Welcome Back!

Welcome back Red Class! I am sorry that I can not welcome you back properly in person but I hope to be able to soon. I hope you all had a lovely half term break last week. Before half term, Mrs Bernasconi and I met to discuss and plan all of the work for this week and we will continue to work together to prepare the home learning materials for you.

Hope you are all well and look forward to meeting you all soon,

Mrs Harper-Jones

English week commencing 1.6.20

This week we have a lovely story from Africa to look at called Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters. I have been telling Mrs Harper-Jones what wonderful writers you are. She is looking forward to seeing your stories.

Mrs Bernasconi


Monday Mufaro’s Beautiful daughters


Tuesday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters


Wednesday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters


Thursday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters


Friday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters





Maths week commencing 1.6.20

This week year 3 are continuing to develop their knowledge of addition and subtraction and year 4 are continuing to develop their knowledge of fractions. We know these are things that you have already covered this year but it is really important to continue to practise your skills in these areas for next year.

Year 3

Monday  –     These resources provide further practice of addition. They are in a slightly different format than our usual materials.

Lesson video


Answers: Year-3-Add-Two-3-Digit-Numbers-Worksheet-Parent-Guidance-and-Answers

Answer video

This video goes through and explains the middle (expected) sheet.

(Let me know what you think of these different resources – it’s good to know which resources you find most useful.)


Lesson video

Tues- Subtract 3-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers – no exchange

Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract 3-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers – no exchange


Lesson video 

Wednesday – Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number – exchange

Answers: Lesson 3 Answers – Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number – exchange


Lesson video

Thursday – Estimate answers to calculations

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers – Estimate answers to calculations


Year 4 


Lesson video

Lesson 1 – Add 2 or more fractions

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers – Add 2 or more fractions


Lesson video

Lesson 2 – Subtract 2 fractions

Answers: Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract 2 fractions


Lesson video

Lesson 3 – Fractions of a quantity

Answers: Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of a quantity


Lesson video

Lesson 4 – Calculate quantities

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers – Calculate quantities


Keeping safe Online

During these strange times many of us are spending even more time online than usual. It has been incredibly useful and meant that we can still “see” loved ones who don’t live with us, work from home, learn from home and even have family quizz nights from home. (What would we have done if this had Lockdown had happened in the 1980’s or 1990’s?) However, we still need to be mindful of safety – it is easy for us to drop our guard when we depend so much on technology.

These resources are intended to support families and are not intended for children to access alone:

Thinkuknow website


Online Safety Newsletter_Tiktok

I don’t want to over load you, but will be back with more updates and resources later in June.

Wider opening of the school on Monday 1st June

The staff and governors have worked hard to ensure the preparations for the wider reopening of the school can begin in a phased approach on Monday. There is a lot of information on this page which I am hoping you will find useful.
Monday 1st June and Tuesday 2nd June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Year 1 at 9.00am.
Wednesday 3rd June and Thursday 4th June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Reception children at 9.15am.

Please note that as there is strict guidance on the number of the bubbles, you must inform the school by 3pm on the Wednesday of the previous week if you are planning on sending your child back to school.

Please don’t forget to put sun cream on your child before they come to school and provide a hat – thank you.

I hope you have had a chance to look at some of the information sent out yesterday too!

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Information letter for parents

CLAVERLEY risk assessment June 1st

Letter from LA

Letter from the Catering Company

Government publication for the wider opening of schools



Online safety information for parents




Coming back to school

Hi All,

There is a lot of talk in the news and we have shared our plans for a return to school and in preparation, I thought some of these clips might help our children. It would be great if you could play them with your child and stop them when you want to discuss something. They might be usedful!

Back to School-Social-Story

While We Can’t Hug


Back to School


Half term message

Well Red class, it is the half term holiday next week – a full half term of home learning completed. Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Smillie and I all miss you. School really is not the same without all of you.

We will be welcoming Mrs Harper-Jones back after half term from her maternity leave. We have already spent time working together ( socially distanced of course) and she is really looking forward to meeting the delightful Red class of 2019-2020. We have Iots of home learning planned for you for after half term.

I will miss having you all to myself, but will still be involved with Red class as well as Blue, so you haven’t got rid of me yet! I have been delighted with the way you have all matured and worked hard together this year. You really support each other; you should be very proud of yourselves.

Keep learning and don’t forget that we are here to help and support you. We love receiving pictures of your writing and all your varied learning experiences outside and inside. Keep sending them to us.

Enjoy your half -term and keep safe.

Mrs Bernasconi

Maths update for Friday 22 May learning

Year 3


Friday 22 May – Add two 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019

Friday Answers – Add two 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019

Year 4

These resources provide further practice of Fractions greater than 1. They are in a slightly different format than our usual materials.


Year-4 EXT-Fractions-Greater-than-1   

There are three sheets in this pack and the answers are all on a sheet at the end of the pack.

Fractions greater than 1 Answers and explanation video

This video goes through and explains the middle (expected) sheet.

(Let me know what you think of these different resources – it’s good to know which resources you find most useful.)


Ideas for Foundation and Science learning

Relaxation – Harry Potter themed Yoga

Science – Practical STEM activity suggestions: STEM-Ideas-2

How does a Plant Transport Water?

History – What was it like to live in the Bronze Age?

Faith at Home: Resources from the National Oak Academy

Art: Drawing skills

Painting, Collage and Print-making

Computing – I will post some more ideas later in the week. Has any one been using scratch?