Red class home learning 28.01.22

Good morning to any home learners in Red c;lass.

Today, you could do a spelling test on last weeks -ure words.

We are writing paragraphs 5 and 6 of our story today. If you have been doing yours at home, bring it in on Monday as we are editing it then.

Maths Arithmetic




In RE, we have been learning about Judaism. We are looking at how Rosh Hashana leads into Yom Kippur. Look at the links and find out about Yom Kippur.

Have a go at this reading comprehension


You could produce your own information file if you prefer.



Home Learning Science- Year 5 and 6 -Tuesday 25th January

Year 5 and 6 will continue to learn about forces this week – if you are having to learn at home you can use these links.

Last week the lesson with Mrs Davies was about learnt about gravity, weight, mass Mass weight gravity  and Issac Newton Sir Isaac Newton

This week they will complete the investigation into Forces and elastic bands which they planned 10th January, they will also learn about Air resistance and plan a new investigation into the best size for a paracute.

These lessons from Oak Academy will help those learning at home to learn about the same objectives in our curriculum:

How can we measure forces?

What are non contact forces?


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Clothes for Red Class performance

This week we will be filming our class performance of ‘A Cracking Christmas.’ The children will need the following clothing to wear for their scenes:

Opening scene/Manger scene 

Own clothes

School Scene 

School uniform with a Christmas jumper and head boppers etc for a Christmas party (if the children have any, it is not a requirement) and a Santa hat for Santa.

Christmas Shopping Scene 

Own clothes and a Santa hat and Christmas jumper for Santa

Christmas Eve Scene 

Pyjamas, dressing gown, onesie, slippers

Christmas Day Scene 

Party wear


We will be filming on Thursday morning so if clothes could come in on Thursday morning with the children that would be great.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Harper-Jones



Hi Red class,

We wanted to thank you all for being a great class. You have tried hard over a really strange year of disrupted learning. Thank you for the lovely messages and gifts.

The summer holiday can feel like a long time so here are some ideas for things you can do if you find yourselves with a free day! Parents- a lot of the children found the unit on time very tricky. We find this is one skill that parents can really help with. They need to know both analogue and digital (12 and 24 hour clock times). It would be great if you could show them how many minutes past and the the next hour it is as you go through the day. Visuals box

Don’t forget to try and learn/remember as many as you can of the year 3/4 word list.


You could keep a holiday diary. You could add pictures and objects of interest as a reminder.

Here are some ideas for maths activites




Happy holidays everyone!

au revoir!

From Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes



Last Friday of Remote Learning

Hello everyone in Red class,

This is the last RE and French I am posting because next Friday, we will all be together.

Following on from Palm Sunday, what do you know about Maundy Thursday?

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter. Christians remember it as the day of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist.

The night of Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The name ‘Maundy‘ is derived from a latin word,

meaning a commandment. Jesus Christ, at the Last Supper, commanded:

And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.‘ John 13:34

People wore open sandals in Jesus’ time and feet would have been dirty and smelly due to the dusty roads. Would you let someone you loved deeply clean something really filthy? Why not? What would be the equivalent today? Why did Jesus wash their feet? What can we learn about serving others from Jesus’ example? What grotty jobs do we do to serve others – perhaps family members? How does it feel and why do we do it?

In England, the custom of washing feet by the Monarch was carried out until 1689. Up until then the King or Queen would wash the feet of the poor on Maundy Thursday in Westminster Abbey. Food and clothing were also handed out to the poor.

In Britain today, the Queen follows a very traditional role of giving Maundy Money to a group of pensioners. The tradition of the Sovereign giving money to the poor dates from the 13th century, from the reign of Edward I.

Watch the short clip on this page which shows the Queen giving out Maundy money.

Here is a sheet which you can fill in. The word ‘service’ is written down the side and you can use each letter to write a sentence about Maundy Thursday.

French – Bonjour!

Last week, you learnt to say the months of the year. This week, you will be learning to say the month your birthday is in. The lesson is from Oak Academy and I hope you enjoy following it.