Group 1: solve, solution, dissolve, real, unreal

Group 2: solve, solution, dissolve, insoluble, real, unreal, reality, realistic

Group 3: solve, solution, soluble, dissolve, insoluble, real, unreal, reality, realistic, realisation

Remember, they have been set on Ed Shed so there are lots of games to play!

Homework 2.5.24

Well done for another great week Red class, I think year 4 are still recovering from The Pioneer Centre trip last week but what fun we had! I have set your EdShed homework for you. Year 3 are looking at mass or capacity depending on the activity I have set for your group. Year 4 are looking at dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 and also please remember to keep practising your times tables.

I hope you all enjoy a lovely, long weekend for the bank holiday!

Year 4 – Visit to the Pioneer Centre

On Thursday, a very excited Year 4 bunch left Claverley for an overnight stay at the Pioneer Centre. They participated in lots of activities including: Climbing, abseiling, archery, zip wire, an inflatable challenge and caving. They all tackled the activities with great enthusiasm and perseverance. They called themselves the ‘Electric Eleven’ and really did live out our motto with lots of encouragement for one another and all were determined to be their best.

Mrs Harper-Jones and I were really proud of them all. The staff at the Pioneer commented on their great manners too!

Homework 25.4.24

Well done Red class, you have all worked very hard this week. I have set your EdShed Maths homework for this week. Year 3 are looking at using scales or measuring mass depending on what I have set for your group. Year 4 are looking at tenths as fractions and tenths as decimals. Please could you complete the tasks set by next Wednesday. Year 4, please remember to keep practising your times tables as well!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

Preparing for the Multiplication Tables Check 2023 | CGP Plus

Year 4 will all take the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) on Tuesday 11th June. We hope that your child has continued to learn their tables. Every Friday, there are tables checks done in class. Some of the tables check practice activities have been set up on Ed Shed so please encourage your child to access these.

Children can also access a practice on Times Tables Rock Stars. Your child will need to access their account through the web browser and not through an app. Children will be shown this in class along with accessing the Soundcheck games.


Multiplication tables check information for parents

We hope you find this useful.


Red class update – Spellings

As Year 4 are at the Pioneer Centre on Thursday and Friday, you will have 2 weeks to learn the spellings. The test will be on Friday 3rd May. You can all go on Ed Shed to keep learning them.


Red class spellings 19.04.24

This week’s words have ‘c’ before ‘i’ and ‘e’.

Group 1 – pencil, voice, circus, celebrate, circle

Group 2 – pencil, voice, circus, celebrate, circle, celery, medicine,

Group 3 – pencil, voice, circus, celebrate, circle, celery, medicine, centaur, princess, century

Don’t forget that the words are on Ed Shed and there are lots of games to play.