Year 3 Maths w/c 22.6.20

This week year 3 are looking at right angles, comparing angles, horizontal and vertical lines and parallel and perpendicular lines.


Lesson video 

Year 3 – Right angles in shapes

Answers   Right angles in shapes


Lesson video

Year 3  – Compare angles

Answers  Compare angles


Lesson video

Year 3 – Horizontal and vertical

Answers   Horizontal and vertical


Lesson video

Year 3 – Parallel and perpendicular

Answers   Parallel and perpendicular


I have uploaded an arithmetic paper for today for you for some extra practise:

Year 3 Arithmetic paper 



Red Reading – English w/c 22.6.20

This week I would like you to look at ‘Layers of the Ocean’ for your reading comprehension.

Please could Blyton look at the one star sheets, Donaldson look at the two star sheets and Welford and Pankhurst look at the three star sheets.

layers of the ocean reading comprehension


Topic w/c 22.6.20

This week for Topic I would like you to look at layers of the ocean. Look at the powerpoint from Twinkl below and then draw a labelled diagram or diagrams of the different layers of the ocean.

layers of the ocean powerpoint


Science w/c 22.6.20

This week for Science I would like you to look at Sundials. I have checked the weather for next week and at the moment it is looking very good. Fingers crossed it stays that way for your activity! Click on the link below and then click on the Shadows and Sundials fact file to read the information:

Shadows and Sundials fact file 

Use the template from Twinkl to make your own sundial and then use your sundial to complete the experiment.

sundial template

Sundial experiment instructions



I thought it might be nice for you to have a look at some R.E focusing on Islam. Oak Academy have 6 lessons on Islam on their website that you could have a look at. I have attached the link to the page on their website below:

Oak Academy Humanities page – Islam


Topic w/c 15.6.20

This week we are continuing to look at coasts focusing on coastal erosion. I have attached the link below which takes you to the learning path on coastal erosion from Espresso. Follow the learning path through and complete the activities. A couple of the videos about coastal features you may have already seen but watch them again to remind yourself.

Coastal erosion learning path


English w/c 15 June

This week we are looking at Mission Possible by Kat Pennington. The unit will be split up over the next two weeks. This week we will look at the activities up to page 27 ONLY. Next week, we will look at the rest of the unit of work looking at story writing however, we need to edit the activities in the booklet so please do not look beyond page 27. Please DO NOT throw away the booklet at the end of this week as you will need it again next week!


Read the story and then complete the activities on pages 6, 7, 8 and 9.


Re read the story to remind yourself and then complete the activities from pages 10-15.


Complete the activities from pages 16-20.


Complete the activities from pages 21-25.


Complete the activities from pages 26 and 27.

Please remember to keep your booklets for next week and do not go beyond page 27 as we are changing and adapting the rest of the booklet for us to use w/c 22nd June.

Mission Possible by Kat Pennington word document of activities

Mission-Possible week 1 activity booklet


Year 4 Maths w/c 15.6.20

This week year 4 are looking at time. There are some nice powerpoints to look at this week before you have a go at your sheets. I have also put a link to the Topmarks website which has lots of interactive games for you to have a go at.

Topmarks Time games


Hours, minutes and seconds powerpoint

Worksheets: Hours, minutes and seconds VF 

Hours, minutes and seconds RPS


Months, weeks and days powerpoint

Worksheets: Months, weeks and days VF

Months, weeks and days RPS


Analogue to digital 12 hour powerpoint

Worksheets: Analogue to digital 12 hour VF

Analogue to digital 12 hour RPS


Analogue to digital 24 hour powerpoint

Worksheets: Analogue to digital 24 hour VF

Analogue to digital 24 hour RPS


There isn’t a powerpoint for today as these questions are extra practise for the work you have carried out this week.

Time consolidation questions

Time consolidation questions2 


Year 3 Maths w/c 15.6.20

This week year 3 are following on from the work they looked at last week and are looking at adding and subtracting length and measuring and calculating perimeter.


Lesson video

Year 3 – Add lengths


Answers – Add lengths


Lesson video

Year 3 – Subtract lengths


Answers – Subtract lengths


Lesson video

Year 3 – Measure perimeter


Answers – Measure perimeter


Lesson video

Year 3 – Calculate perimeter


Answers – Calculate perimeter

For Friday I have uploaded another Arithmetic paper for you to have a go at as it is really useful to keep practising your Arithmetic skills.

Year 3 Arithmetic paper