Maths w/c 11th May

Welcome to another week of home maths learning. The weather forecast is not so good this week, so I have tried to include more active and practical indoor learning ideas as well as the usual videos and paper based learning.

Both Year groups could use this link which gives you some ideas on learning or practising your times tables whilst keeping active: BBC Super movers

Here is a 8 x “board” game: 8 times tables space race game

This week year 3 are practising and using BBC multiplication and division facts and skills.

Year 3  –

Year-3-Video links wc 11 May _ Summer Week 4

or click on Week 4 of this website   Video links   


Lesson 1 The 4 and 8 times-tables

Answers: Lesson 1  – Answers The 4 and 8 times-tables


Lesson 2 Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit

Answers: Lesson 2  – Answers Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit


Lesson 3 Divide 2-digits by 1-digit

Answers:Lesson 3  – Answers Divide 2-digits by 1-digit


Lesson 4 Scaling

Answers:   Lesson 4  – Answers Scaling

Year 4

Year-4-Week-4 video links

or click on Week 4 of this website  Video links


Lesson 1 Correspondence problems

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers Correspondence problems


Lesson 2 Perimeter of a rectangle

Answers :Lesson 2 Answers Perimeter of a rectangle


Lesson 3 Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Answers: Lesson 3 Answers Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Year 4 extra resources for Monday to Wednesday Lessons

These paper based resources follow the same topics and approach to maths as we do in school. The first lesson on Correspondence problems might be especially useful.

Year-4-Week-4-Maths – Home-Learning-Pack

Year-4-Week-4-Maths – Home-Learning-Pack-Guidance-and-Answers




English Update – The Rocketeer

  Narrow Escape 2     –  The Rocketeer

The film is set during WW2 and features a young boy who dreams of flying.   One day the peace of this small farming community is shattered by a police chase.

A tragedy is on the cards but luckily ‘The Rocketeer’ was on hand to save the day!

Today, I would like you to imagine you are the boy in the animation and write a recount of what happened that day.

The Rocketeer on Vimeo

The Rocketeer on Literacy Shed      

(For the Literacy Shed link you will need to scroll to the bottom – some of the other War and Peace Videos are aimed at slightly older children. I have given you two different links in case one website is running slowly.)

Here are some ideas for writing your recount successfully:

The Rocketeer



English w/c 4th May 2020

This week we are going to use two videos to support our writing. Both have a theme of Narrow Escapes, but they are very different.

Narrow Escape 1 – the Impala and the Leopard

We are going to practise our story telling skills using varied adverbials in different positions in our sentences using this video as a stimulus.


Narrow Escapes Day 1


Narrow Escapes Day 2

Powerpoint – Adverbials 1


Narrow Escapes Day 3


Narrow Escape 2 The Rocketeer – this is an animation with a WW2 link.

The Rocketeer on Vimeo

The Rocketeer on Literacy Shed      

(For the Literacy Shed link you will need to scroll to the bottom – some of the other War and Peace Videos are aimed at slightly older children. I have given you two different links in case one website is running slowly.)

I will post more learning guidance for using this later in the week.

What is special about this Bank Holiday?

The May Bank Holiday this year has been moved to Friday 8th May to mark the 75th Anniversary of V.E Day. We will commemorating 75 years since Victory in Europe.

Why not watch some of these video clips, read the comprehension then choose some of the activities?

VE Day  on  Espresso

BBC class clips  This short film explains what VE Day and VJ Day were, and the events that led to the end of the war.

KS2 VE Day Information PowerPoint.

VE day Reading comprehension (differentiated)

VE day inspired musical activities


Simple WW2 Spitfire Glider Activity Paper Craft

KS2 VE Day Themed Colouring Pages


Maths w/c 4.5.20

We are continuing to use the WhiteRose materials.

Year 4 – if you are not confident with money you might want to take a look at the year 3 materials. There will be a week with money learning for you in a few weeks – it will build on the Year 3 skills.

Year 3 – if you are keen to spend more time on maths and you are a really confident with your times table recall, then you might want to revise multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit using the year 4 Monday video and worksheet.

All – there will be no Maths and English on Friday

– it’s the May Bank holiday (VE day Anniversary)

Year 3- Money plus the three times table the topics this week.

Videos for the week – Year 3


Lesson 1 Convert pounds and pence

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers Convert pounds and pence 2019


Lesson 2 Add money

Answers: lesson 2 Answers Add money 2019


Lesson 3 Subtract money

Answers:Lesson 3 Answers Subtract money 2019


Lesson 4 The 3 times-table

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers The 3 times-table 2019

Year 4 – You have multiplication and division this week. This is something we have already covered, but it is an important area of Maths and we always planned to have some more time looking at it. 

Videos for the week – year 4

Monday – Lesson 1 Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit 2019

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit 2019

Tuesday – Lesson 2 Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit 2019

Answers: Lesson 2 Answers Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit 2019

Wednesday – Lesson 3 Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) 2019

Answers: Lesson 3 Answers Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) 2019

Thursday – Lesson 4 Divide 3-digits by 1-digit 2019

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers Divide 3-digits by 1-digit 2019





English – reading Monday 4th May

We have gentle start suggested for reading this week. BBC Bitesize have a lovely Reading activity Worst Witch. It’s mostly about the author’s choice of words and phrases, characters and predicting skills which are important objectives for both year 3 and 4.

More reading activities later.

Addition and Subtraction games now available on Rock Stars

We have added Numbots to our TimesTable Rock stars subscription for a trial.

This should be available when you log in to TTRockstars using your normal log in details. Numbots

This is designed to support fluency in mental addition and subtraction as well as numberbonds.

Don’t forget you can challenge your friends to tournaments in TTRockstars – allowing you to interact with your friends from school and maintain or improve your maths skills at the same time.


Year 4 Maths Thursday and Friday

Thursday – Money


Answers Thursday Y4-Summer-Block-2-ANS1-Pounds-and-pence-2020


Friday Y4-Summer-Block-2-WO2-Ordering-money-2020

Answers Friday -Y4-Summer-Block-2-ANS2-Ordering-money-2020

Feel free to look at the WhiteRose Friday challenge if you are feeling like the extra challenge….

Don’t forget to keep practising your times tables. As well as your times table Rock Stars are are lots of Apps and online games you can play. Have fun whilst you learn independently!