Home Learning – English – Poetry

Over the next three days I have chosen a unit of work on poetry from Oak Academy looking at The Listeners by Walter De La Mare. The videos outline the different tasks that I would like you to complete and you can do these on paper.

Wednesday 6th January 

Please could you look at the videos for lessons 1 and 2

Thursday 7th January 

Please could you look at the videos for lessons 3 and 4

Friday 8th January

Please could you look at the video for lesson 5




Home Learning

Good Afternoon Red Class,

After hearing the announcement last night about the closure of schools I am sure that lots of you will be disappointed that you won’t be in school for a while. I am disappointed not to be welcoming you back today as normal and will miss seeing you. I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am currently working on lots of home learning tasks for you and will post these on to the website today in the homework section as usual, some of you may have already seen that I posted some Maths and English tasks for today.

Keeping checking the website for updates and I will look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow morning.

Please take care and keep safe

Mrs Harper-Jones

Homework 3.12.20

For homework this week I have set you some English and Maths activities on Classroom Secrets Kids. All the activities are linked to the learning we have been doing in class this week. English is looking at punctuating speech and Maths is looking at the 8 times table for year 3 and the 7 times table for year 4.

Year 3


The speech punctuation game activity

Punctuating direct speech


The 8 times table game

Divide by 8 game


Year 4


Recognising speech

Speech punctuation game activity


7 times table and division facts game

7 times table and division facts maths challenge

Multiply and divide by 7 maths challenge


Hope you enjoy the activities!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Red Class Homework 27.11.20

This week your child has been set some English homework on Purple Mash. If you have any problems with this or your child is not able to access the homework online, please let us know on Monday. This needs to be completed by Wednesday 2nd December.

Year 4 have ‘Campsite Jim’ (this might appear twice but that that is an error – you only need to do it once!) and ‘Day Out’. These are both revision of fronted adverbials.

Year 3 have ‘Day Out’ (revision of fronted adverbials) and  ‘Alien Time’  which is revision of conjunctions.

Fronted adverbials tell you how, when, where or how often something happens e.g.

Before breakfast, I went for a run.

All of a sudden, Helen rushed out of the room.


Red Class (Times Tables)

By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to recall multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12 x 12. We will focus on a different table each week. It would be very helpful if you could help your child to learn their tables. They need to say them over and be able to recall the facts out of order too. There is a new national tables check which will take place at the end of Year 4 which starts this year.

We know that some children are already proficient with their tables but we will be doing some extra work on specific ones and these are outlined below. Don’t worry if your child already knows them as we will be extending them.

Week 1 – 14.09.20    x3

Week 2 -21.09.20   x6

Week 3 – 28.09.20    x4

Week 4 – 6.10.20  x8

Week 5 – 12.10.20  mixed tables

Don’t forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars too!


Week commencing 13.7.20

As all children from years 3 and 4 have been invited into school this week there will not be any formal work set. However, I have added some links to useful websites for ideas for English and Science activities which you can have a go at.

 STEM Science activities

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons 

English activities – Literacy Trust ages 5-8

English activities – Literacy Trust ages 9-12

Twinkl home learning activities

For reading there is a nice summer challenge on the Reading Agency website which I have put the links for below:

Summer reading challenge – information about the challenge 

Summer reading challenge – join the challenge

For Maths please continue to practise your times tables and mental maths skills using TT Rockstars and Numbots as they are so important. I have also added some end of year essential skill expectation worksheets for you to have a go at to help you in your preparation for next year.

Year 3 essential end of year expectation skill sheets

Year 4 essential end of year expectation skill sheets