Maths w/c 18/5/20

Year 3 – you have some revision of the methods to add and subtract. We did this in the Autumn term which seems like a long time ago. It’s an important skill so it’s definitely worth looking at again.


Video lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1 answers


Video lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2 answers


Video lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 answers


Video lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4 answers

Year 4 – you are learning about fractions again this week. Fractions are an important part of our maths learning in year 5 and 6.


Video Lesson 1

Lesson 1 – What is a fraction

 Answers What is a fraction?


Video lesson 2

Lesson 2 – Equivalent fractions



Video lesson 3

Lesson 3 – Equivalent fractions (2)



Video Lesson 4

Lesson 4 – Fractions greater than 1


I will add Friday’s lesson later.





English w/c 18 May

Well Red class, it’s the week before half term. I am excited to share with you the wonderful books from J K Rowling – yes it’s Harry Potter this week. My original copies have been read so many times that they have fallen apart. I know some of you have already been gripped by the Potter bug, but others have not yet ventured into that fantasy world. Which ever you are, I hope the resources and work posted will be enjoyable and encourage you to read the series of books yourselves or share them with your families. It’s a fantasy world to escape into….

Whilst the resources for each day should be enough to complete the tasks, the complete books can be access for free from Shropshire e libraries (click here) and a range of stars including Harry himself are reading the first book on J K Rowling’s website (click here). If you subscribe to Prime already, they are also available for free on kindle and I am sure other e readers will have made them available too. I would definitely recommend reading or listening to the earlier chapters first especially if you haven’t read or watched any before.


We start the week familiarising ourselves with J K Rowling and Harry Potter

Blyton and Donaldson J K-Rowling-reading-comprehension-activity

Pankhurst J K Rowling Reading Comprehension

Welford J K  Rowling-reading-comprehension

Try to spend today reading and/ or  listening to the first few chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Complete books can be access for free from Shropshire e libraries (click here) and a range of stars including Harry himself are reading the first book on J K Rowling’s website (click here).


Harry Potter Day 2  This starts with Chapter 7 – The Sorting Hat

Clauses and Conjunctions with audio


Harry Potter Day 3


Harry Potter Thursday


Harry Potter Friday

Adverbs with audio



Here are some more ideas for you to continue with our study of plants. These are part of the materials I am trying to give you to support your learning beyond Maths and English and I know lots of you love to learn about science. These materials are for you to use as fits best with your family and your interests.

(I’ve heard that lots of you have been helping in the garden and gaining some practical experience as well as learning about the science.)

Discovery Espresso has a guided learning path you could use:

Plants on Discovery Espresso    You will need the school log in for this.

The National Oak Academy also has some good resources:

Life Cycle of a Plant

Parts and functions of a flower

For those of you who prefer to use printed sheets:

Activity Sheet Parts of a Flower

Activity Sheet Pollination Process

Activity Sheet Flower Dissection Mat


Maths for Friday 15th May

Year 3

Scaling is an important concept so here are some more questions to practise this concept:

Further Questions on Scaling

You may find it useful to rewatch the video

Year 4

You have a choice of worksheets today. It depends which area of this week’s learning you feel you would like to practise.





Year-4-Week-4 video links


English update for Thursday & Friday


You may remember that you wrote some wonderful non- chronological reports about Romans Soldiers in the Autumn term. I have been so impressed with how your writing skills have improved even more since then.

Your task for Thursday and Friday is to plan and write a non-chronological report about the Rain forest. You may choose whether you focus on plants or animals.

More detail of your writing task here:       Rainforest writing  

Example texts here:  Forests of Life – Why Rainforests Are Important page 1

Forests of Life – Why Rainforests Are Important page 2

You might find these videos useful to watch:

Virtual Field Trip to the Amazon

Sci show for kids

National Geographic

You probably won’t need them all for your writing but you might enjoy watching them…







Reading w/c 11th May

Please do continue to read for pleasure, listen to stories and share books with your family. There are lots of famous authors and actors sharing readings of books for free at the moment. It’s great to see such positive use of technology.

Here are some short texts with questions to check understanding and to practise answering the sorts of questions we look at in school:


This BBC Bitesize session practises the useful skills of expressing an opinion and summarising.

Dindy and the Elephant


Stone Age Artist Blyton




Stone Age Artist Pankhurst





English w/c 11th May

Hello Red class. It was lovely to be able to speak to some of you and your parents on the telephone last week. I hope you were able to enjoy VE day at home and are now well rested and ready for another week of home learning.

For English this week I have some activities and writing based on a book called the Kaypok tree. I was lucky enough to visit a rain forest last Christmas and even saw a Kaypok tree which reminded me of this book by Lynne Cherry.

I think this book has a beautiful pictures, interesting text and a thought provoking message.


Today we become familiar with the book and focus on verbs.

Kaypok tree Day 1


Today we are focusing on verb tenses especially the present perfect.

Kaypok Tree Day 2

Perfect Form Powerpoint with audio


Today we rehearse your use of the present perfect and write a postcard.

Kaypok Tree Day 3


Watch for new posts later in the week – non fiction writing Thursday and Friday.