Spellings for 25.09.23

This weeks’ words are from the statutory word list but have been grouped so that most of them have a common pattern.

Group 1: eight, weight, height

Group 2: eight, eighth, reign, height, weight, therefore

Group 3: eight, eighth, reign, height, weight, history, therefore

Red spellings 15.09.23

This week’s spellings have the sound /ze/ spelled ‘sure’. Words with endings that sound like /ze/, as in measure, are always spelled with ‘-sure’.

Group 1: sure, unsure, unsure, treasure, measure

Group 2: sure, unsure, treasure, measure, pleasure

Group 3: pleasure, treasure, measure, closure, enclosure, leisure


Red class update!

It has been a good week in Red class. The Year 4 children have welcomed the new Year 3 and all have enjoyed re-establishing friendships!

Mrs Harper-Jones is teaching in Red class on Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. Mrs Derrer teaches in Red on Fridays. Mrs Colin-Stokes is the TA in class.

PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays for Red class this term. Mr Bennett from the sports partnership is teaching gymnastics on a Friday.

We encourage our children to do as much reading as possible at home. Reading diaries are collected on a Friday and merits are awarded if we can see that children have been reading daily. Please sign your child’s diary if you hear them as they can gain merits weekly for this!

Spellings are given out on a Friday and the test is the following week. This week, please encourage your child to learn as many spellings as they can.

Have a good weekend!

Spellings – 8.09.23

Image result for Spelling

In Red class, we have new spellings on a Friday and a test on the following Friday. This week, we have set words from the Year 3/4 Statutory word list. Please see how many words your child can learn.

Year 3- accident, accidentally, actual, actually (challenge words – believe, bicycle)

Year 4 – accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle, business, caught


Thank you Red class!

We are really proud of you all Red class. You have made great progress with your learning and been a fabulous group. We hope you all have a great summer! Let’s hope we all see a bit of sunshine!

Happy summer holidays vector illustration with beach sand ...

A BIG thank you to everyone for our end of year gifts and cards. You have all been so generous and we really do appreciate it.

From All in Red – Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Glendenning and Mrs Dark.

Red Class spellings for 10.07.23

This week we are revising some words from the Year 3 and 4 statutory word list. We will be looking at 3/4 each day and seeing how many they can remember next Friday. Please don’t worry if your child can’t remember or learn all of them.

Group 1: sentence, special, straight, strange

Groups 2 and 3: remember, sentence, separate, special, straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise, therefore, though

Our presentation about our visit to the Hindu Temple

Following their visit on Monday to the Hindu Temple, Red Class created a wonderful presentation to share with Yellow Class as we have been learning about special places in R.E. Yellow Class listened intently as every child in Red Class stood up to speak, sharing all that they had learnt on their visit. We were so impressed and the children asked some great questions which Red Class were able to answer with confidence.

Red class visit to Balaji Temple

We had a fabulous trip to the Balaji Temple. They made us very welcome and we had a lovely tour of the buildings: shrines and main hall. This reinforced the children’s previous learning on Hinduism and they could answer several questions. The children were respectful and listened with great interest. 

Red class visit to the Hindu Temple

We are looking forward to the trip on Monday 3rd July.

Children need to wear their school uniform. Girls can wear cycle shorts under their dresses/skirts. It is likely we will be required to take our shoes off so they must have socks and shoes or socks and trainers on please.  All children to bring a water bottle. We have some plain biscuits to take as a snack during the morning. Lunch will be eaten on our return to school.

Please send children with a raincoat as there are showers forecast!

Thank you