English w/c 8th June

This week for English we would like you to look at The King of The Fishes by Jo Pearce. It is a new resource we have looked at which builds up to a structured piece of writing and we have broken the activities down by day. The talk for writing approach is how we structure our lessons in school. As usual feedback is always useful.



We would like you to look at and complete the activities from the beginning of the pack up to the bottom of page 10 looking at reading the story and understanding vocabulary.


Re read the story and then complete the spelling and grammar activities from page 11 up to the bottom of page 13


Complete the activities from page 14 up to the bottom of page 19, planning and beginning to write the first section of your own story.


Complete the second and third sections of your story using the guidance from page 20 up to where it says ‘fifth section’ on page 21.


Complete the fifth and final sections of your story using the guidance from pages 21 and 22.

If you would like to create your own mini book on paper there are instructions at the end of the pack for you to follow to do this.

This is a word document of the instructions above for you to print out if you want to do this:

The King of The Fishes activities

Talk for Writing Home School activity booklet:

The King of The Fishes


Red Reading – English w/c 8 June

This week we would like you to look at ‘Garden Birds’ for your reading comprehension.

Please could Blyton look at the one star sheets, Donaldson look at the two star sheets and Welford and Pankhurst look at the three star sheets.

Garden Birds Guided Reading activity sheets


Science w/c 8 June

This week we are looking at Shadows. Click on the link below to watch the videos from Espresso about ‘shadows’ and ‘opaque, translucent and transparent.’ Once you have watched the videos, you can have a go at carrying out the experiment. Remember to write about the experiment and draw some diagrams of what you did.



Can you make shadows?

What you will need
Torch or other source of light
Paper screen or wall
Objects made of different materials.

What to do
Find out what kind of materials block the light to make a shadow.
Write about the experiment and put your results in a table.
Draw a labelled diagram.

Some of the objects will have formed shadows and some not.
Can you sort the objects into these categories or groups opaque, transparent, translucent?

As an extra activity, you could use your knowledge from your experiment to create a shadow puppet show.


We are continuing to look at Coastal Regions for our Topic work. I would like you to think about and discuss the names of as many coastal tourist destinations as you can both in the UK and around the world.

Can you find twenty of the major coastal tourist destinations in the UK and around the world and add them to the maps I have attached below for you. You can use the internet to help you find them on your maps and you may like to do some extra reading about the destinations and choose one to create a poster about.

Blank UK Map

Blank World Map



Again this is an extra activity like the Art if you would like to have a go at it. The activity is looking at how to say different types of weather in French. Here is a link to a video on Espresso looking at different types of weather:


There is also a useful powerpoint from Twinkl you could have a look at:

French weather powerpoint

Once you have had a look at the video and the powerpoint have a go at this worksheet from Twinkl

Draw the Weather

You could also have a go at creating your own poster in French about different types of weather if you would like to.



I am uploading this as an extra activity for you to have a go at if you would like to. It is looking at making your own animated flip book. I have attached a BBC Bitesize video for you to watch before you have a go at creating your books.



Maths -Friday 5th June

There are no new videos for Friday this week. Instead, I have attached a consolidation packs each for year 3 and year 4. These are reasoning and problems solving.

For year 3 these use the addition and subtraction skills you have been looking at this week and last.  Year-3-Addition-and-Subtraction-pulling it all together

For year 4, these use some of the fraction skills you have looked at both in school and in your home learning this week. Year-4-Fractions – pulling it all together

As usual, we love your feedback and news – it really helps us with planning. If there are any areas of maths you feel you need to go back over, please let us know.

Topic – Coastal Regions

Our Topic this half term is Coastal Regions. We are going to begin by looking at coastal features. I have attached two links to videos from Espresso that you can watch and then make notes about on the website.

Natural Features


Man Made Features



Red Reading – English w/c 1 June

This week we have a reading comprehension related to our Geography topic: coasts.

Blyton Coasts

Donaldson _ Coasts

Welford and Pankhurst _ Coasts

In addition, these two lessons from BBC Bitesize address important year 3/4 objectives: how the author creates humour and uses dialogue – both are read and presented by famous people.

Mr Gum lesson    

  • Looks at humour and dialogue

Charlie changes into a chicken

  • Looks at the choice of words to create humour